156 research outputs found

    Sovereignty of Oil and Gas Management in Indonesia: An International Law Perspective

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    The issue of sovereignty of natural resource management is a crucial aspect to be faced by each country such as Indonesia which is known as a country that has a wealth of oil and natural gas. Sovereignty over natural resources including oil and gas management guaranteed as one of the forms of sovereignty possessed by every nation. This is set out in UN General Assembly Resolutions and other international legal instruments. In the principle of international law sovereignty is known there are three aspects of sovereignty that can be divided up: external, internal, and territorial sovereignty. Based on the analysis of these three aspects of sovereignty, Indonesia has not been able to optimally show its existence as a sovereign country and has full control over the management of oil and gas. Keywords: sovereignty, oil and natural gas, international law

    Sovereignty of Oil and Gas Management in Indonesia: An International Law Perspective

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    The issue of sovereignty of natural resource management is a crucial aspect to be faced by each country such as Indonesia which is known as a country that has a wealth of oil and natural gas. Sovereignty over natural resources including oil and gas management guaranteed as one of the forms of sovereignty possessed by every nation. This is set out in UN General Assembly Resolutions and other international legal instruments. In the principle of international law sovereignty is known there are three aspects of sovereignty that can be divided up: external, internal, and territorial sovereignty. Based on the analysis of these three aspects of sovereignty, Indonesia has not been able to optimally show its existence as a sovereign country and has full control over the management of oil and gas. Keywords: sovereignty, oil and natural gas, international law

    State Sovereignty Concept on Threatening of Religion Radical in Indonesia

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    The sovereignty is a very important concept in domestic and international legal order. It is one of the norms fundamental in the international legal system, which is the principle of non-intervention and free consent is a buffer for the international legal system in the concept of a sovereign state as a unit of authority that is not subject to any party. In the context of examining the state sovereignty to face originating threat from radical religions, the approach taken by the Indonesian government should have a method of instilling a comprehensive pattern of thinking and taking a balanced approach between soft and hard power through religion and culture. One of the sources who’s spread the radical religion is mass media.  The influence of mass media and social media has contributed in the dissemination and improvement of intolerance (SARA), hate-speech, hoax, radical religion, and terrorism in Indonesian society. Keywords: State Sovereignty; Religion Radical; Indonesi

    Regulation of International Refugees and the Handling Model by Unhcr

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    The state has a responsibility to protect its citizens, if the government does not want or is unable to protect their citizens, these citizens can at any time experience serious violations of their rights, so that individuals are forced to leave their homes, even their families to seek safety in other countries (become an international refugee). Because clearly the government of the country of origin of the refugees no longer protects their human rights, then the international community came in to ensure that these human rights were respected. Legal arrangements use international instruments, legal arrangements using regional instruments, and legal arrangements using national instruments. In the international context it is regulated in the 1951 Refugee Status Convention and the 1967 Refugee Status Protocol. At the regional level, there is no specific regulation governing international refugees. In Indonesia, the special regulation concerning international refugees is the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 125 Year 2016 on Handling of Refugees from Abroad. Second, the model of international refugee handling by UNHCR based on the framework and objectives of the organization is asylum, non-extradition, non refoulement, non-intervention, and partnership and community service. Keywords: regulation, international refugee law, handling models, UNHC

    The Role of the Management of Oil and Gas in Indonesian Borders

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    The aim of this paper is to analysis the role of the State to secure the interests of the State in the management of oil and gas in the border of Indonesia. The applied methodology was literature study to collect some reading and reviewing written documents. The data then were analyzed through qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of the discussion indicates that in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution that the role and responsibility of the State in the management of oil and gas in the border of ​​Indonesia should be oriented to the prosperity of the people of Indonesia. However, it is not yet optimal because the Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas is very liberal which is more profitable to foreign investors than the national interest of Indonesia. Therefore, it is important for the Indonesian government to revise the Law No. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas for the sake of Indonesian benefits as a state and for sake of the greatest possible prosperity of Indonesian people as stipulated by the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia. Keywords: Role of State; Management of oil and gas; Indonesian border

    Legal’s Standing of Cyber Crime in International Law Contemporary

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    Cybercrime is a new range of international law, particularly international criminal law. The existence of cybercrime is now a fact that should be taken seriously by the international community. It creates then intersection with other crimes such as crime of aggression and other crimes. Immediate response form is needed to regulate cybercrime internationally because the fact shows that no one convention has found cybercrime internationally. The existed Convention of Cyber C?rime enacts only regionally like European Convention of Cyber Crime and locally (like in Indonesia), the Law number 11/2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transaction. Keywords: Cyber Crime, International Law Contemporary

    The Protection of Biological Diversity in Convention on Biological Diversity Framework

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    Indonesia is the richest country in the world in terms of biodiversity. Indonesian coastal and marine resources have an important meaning for the world, considering that the flora and fauna species found in Indonesia's tropical waters are more than any other region in the world. The various marine and coastal ecosystems that exist provide sustainable resources for the majority of the Indonesian people. Discussing the richness of biodiversity, especially biodiversity in the sea, Indonesian waters is known as the center of distribution of world coral reefs, and has the highest level of biodiversity in the world. The world coral triangle area, covering parts of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific, is the center of the world's marine biodiversity. The triangle-shaped area covers all or part of the six countries' exclusive economic zone (EEZ), namely Indonesia, East Timor, Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Keywords: biodiversity, CBD, protection. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-13-08 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    The activity of placing Indonesian migrant workers abroad has problems that are detrimental to migrant workers and the state, limitations and deviations in implementation can be found in planning, implementation and weak supervision. In terms of planning and operations there are weaknesses in managing information on job vacancies abroad and how prospective TKIs are prepared. The utilization of foreign employment opportunities is still in the informal sector (use of services not incorporated). Even if the placement in the formal sector continues to increase, but in terms of the quality of TKI, it is limited to filling in positions that only require basic skills such as those placed in Malaysia. The Malaysian immigration office recorded foreign workers from 22 countries totaling 1,914,053, more than three-fifths (61.46%) coming from Indonesia. Those who worked as household managers in the middle of 2007 numbered approximately 320,000 people, the largest part of this type of work (PLRT / PRT) reached a total of 300,000 female workers from Indonesia. Keywords: arrangements, Indonesia, migrant workers. DOI: 10.7176/IAGS/74-08 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Performance of particleboard with palm kernel cake as filler

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    Particleboard is a common product of wood industry. Usually, the particleboard is used as a component of furniture manufacturing or part of building construction. In the production of particleboard, wood glue or binder is applied to form hard bonded particles. The usage of melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF) resin as a binder in particleboard production is widely practised. Due to low solid content and the cost of MUF resin, some particleboard manufacturers are adding filler to increase the solid content and to reduce the cost of binder. For example, industrial-grade wheat flour and palm shell powder are commonly used as filler. The performance of wood products is significantly affected by the type of filler used due to the compound composition. Therefore, a study conducted in this work is to investigate the performance of MUF resin-based particleboard produced with palm kernel cake powder as filler. Palm kernel cake (PKC) was chosen due to the protein content that might help in the binding strength and the reduction in free formaldehyde in the wood product. The investigation was conducted by the preparation of particleboard in laboratory with various curing time and quantity of MUF resin and filler used. The performance properties of particleboard such as water absorption (WA), thickness swelling (TS), modulus of rupture (MOR), and modulus of elasticity (MOE) were investigated. Response surface methodology (RSM) of design expert software was used for the experimental design and optimization. The results shown that there is some effect of filler on the performance properties particleboard produced. The optimized or targeted performance also can be identified via design expert software

    Strict Liability Principle In Environmental Legal System

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    Implementation of Strict Liability Principle in environmental legal system not based on the proving aspect of the fault form factor of negligence or misconduct of intent. In addition to the legal approach, risk management considerations also underlie the problems and or environmental risks posed by various factors that is difficult and expensive to prove. The MT Natuna Sea case on 3 October 2000 spilled 40,000 tons of crude oil or 60% of the total load of 523,088 barrels, to date Indonesia has not received any compensation. The purpose of this paper is to understand the application of Strict Liability Principle in the environmental legal system. The method used is normative legal research conducted by basing to the materials of the library or secondary data. Comparative legal approach is used to find matters relating to the problem of sea oil pollution compensation claims. The results show that Indonesia as a country that has ratified CLC 1969/1992 has applied provisions on insurance obligations. Neither into the provisions of legislation nor in practice in the field. However, the application into the legislation still requires improvements, namely with compensation claims for compensation and environmental restoration costs. Keywords: insurance liability, environment, tanker, protection, marine environment
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