11 research outputs found

    Memupuk kematangan berpolitik di Malaysia

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    ISTILAH kepimpinan dalam politik demokrasi Malaysia merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang sentiasa dinanti-nantikan oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang sentiasa teruja dan berminat untuk mengetahui dan mengikuti perkembangan terkini politik Malaysia


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    Abstract: The Indonesian Islam: Law and the Ideological Perspective. This article is aimed at exploring the development of Islam in Indonesia with particular references to the ideological perspective and its impact on Islamic law. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were two ideologies in Indonesian Muslims. The first ideology believes that the consistence with traditions is very important while the other believes that Islamic teachings are able to change according to time and place. Although having difference in orientation, both ideologies devoted themselves to social, religious and political activities. In political sphere, however, both ideologies, were faced with secular nationalist ideology. Such a competition ended with a failure that made Indonesian Muslims receding into the background. After realizing of the failure in politics, both ideologies turn their orientation to cultural Islam. Through this orientation, peaceful and mutual understanding between Muslims and state began to grow. Subsequently, the government, especially New Order regime, identified itself with the religious activities and opened a chance to promote Islamic values. It was from such a relationship that the Islamic law gradually developed in Indonesia. Abstrak: Islam Indonesia: Perspektif Ideologis dan Hukum. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap perkembangan Islam di Indonesia dengan titik berat pada aspek ideologis dan pengaruhnya pada hukum Islam. Seperti dimaklumi, sejak awal abad ke-dua puluh, ada dua bentuk ideologi yang hidup di kalangan umat Islam Indonesia; Ideologi pertama percaya bahwa konsistensi dengan tradisi sangatlah penting sementara ideologi yang lain percaya bahwa ajaran Islam dapat berubah sesuai dengan tempat dan waktu. Meski berbeda orientasi, kedua ideologi tersebut sebenarnya sama-sama memiliki kepedulian terhadap dunia politik. Di dunia politik, kedua ideologi itu, dengan karakternya masing-masing, kemudian berhadapan dengan ideologi nasionalis sekuler. Kompetisi itu yang kemudian berujung kepada kegagalan dan membuat perkembangan umat Islam di Indonesia surut ke belakang. Setelah gagal dalam bidang politik, kedua ideologi tersebut mengubah orientasi mereka menjadi Islam kultural. Melalui orientasi ini, sikap saling memahami mulai terbangun antara antara umat Islam dan pemerintah. Bahkan, pada tahapan berikutnya, pemerintah, khususnya rezim Orde Baru, mengidentifikasikan dirinya dengan kegiatan keagamaan dan memberikan kesempatan untuk mempromosikan nilai-nilai Islam. Lewat hubungan yang demikian itulah hukum Islam di Indonesia secara berangsur-angsur berkembang

    The idea about imperialism in Japanese animation films

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    This article explores the representation of war in Japanese animation films and its impact on society.This study advances the understanding of the portrayal of war in Japanese animation films as well as the role of animation films in depicting important historical events. The films selected are Barefoot Gen (Hadashi no Gen, 1983), Barefoot Gen 2 (Hadashi no Gen 2, 1986), Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no Haka, 1988), Girl in Summer Dresses (Natsufuku no Shoujo-tachi, 1988), and Kayoko’s Diary – Who’s Left Behind (Ushiro no Shomen Daare, 1991). The examination of these films reveals the socio-political implications of war pertaining to the Japanese involvement in World War II. The findings show that the war atrocities perpetrated by the Imperial Japan are condemned by the strong portrayal of devastation and deprivation faced by innocent civilians on the home front. The article concludes that in addition to being a form of art, animation films also act as a social commentary and a medium to provoke positive social change in the society at large

    Teori permainan dan aplikasi strategi kuasa untuk memikat pengundi dalam PRU 14

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    Kuasa politik yang stabil boleh membantu sebuah kerajaan yang sah untuk mengekalkan kestabilan ekonomi dan keharmonian social sesebuah negara. Manakala kuasa politik yang terumbang ambing membawa kepada ketidakstabilan ekonomi yang menjadikan kuasa yang dimiliki pudar dan hilang hingga mengakibatkan peralihan kuasa secara demokrasi mahupun secara kekerasan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memahami kuasa politik yang digunakan serta permainan politik oleh parti politik utama di Malaysia, BN dan PR/PH. Kaedah analisis teori permainan digunakan untuk menjelaskan strategi politik yang dipilih oleh BN dan PR/PH. Hasil analisis mendapati kuasa politik yang digunakan oleh BN adalah kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH menggunakan kuasa lembut yang berteraskan persepsi berbanding BN yang menggunakan paksaan menerusi kuasa yang dimiliki. Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan analisis Teori Permainan, BN menggunakan teori permainan dengan gabungan kuasa keras dan pintar manakala PR/PH pula menggunakan teori permainan yang menggabungkan kuasa lembut dan pintar dalam dua PRU yang lepas. Perincian kajian dinyatakan dalam artikel kajian ini

    A game theory and application of power strategy to attract voters in GE 14

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    A Stable political power can help a legitimate government to maintain the economic stability, and social harmonious of the country. On the contrary, instability of a political power of a country may influence the economic uncertainty due to internal biolence, rebel and distruption of power. This could result in losing the democratic transition of power. This study was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of the political power and the political game practiced by the key political parties in Malaysia namely, BN and PR/PH. Game theory analytical method was utilised to explain the political strategies of both parties. The findings of this study revealed that the political power used by BN was Hard Power whereas PR/PH adopted soft power which is based on perception compared to BN that implemented coercive methods of legislation. As the conclusion based on the analysis of game theory BN had applied the game theory that combined hard and smart political power, while on the other hand, PR/PH had utilised combined soft and smart political power in the previous two GEs. Keduadua parti politik, BN dan PR/PH mengamalkan pendekatan teori permainan yang berbeza. Both of the political parties, BN and PR/PH practiced a different game theory approach

    Impak satira politik terhadap internet trolling di Malaysia

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    Political satire of the internet trolling has been growing in Malaysia. Malaysians seek political information news using new media because they are easy to access and free. Internet trolling can be found in the form of pictures (memes) or recording. This phenomena has taken place in any types of social media. Most of the internet trolling reflected on the political leaders as the satire material. Hence, this article focuses on the effectiveness of political troll in shaping the opinion towards the political leaders. Qualitative content of analysis has been carried on the new media. The comments from Facebook users has been used as unit of an analysis. The findings have found that political troll is a medium among the users to participate in political communication. Thus, theory of mobilization supported the research findings on the function of political troll that provides an indicator of users political knowledge. The study has found that political knowledge among the users through their political trolling on the social media. Interestingly, the trend of trolling in Malaysia has shaped the new phenomenon of social media usage. However, the analysis on each trolling discussed are based on the type of political trolling such as the image of the leaders, theme and concept used

    Satira politik: analisis Internet trolling di Malaysia

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    Satira politik merupakan satu bentuk komunikasi politik terdiri daripada pelbagai jenis. Satira politik melalui pendekatan Internet trolling pula dilihat semakin berkembang di Malaysia. Internet trolling boleh didapati dalam bentuk gambar (memes) atau rakaman (video) dan merupakan salah satu medium yang menarik digunakan dalam media sosial sebagai alat menyampaikan maklumat. Fenomena ini telah menular dalam kebanyakan aplikasi media sosial. Internet trolling seringkali digunakan terhadap para pemimpin politik sebagai bahan sindiran. Fenomena ini semakin rancak kerana rakyat kini dilihat cenderung untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan berita politik menggunakan media baharu. Ini kerana medium ini mudah untuk diakses dan lebih bebas. Artikel ini memberi tumpuan kepada penyertaan pengguna media sosial dalam komunikasi politik berbentuk satira. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah berdasarkan sorotan kajian yang terbatas dan pembacaan teori mobilisasi sosial dan teori penggunaan dan kepuasan media. Analisis kualitatif kandungan pula dipilih sebagai metodologi kajian. Media sosial Facebook menjadi medium analisis manakala komenkomen pengguna Facebook digunakan sebagai unit analisis. Kajian ini merumuskan bahawa fenomena trolling politik dalam media sosial menjadi indikator bahawa corak kebebasan bersuara dalam kalangan masyarakat kian berubah. Sungguhpun trolling politik yang selama ini tersebar melalui pelbagai aplikasi media sosial ini dilihat agak keterlaluan, namun pemimpin-pemimpin ini masih meneruskan tugas masing-masing tanpa menghiraukan bahan satira yang keterlaluan tersebut

    Generation Y’s political participation and social media in Malaysia

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    This paper attempts to study the role of Generation Y in expressing their problems, engaging the government through the media especially the social media, and in deciding and voicing their views in the ballot box during the 2008 and 2013 general elections. Generation Y has utilized the social media after the traditional media, like the print and broadcasting media, give them limited space for them to engage with the government and the oppositions Therefore, a survey had been conducted in studying the perception of Generation Y towards media and political participation. This research was able to gather 1,029 respondents from the age 15 till 25 years old. In overall, the findings show that this generation was a little bit sceptical on the new media but they believe that the new media can be the best tool for the youth to engage more with the government. Therefore, it is clear that the result of the survey election is in line with the importance of social media and Generation Y in dominating the public sphere in Malaysia

    Enhancing the Marginalized Youth Media Participation Through Formation of a Nation Building Action Plan with Intervention Study Design

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    Malaysian marginalized youth participation in nation building through various media platforms is low. Therefore, an action plan was developed to enhance the social, political and economic participation of youth in marginalized communities through media utilization. The action plan consists of target items and approaches to conduct activities. Eight media-participation-related modules were also tested in an intervention study. The modules were targeted at increasing the level of youth media, social and political participation. Various agencies such as the Malaysian Youth Council, were involved to help realize the plan aims. Results from the stakeholders’ reviews indicated that more efforts have to be carried out to expose these youth to good practices in the use of social media for participation purposes. The findings also concluded that this action plan is well-formed, can serve as a guide, allows integration of cultural harmony and offers empowerment to the youth