36 research outputs found

    Apa Selepas Haji

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    Musim haji kini melabuhkan tirainya. Rata-rata yang telah menyempurnakan ibadah haji pada tahun ini amat bersyukur kerana direzekikan Allah SWT peluang untuk melunaskan tanggungjawab mengerjakan haji. Cabaran mengerjakan haji ketika di tanah suci sudah diharungi dengan penuh keimanan

    GIGvaganza ke Mersing

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    ‘Get into Grammar’ Vaganza atau lebih dikenali sebagai GIGvaganza merupakan salah satu program yang tidak asing lagi di Pusat Bahasa Moden (PBM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). Ia telah melangkah setapak lagi apabila UMP Advanced (UMPA) memohon program GIGvaganza ini diteruskan di Mersing, Johor di bawah Program Yayasan PETRONAS empower ECER. Program sehari itu berjaya dianjurkan pada 6 Disember 2022 bertempat di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Anjung Batu, Mersing, Johor

    The Almanac of AMG UMP YASA Programme 2021 2022

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    t is said that learning a new language opens a whole new world of opportunities, and the Akademi Menara Gading Universiti Malaysia Pahang Yayasan Al-Sultan Abdullah Programme (AMG UMP YASA) 2021-2022 is a perfect reflection of that ideal

    Fostering Cross Cultural Confidence Transformative Insights from the Speak Up Program for Military Personnel

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    GAMBANG, 2 August 2023 - The culmination of an enriching training endeavour offered by the Centre for Modern Languages (CML) on 2 to 3 August 2023 was marked by the conclusion of the Speak Up! programme

    Awareness of diabetes mellitus among public attending the primary health centres in Malaysia

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    Diabetes is a steadily growing problem in Malaysia and the increase of diabetics’ patients in Malaysia is worrisome. In relation to this, the purpose of this study is to test Diabetes Mellitus Awareness Model (DMAM) consisting of five constructs, namely knowledge, attitude, environment, symptom and diabetics awareness. This study develops the conceptual model for studying the factors among public in Malaysia in order to possibly increase the awareness towards the ailment. A total of ten hypotheses have been proposed to test the relationship in the hypothesised model between the five constructs under study. Structural equation modelling (SEM) with SmartPLS software using Partial Least Squares estimation (PLS) is used for modelling analysis. The study was conducted in two health clinics, namely Klinik Kesihatan Paya Besar and Klinik Kesihatan Padang Rumbia from 1 September 2015 to 15 October 2015. A total of 550 questionnaires were distributed and 523 questionnaires were successfully collected. From the results, it shows that knowledge on diabetics has a significant impact on a) environment, b) attitude and c) awareness towards diabetics. Next, the environment significantly influences the attitude, and attitude has a significant influence on the awareness. However, the results also show that there is no significant relationship between the environment towards awareness. In addition, both knowledge and environment has no significant effect towards symptoms of diabetes mellitus ailment. The finding also shows that the causal relationship of attitude on symptoms, and the relationship between symptom and awareness are not significant. In conclusion, the healthcare authorities may refer to DMAM as a basis model for increasing the awareness regarding this ailment especially among the public

    Word sense disambiguation for English Quranic IR system

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    Quranic text Information Retrieval (IR) is quite demanding yet very trivial due to that user will not always use the exact keywords to retrieve the relevant Quranic text (verse). Many have tried to overcome this problem by expanding or reformulating the query entered by users using semantic approaches with resources such as ontologies and thesauri. Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) has been less interest to the IR research community due to the insignificant or very little significant impact on the IR performance. Recently, researchers pay interest on applying WSD to the IR problem due to the intuition that deep semantic analysis on the query process will give good impact on the IR performance. However, we have not seen any articles mentioning the use of WSD for Quranic IR, which we are assuming less or none research on WSD for Quranic IR have been carried out. Thus, this motivates us to explore WSD impact on Quranic IR performance. This paper will describe our on-going project on building an English Quranic WSD at the early stage, which is still at the proposal stage, where we layout what could be the best approach, resources and disambiguation algorithm for Quranic WSD for IR

    Snapticon: Developing effective listening skills for group oral discussion

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    In many higher education institutions (HEIs) around the world, one of the popular English oral assessments for ESL learners is group discussion. In group discussions, it is vital that they have the ability to manage topics in a discussion by knowing how to initiate a topic, expand on the topic, seamlessly shift from one topic to another as well as close the topic appropriately. Students are therefore required to utilise their verbal and non-verbal skills to actively interact with all group members. Listening and speaking skills are equally important for effective communication including participating in group oral discussion. In order to help ESL learners to be active participants in group discussions, a card game called Snapticon was created. Open-ended questionnaires were distributed to 25 respondents in the study and observations were made while the game was being played. It was found from the findings that the respondents were positive as they regarded the game as interesting and fun. Therefore, it can be concluded that Snapticon has the potential to be used as a learning material to help develop ESL learners’ effective listening skills in group oral discussions. Moreover, the use of Snapticon enables learners to be interactionally competent when participating in group oral discussions

    IM DILEMMA: From educators' perspective

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    The use instant messaging (IM) in language learning is seen as an alternative way in attracting students to learn English. IM is used to keep the educators up to date the latest technology as well as to ensure students' learning interest is sustained. This tool is seen as the nearest to students' interest since most of the students spend their time chatting online. This paper examines the benefits and the drawback of using instant messaging (IM) in EL T to the educators. IM has been introduced in an English course for diploma students and is also part of the assessments and practice given to students. A quantitative research was conducted among the UMP English lecturers using a set of 5-likert scale questionnaires on the use of IM in language learning. The result of the study has shown that IM can be used as a tool of communication among students as well as in motivating them in using English. However, scaffolding is still needed to be done by the teacher since IM Lingo is used widely by students. Participants are encouraged to use IM in language learning to maximize students' participation. Thus, with this approach both educators and students can benefit the use of technology in language learning but of course the presence of teacher is seen viable to monitor as well as to guide students in the activity carried out

    Kursus KTP Kindy bantu pengasuh tingkat kemahiran Bahasa Inggeris

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    Seramai 30 pengasuh taska sekitar Pahang menghadiri Kursus Komunikasi Bahasa Inggeris Program Pemindahan Ilmu (KTP Kindy) anjuran Pusat Bahasa Moden dan Sains Kemanusiaan, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) yang berlangung di Dewan Tun Teja 1, UMP Gambang baru-baru ini

    Pengalaman sahabat TH di tanah suci, satu perjalanan rohani menuju Ilahi.

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    Dijemput menjadi Duyufurrahman (Tetamu Alah) 1435 bagi mengerjakan ibadat haji merupakan satu anugerah yang tidak ternilai bagi saya. Berbekalkan ilmu yang tidak seberapa bersama suami, kami menyahut seruan haji ini dengan rasa penuh syukur dan hiba. Panggilan haji ini merupakan panggilan ketiga bagi kami yang mana sebelum ini tawaran haji terpaksa ditolak atas faktor anak masih kecil serta ekonomi yang tidak mengizinkan. Mengerjakan haji di usia 40 ini merupakan cabaran bagi ibu yang perlu meninggalkan anak-anak yang masih sekolah kepada ibu bapa yang sudah berusia. Namun, berkat sokongan ibu bapa, keluarga dan rakan-rakan, segala urusan dunia ditinggalkan buat 51 hari berkelana di tanah suci