22 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Lama Simpan Dan Frekuensi Ekstraksi Terhadap Kandungan Gula Ekstrak Buah Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the optimal condition for the storage duration of pumpkins and fre- quency of extraction in order to produce extract which has maximal sugar content and minimal volume. This research was done on post harvest pumpkins which were stored for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks. Pumpkins were peeled, crushed and pressed using hydraulic hand press for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 times of extractions. The extract were analysed for chemical proper- ties i.e. total sugar content, reducing sugar content, pH, and physical properties i.e. turbidity, and colour. The result showed that the extract of pumpkins which had maximal total sugar content but with low volume could be produced on pumpkins which stored for 8-12 weeks, and extracted twice

    Sifat Fisik dan Kimia Minyak Kenari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi asam lemak dan sifat fisikokimia minyak biji kenari dari spesies Canarium indicum dan Canarium vulgare dari beberapa metode ekstraksi yaitu pengepresan, maserasi, dan soxhlet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak kenari dari spesies Canarium indicum dan Canarium vulgare yang diekstraksi dengan pengepresan dan penggunaan pelarut heksan, mempunyai kisaran densitas relatif 0,904 – 0,912 g/cm. Sedangkan indeks bias pada suhu 30 ºC adalah 1,463 - 1,464 dan titik cair 22 – 23 °C. Kandungan asam lemak bebas adalah 0,27 - 2,59% (sebagai asam oleat). Angka peroksida 1,74 - 3,60 meq/kg. Angka iodine 57 – 61 dan angka penyabunan 177 – 195 mg KOH. Vitamin E 710 – 1140 ppm dan total karoten adalah 292-619 µg/100 g. Komposisi asam lemak minyak kenari adalah asam oleat (44-47 %), asam palmitat (24-26 %), asam stearat (13-15 %), dan asam linoleat (11-13 %)

    Cooking Tenderization of Meat

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    Pengaruh Metode Pengeringan Terhadap Kerusakan B-Karoten Mi Ubikayu Yang Diperkaya Tepung Labu Kuning

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    Pumpkin flour has high β-carotene, therefore, can be added to the noodle to alleviate vitamin A deficiency. Deterioration of β-carotene may take place during drying, proper control of the process to minimize the deterioration is necessary. The objective of the research was to study the β-carotene deterioration during drying process of the noodle and the physico-chemical properties of the cassava noodle that was enriched by pumpkin flour. The enrichment of the cassava flour was made by adding pumpkin flour various proportions 0, 5, 10 and 15 %. Noodle was sun dried for 8 hours, in cabinet dryer at 60ºC for 3 hours and in a two step cabinet dryer (60ºC for 2 hours followed by drying at 55ºC for 2 hours. The result showed that sun drying cause the greatest deterioration of β-carotene (46.24%). However, enrichment of pumpkin flour can improved the color, protein and β-carotene content of the noodle

    Pengaruh Diet Protein Kedelai Terhadap Profil Lipida Tikus Diabetik Induksi Alloxan

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    Hypolipidemic of soybean protein were evaluated in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the effects of soybean protein feeding on total, HDL, LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol serum level in both normal cholesterol and hypercholesterol alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Twenty-eight male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g) were used and divided into four groups of seven rats. They were (1) Standard-Placebo (STP), (2) StandardAlloxan (STA), Soybean protein-Alloxan (PKA) and (4) Soybean protein- Hypercholesterol-Alloxan (PKHKA) groups. Three groups were diabetic induced by alloxan injection (80 mg/Kg of body weight by intra-muscular injection) and one group was injected with aquabidest (Placebo). PKHKA group was fed hypercholesterol diet for 2 weeks prior to the alloxan injection. STP and STA groups were fed standard diet whereas PKA and PKHKA were fed soybean protein diet for 28 days. Concentration of lipids were determined before injection (0 day ) and 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after injection. It was found that alloxan injection increased serum total and LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentration of STA, PKA and PKHKA rats. In 28 days intervention, soybean protein diet decreased the serum total cholesterol by 12% (PKA) and 33% (PKHKA), LDL cholesterol by 15% (PKA) and 48% (PKHKA); and triacylglycerol by 31% (PKA) and 37% (PKHKA). In addition, the diet increased the serum HDL cholesterol by 3% (PKA) and 8% (PKHKA). On the other hand, standard diets were failed to decreased the serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triacylglycerol

    Sifat dan Potensi Serat Pangan pada "Gudeg Kering"

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    Gudeg is as well known traditional processed vegetable of Yogyakarta made from immature jackfruit. This research aimed to study physical and chemical properties of it\u27s dietary fiber to elucidate the physiological effect potential in diet. Result indicatied that gudeg contained high percentages of insoluble dietary fibers (41.3 %db) in contrast to the soluble dietary fibers (14.4 %db). The water holding capacity (WHC) was 3.6 g water I g fiber, swelling 325 percent, bulk volume 1.3 ml / g fiber, and cation exchange capacity 0.08 mgreq of Na / g fiber