13 research outputs found

    Settlement-Territorial Identity

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    Belonging to groups is an integral part of our lives. We can interpret this to our narrower environment (family, friends, workplace), or in the extended space, to our cities and regions. These bonds only exist as long as the members consider the relationship valuable and important. Binding to a group is called identity. A research was carried out in 2017 in which we interviewed the decision makers of Central European cities about territorial identity. In this study we intend to interpret identity primarily on a territorial basis. Furthermore, we examine the elements of settlement identity, find good practices according to settlement affiliation and present the research results. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Measuring Work and Environmental Culture as Part of the Internal CSR

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    Corporate social responsibility is an approach that supports sustainable business operations. Among the elements of the CSR concept (leadership, employees, environment, society, product and service) inward activities are examined in the present study based on the aspects of employee safety and working environment. Examining environmental and occupational safety culture helps the leadership to uncover the areas to be developed in strategy planning. Employee satisfaction, safety and the adequate working conditions are important to have motivated and committed workforce. Currently in the labor market the employees\u27 decision is affected not only by the wage and career opportunities, but also by the working environment and the operational view of the company. We developed an evaluation criteria system for assessing work and environmental culture. In this paper, the results of the measurements are presented that were conducted among the employees of a big corporation. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    A Corporate Sustainable Responsibility Management Tool that Supports the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Nowadays, not only large companies are addressing the issue of sustainability, but the importance of the topic has also been widespread in politics, media and society. Attention is focused on climate change and thus on environmental issues, although sustainable development covers a wider topic area. As reflected in the United Nations\u27 Sustainable Development Goals, it encompasses global issues, with priorities changing across countries and cultures. Each business, institution and municipality should support these goals to the best of its ability, following local characteristics and needs. Sustainable development deals with the causes and causes effects and the economic results derived from them in the context of global objectives, while the corporate sustainable responsibility (CSR) approach responds to the problems arising in the local space and the micro-environment of enterprises by involving their stakeholders. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a particularly important role to play in promoting CSR as they are connected with local communities, being aware of local characteristics and problems, and serving as an example and motivator to their stakeholders for responsible and sustainable operations, active social engagement and value creation. The purpose of this study is to show how our management tool (CSR EMAT) supports the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    \u27Orodje za upravljanje in ocenjevanje odličnosti družbene odgovornosti podjetij\u27 EMAT je priložnost za odgovorno odločanje

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    Corporate social responsibility is an expected behaviour in Western countries, but the approach still does not have a clear interpretation in Hungary. As a result of the increasing prestige of the CSR approach, socially responsible thinking and action also are expected from the companies operating in Hungary. Company executives carry out CSR activities in many cases – but not consciously. The objective of this research therefore was the development of a guidance and evaluation criteria that can support managers in responsible decision-making and applying the CSR approach to a strategic level. On the other hand, this management tool allows the measurement of CSR excellence in companiestherefore, they become comparable in their CSR performance, which offers opportunities for further research. The study presents the development of CSR EMAT and the results achieved through the measurements.Družbena odgovornost podjetij je pričakovano ravnanje v zahodnih državah, vendar še vedno nima jasne opredelitve na Madžarskem. Zaradi vse večjega ugleda družbeno odgovornega pristopa podjetij se pričakujeta tudi družbeno odgovorno razmišljanje in delovanje podjetij, ki delujejo na Madžarskem. Vodstva podjetij v številnih primerih izvajajo dejavnosti družbene odgovornosti podjetij, vendar se tega niti ne zavedajo. Zato je bil cilj te raziskave razvoj smernic in ocenjevalnih kriterijev, ki lahko pomagajo menedžerjem pri odgovornem odločanju in uporabi družbeno odgovornega pristopa podjetij na strateški ravni. Po drugi strani pa to menedžersko orodje omogoča merjenje odličnosti družbene odgovornosti podjetij in primerjavo njihove uspešnosti, kar ponuja priložnosti za nadaljnje raziskave. Študija predstavlja razvoj orodja za upravljanje in ocenjevanje odličnosti družbene odgovornosti podjetij in rezultate, dosežene z meritvami

    Spremembe v odgovornostih in nalogah univerz v regionalnih inovacijskih ekosistemih

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    Innovation process research is changing. In addition to the former territorial approach (examining countries or regions), the description of innovation cooperation in local areas is becoming more and more accepted. Instead of the innovation ability of the traditional large enterprises, research has begun to study the role of small and medium-sized enterprises, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and educational institutions (especially universities), which foreshadows the development of a new innovation system. In 2015, we conducted a study focusing on the civil and corporate relations of a major university. We tried to determine the new directions based on the economic and social cooperation as well as to search for the practical implementation of the theoretical helixes in these interactions. We came to the conclusion that universities not only are determinative according to the triple helix model but also have a prominent role in the creation of new innovation ecosystems, particularly in a well-defined geographical area.Raziskovanje inovacijskega procesa se spreminja, saj postaja poleg predhodnega teritorialnega pristopa (proučevanje držav in najmanj regij) opis inovacijskega sodelovanja v lokalnih območjih vse bolj sprejet. Namesto inovacijske sposobnosti tradicionalnih velikih podjetij se je začelo proučevanje vloge malih in srednje velikih podjetij, nevladnih organizacij, lokalnih vlad, izobraževalnih institucij – še posebej univerz, kar nakazuje razvoj novega inovacijskega sistema. V letu 2015 je bila izvedena študija, v kateri smo se osredotočili na projekt civilnih in korporacijskih odnosov glavne univerze. Poskušali smo določiti nove usmeritve, ki temeljijo na ekonomskem in družbenem sodelovanju, kot tudi poiskati praktično uporabo teoretičnih helixov v teh interakcijah. Prišli smo do zaključka, da univerze niso samo deterministične glede na trojni model helix, temveč imajo tudi ugledno vlogo v ustvarjanju novega inovacijskega ekosistema, še posebej v zelo dobro opredeljenem geografskem območju

    Značilnosti inovacij v regijah z majhnimi in srednje velikimi mesti

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    Globalisation “takes” its victims, which the authors believe means that the future of small- and medium-sized towns has become uncertain in Europe. The role of centres is continuously increasing, and most researchers prefer to analyse the competitiveness and innovativeness of metropolitan areas. In this study, we characterise the small- and medium-sized towns in the central–eastern European region as well as explore their possible development path. The authors are convinced that one way for these towns to survive is through strengthening of innovation abilities, which means increasing the innovation performances of economic stakeholders and new forms of interaction among other institutions in order to handle social problems. The theoretical starting point is the interpretation and presentation of the micropolitan (without big towns) regions as well as understanding the concept of technological and social innovation. As the result of the research, the innovation measurements carried out in some of the settlements will be represented. These experiences can help the small- and medium-sized towns keep up with global competition and cancel migration and erosion of intellectual potential.Globalizacija zahteva svoje žrtve, kar po mnenju avtorjev pomeni negotovo prihodnost majhnih in srednje velikih mest v Evropi. Vloga centrov se nenehno povečuje, večina raziskovalcev raje analizira konkurenčnost in inovativnost metropolitanskih območij. V tej študiji nameravamo opredeliti majhna in srednje velika mesta v regiji Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope ter raziskati njihovo možno pot razvoja. Avtorji so prepričani, da je eden od načinov preživetja teh mest krepitev inovacijskih sposobnosti, kar pomeni povečanje inovacijske uspešnosti gospodarskih subjektov in nove oblike interakcij med drugimi institucijami za reševanje družbenih problemov. Teoretično izhodišče sta interpretacija in predstavitev mikropolitanskih regij (brez velikih mest), pa tudi razumevanje koncepta tehnoloških in družbenih inovacij. Kot rezultat raziskave bo predstavljeno merjenje, povezano z inovacijami, v nekaterih naseljih. Te izkušnje lahko pomagajo majhnim in srednje velikim mestom, da lahko sledijo globalni konkurenci in prekinejo migracije ter erozijo intelektualnega potenciala

    Changes in Responsibilities and Tasks of Universities in Regional Innovation Ecosystems

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    Innovation process research is changing. In addition to the former territorial approach (examining countries or regions), the description of innovation cooperation in local areas is becoming more and more accepted. Instead of the innovation ability of the traditional large enterprises, research has begun to study the role of small and medium-sized enterprises, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and educational institutions (especially universities), which foreshadows the development of a new innovation system. In 2015, we conducted a study focusing on the civil and corporate relations of a major university. We tried to determine the new directions based on the economic and social cooperation as well as to search for the practical implementation of the theoretical helixes in these interactions. We came to the conclusion that universities not only are determinative according to the triple helix model but also have a prominent role in the creation of new innovation ecosystems, particularly in a well-defined geographical area

    Characteristics of Innovation in Regions with Small- and Medium-Sized Towns

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    Globalisation “takes” its victims, which the authors believe means that the future of small- and medium-sized towns has become uncertain in Europe. The role of centres is continuously increasing, and most researchers prefer to analyse the competitiveness and innovativeness of metropolitan areas. In this study, we characterise the small- and medium-sized towns in the central–eastern European region as well as explore their possible development path. The authors are convinced that one way for these towns to survive is through strengthening of innovation abilities, which means increasing the innovation performances of economic stakeholders and new forms of interaction among other institutions in order to handle social problems. The theoretical starting point is the interpretation and presentation of the micropolitan (without big towns) regions as well as understanding the concept of technological and social innovation. As the result of the research, the innovation measurements carried out in some of the settlements will be represented. These experiences can help the small- and medium-sized towns keep up with global competition and cancel migration and erosion of intellectual potential

    Redefined Innovation Ecosystem Promoting the Innovation Activities of the Hungarian Enterprises

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    Recognizing the global technological, societal and economical megatrends and challenges, national innovation systems have to be restructured to be more open and flexible. The European Union, its member states, including Hungary have to react as the competitiveness on regional and national level is deteriorating constantly compared to other leading regions in the world. New goals, tools and methods have to be implemented on national level as well. The Hungarian government targets to reshape the national innovation ecosystem with the aim to be more reflexive, sustainable and competitive. The actors (including universities, research centres and enterprises) have to redefine their roles and cooperate on a mutually beneficial basis. A redefined innovation ecosystem is planned to develop according to the Quintuple Helix which is not only a theoretical model but a functioning system. This study presents the steps the Hungarian government did toward an open innovation regulatory system, its RDI strategy as well as the results of our latest research conducted among Hungarian enterprises focusing on their innovation activities. The results show in what aspects the new strategy can support the needs of the businesses. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p