1 research outputs found

    Metarregulated Learning Scale (MRL) in university students

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la validez de constructo de la escala de aprendizaje metarregulado (AMR) en estudiantes universitarios. Se desarroll贸 con 430 estudiantes universitarios en educaci贸n virtual de Lima, utilizando los paquetes estad铆sticos SPSS v26, AMOS v24 y el R-Project v.1.2, y aportando evidencia psicom茅trica del proceso de validaci贸n. Se realiz贸 an谩lisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio; el an谩lisis de fiabilidad y validez de constructo final se realiz贸 a partir del c谩lculo de las medidas del alfa de Cronbach, coeficiente Omega y coeficiente Theta. Los resultados constatan la estructura original de cinco factores, aunque con menos elementos que la versi贸n primaria; finalmente se obtiene un instrumento de 20 铆tems que comprende 5 dimensiones calificadas; el mismo se ofrece a la comunidad cient铆fica y educativa con el 谩nimo de contribuir a entender mejor el aprendizaje de los estudiantes universitarios, dinamizado desde procesos de colaboraci贸n, metarreflexi贸n, metacognici贸n, autorregulaci贸n y cognici贸n.The study aimed to determine the construct validity of the metaregulated learning scale (AMR) in university students. It was developed with 430 university students in virtual education in Lima, using the statistical packages SPSS v26, AMOS v24 and R-Project v.1.2, and providing psychometric evidence of the validation process. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed; the reliability and validity analysis of the final construct was performed from the calculation of the Cronbach's alpha, Omega coefficient and Theta coefficient measures. The results confirm the original structure of five factors, although with fewer elements than the primary version; Finally, a 20-item instrument is obtained that includes 5 qualified dimensions; It is offered to the scientific and educational community with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the learning of university students, dynamized from processes of collaboration, meta-reflection, metacognition, self-regulation and cognition