7 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini berdasarkan Jenis Persalinan di Indonesia: Analisis SDKI 2017

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    Background: Breast milk that comes out for the first time contains highly nutritious colostrum, has antibody, and very suitable food to consume for new born babies. Immediately after the baby was born, the baby is placed on the mother's breast without any hindrance, so the baby can breastfeed in the first hour and get warmth from the mother's body. Some research suggests that breastfeeding immediately after birth can prevent neonatal and infant death.Objective: This research was conducted to see whether the mother's residence, age, number of children, number of antenatal visits, type of childbirth delivery, and the childbirth assistant's affect the implementation of early breastfeeding.Method: This research will use a cross sectional by using the individual data from IDHS year 2017 with a total data sample of 14341.Results and Discussion: After being analysed using complex sample analysis, the analysis result will show the residence place, number of children, antenatal visits, type of childbirth delivery will become the determined factors from early child breastfeeding. It will be seen that the normal type of delivery allows for early breastfeeding initiation to be 3 times greater than labor with cesarean section after being controlled by variables of residence, number of children, and antenatal visits.Conclusion: Maternal age and birth attendants will not influence the occurrence of early initiation of breastfeeding; type of delivery, residence, number of children, and antenatal visits variables are released to early initiation of breastfeeding Keywords: Breastfeeding initiation; type of delivery; SDKI 201


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    Fire incidents in urban setting were influenced by many factors ranging from population, building density to climatic variables. Currently, fire incident can be estimated using various variables and modeling methods including maximum entropy approach. Then the aim of this study is to model the probable spatial distribution of areas in Jakarta City mainly in North, West, and South districts that are prone to the fire risks. The model was developed using maximum entropy approach using climatic variables as predictors obtained from WordClim database. The model then was confirmed using area under the curve (AUC) values. The climatic models show that North and West parts of Jakarta receiving lower rainfall than South parts. Based on modeled probability distributions of fire risks, North and West parts were having highest probability distributions of fire risks with value of 50%. The AUC validates the probability distributions of fire risks model with AUC value of 0.64 ± 0.07. The results obtained from this study then can be used planning fire prevention


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    One challenge in managing fire hazards in an urban setting is how to optimize the fire service route, increase the response time, and increase service coverage. Recently, this challenge is becoming imminent due to road traffic congestion and insufficient road widths that are common in populated cities in the Southeast Asia regions. One of the urban fire hotspots in populated Jakarta City is Pekojan Urban Village, Tambora Subdistrict. This subdistrict is served by Angke Fire Station located in Pekojan’s southwestern parts. Then this research aims to evaluate and compare optimized routes for fire vehicle dispatched from Angke Fire Station  to serve 12 neighborhood units (in Bahasa is RW) in Pekojan. The method used the route optimization and network analysis tools in Geographic Information System (GIS) and its related geospatial data including neighborhood units, road networks, traffic congestion, and fire station locations. Geospatial network analysis of data by GIS has an advantage as a method to design and analyze the routing strategy and determine the most optimized route for fire vehicles. Based on the results and with the fire vehicle speed of 40 km/h, the average optimized route distances to travel from the fire station to RWs were 1.092 km (95%CI: 0.888-1.3 km) with an average response time of 1.638 minutes (95%CI: 0.869-2.41 min.). According to the GIS, model, response time of 1 minute only covers 22.77% of Pekojan areas. By increasing response time to 2 minutes, then fire vehicle can cover 98.9% of Pekojan area (AIC= 0.06). Despite the fact that the fire vehicle routes and response times can be optimized, those routes are challenged by the road traffic congestion. This congestion limits the speeds of fire vehicles to less than 20 km/h, as observed in 11.59%  of the optimized routes. The service coverages of fire vehicles was also limited due to the narrow street

    Safety Climate in the Indonesian Construction Industry: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Influential Demographic Characteristics

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    The Indonesian construction industry is a significant contributor to economic growth in Indonesia. However, poor safety performance limits its contributions due to the negative impacts of poor safety on project performance. This research aims to assess the level of the safety climate in the Indonesian construction industry, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and understand the influence of individual demographic characteristics on the safety climate. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey from 1757 respondents working in six large state-owned construction companies in Indonesia. Results indicate that the overall safety climate level is fairly good. However, the safety climate scores of individual safety climate items are observed to vary widely. The scores reveal that construction employees understand the importance of safety and management demonstrates a degree of safety commitment, particularly by having regular safety communications. In contrast, the implementation of safety is limited in reality because safety is not considered a priority at work. Lack of safety resources and limited enforcement of safety rules further hinder the implementation of safety at the project level. Large state-owned construction companies such as those where data were collected should take the lead in changing the work practices in the Indonesian construction industry to improve safety performance. Level of education, length of work experience, position, permanency of job status, work location (project or office-based), and type of project are individual demographic characteristics that influence the level of the safety climate. Understanding the influence of these characteristics on the safety climate allows specific intervention strategies to be used to improve safety

    Industrial and Environmental Disaster Risk Assessment for Hazardous Materials in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    Industrial disasters may cause massive public health problems, as they create large environmental damage and major loss of life. Balikpapan City has experienced a large oil spill which caused an industrial and environmental disaster: five fishermen died, various public health problems arose, and damage to environmental wildlife and ecosystems occurred. The objective of this study was to evaluate the industrial and environmental disaster risk related to hazardous material (hazmat) in Balikpapan. The research method involved the use of a semi-quantitative risk analysis with an originally organized checklist, a risk matrix, and a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis. The results suggested that the risk score in Balikpapan’s City is 32 (MEDIUM; the dominant types of hazmat were flammables and corrosives). The major sectors contributing to the risk appeared to be the mining, energy, and oil and gas industries, with a medium risk (average risk score 33), while one clean water industry showed a low risk (risk score 24) using the checklist and risk matrix. According to the results from the GIS mapping, the areas t the highest risks appeared to be located within Balikpapan City coastal regions. The industries and the government of Balikpapan must be prepared for industrial and environmental disasters by educating competent major hazmat responders and ensuring a large spills response equipment, extensive environmental monitoring and measurement, procedures to deal with major fire and explosions and adequate disaster communication and coordination