684 research outputs found

    Hubbard Hamiltonian in the dimer representation. Large U limit

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    We formulate the Hubbard model for the simple cubic lattice in the representation of interacting dimers applying the exact solution of the dimer problem. By eliminating from the considerations unoccupied dimer energy levels in the large U limit (it is the only assumption) we analytically derive the Hubbard Hamiltonian for the dimer (analogous to the well-known t-J model), as well as, the Hubbard Hamiltonian for the crystal as a whole by means of the projection technique. Using this approach we can better visualize the complexity of the model, so deeply hidden in its original form. The resulting Hamiltonian is a mixture of many multiple ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and more exotic interactions competing one with another. The interplay between different competitive interactions has a decisive influence on the resulting thermodynamic properties of the model, depending on temperature, model parameters and assumed average number of electrons per lattice site. A simplified form of the derived Hamiltonian can be obtained using additionally Taylor expansion with respect to x=tUx=\frac{t}{U} (t-hopping integral between nearest neighbours, U-Coulomb repulsion). As an example, we present the expansion including all terms proportional to t and to t2U\frac{t^2}U and we reproduce the exact form of the Hubbard Hamiltonian in the limit U→∞U\to \infty . The nonperturbative approach, presented in this paper, can, in principle, be applied to clusters of any size, as well as, to another types of model Hamiltonians.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX; added reference

    Ferromagnetic Kondo-Lattice Model

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    We present a many-body approach to the electronic and magnetic properties of the (multiband) Kondo-lattice model with ferromagnetic interband exchange. The coupling between itinerant conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments leads, on the one hand, to a distinct temperature-dependence of the electronic quasiparticle spectrum and, on the other hand, to magnetic properties, as e.~g.the Curie temperature T_C or the magnon dispersion, which are strongly influenced by the band electron selfenergy and therewith in particular by the carrier density. We present results for the single-band Kondo-lattice model in terms of quasiparticle densities of states and quasiparticle band structures and demonstrate the density-dependence of the self-consistently derived Curie temperature. The transition from weak-coupling (RKKY) to strong-coupling (double exchange) behaviour is worked out. The multiband model is combined with a tight-binding-LMTO bandstructure calculation to describe real magnetic materials. As an example we present results for the archetypal ferromagnetic local-moment systems EuO and EuS. The proposed method avoids the double counting of relevant interactions and takes into account the correct symmetry of atomic orbitals.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    The temperature dependent bandstructure of a ferromagnetic semiconductor film

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    The electronic quasiparticle spectrum of a ferromagnetic film is investigated within the framework of the s-f model. Starting from the exact solvable case of a single electron in an otherwise empty conduction band being exchange coupled to a ferromagnetically saturated localized spin system we extend the theory to finite temperatures. Our approach is a moment-conserving decoupling procedure for suitable defined Green functions. The theory for finite temperatures evolves continuously from the exact limiting case. The restriction to zero conduction band occupation may be regarded as a proper model description for ferromagnetic semiconductors like EuO and EuS. Evaluating the theory for a simple cubic film cut parallel to the (100) crystal plane, we find some marked correlation effects which depend on the spin of the test electron, on the exchange coupling, and on the temperature of the local-moment system.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Temperature-dependent electronic structure and ferromagnetism in the d=oo Hubbard model studied by a modfied perturbation theory

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    The infinite-dimensional Hubbard model is studied by means of a modified perturbation theory. The approach reduces to the iterative perturbation theory for weak coupling. It is exact in the atomic limit and correctly reproduces the dispersions and the weights of the Hubbard bands in the strong-coupling regime for arbitrary fillings. Results are presented for the hyper-cubic and an fcc-type lattice. For the latter we find ferromagnetic solutions. The filling-dependent Curie temperature is compared with the results of a recent Quantum Monte Carlo study.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 6 eps figures included, Phys. Rev. B (in press), Ref. 16 correcte

    Metal-insulator transition in EuO

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    It is shown that the spectacular metal-insulator transition in Eu-rich EuO can be simulated within an extended Kondo lattice model. The different orders of magnitude of the jump in resistivity in dependence on the concentration of oxygen vacancies as well as the low-temperature resistance minimum in high-resistivity samples are reproduced quantitatively. The huge colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) is calculated and discussed

    Kondo-lattice model: Application to the temperature-dependent electronic structure of EuO(100) films

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    We present calculations for the temperature-dependent electronic structure and magnetic properties of thin ferromagnetic EuO films. The treatment is based on a combination of a multiband-Kondo lattice model with first-principles TB-LMTO band structure calculations. The method avoids the problem of double-counting of relevant interactions and takes into account the correct symmetry of the atomic orbitals. We discuss the temperature-dependent electronic structures of EuO(100) films in terms of quasiparticle densities of states and quasiparticle band structures. The Curie temperature T_C of the EuO films turns out to be strongly thickness-dependent, starting from a very low value = 15K for the monolayer and reaching the bulk value at about 25 layers

    Influence of Spin Wave Excitations on the Ferromagnetic Phase Diagram in the Hubbard-Model

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    The subject of the present paper is the theoretical description of collective electronic excitations, i.e. spin waves, in the Hubbard-model. Starting with the widely used Random-Phase-Approximation, which combines Hartree-Fock theory with the summation of the two-particle ladder, we extend the theory to a more sophisticated single particle approximation, namely the Spectral-Density-Ansatz. Doing so we have to introduce a `screened` Coulomb-interaction rather than the bare Hubbard-interaction in order to obtain physically reasonable spinwave dispersions. The discussion following the technical procedure shows that comparison of standard RPA with our new approximation reduces the occurrence of a ferromagnetic phase further with respect to the phase-diagrams delivered by the single particle theories.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, RevTex4, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Element-resolved x-ray ferrimagnetic and ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy

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    We report on the measurement of element-specific magnetic resonance spectra at gigahertz frequencies using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). We investigate the ferrimagnetic precession of Gd and Fe ions in Gd-substituted Yttrium Iron Garnet, showing that the resonant field and linewidth of Gd precisely coincide with Fe up to the nonlinear regime of parametric excitations. The opposite sign of the Gd x-ray magnetic resonance signal with respect to Fe is consistent with dynamic antiferromagnetic alignment of the two ionic species. Further, we investigate a bilayer metal film, Ni80_{80}Fe20_{20}(5 nm)/Ni(50 nm), where the coupled resonance modes of Ni and Ni80_{80}Fe20_{20} are separately resolved, revealing shifts in the resonance fields of individual layers but no mutual driving effects. Energy-dependent dynamic XMCD measurements are introduced, combining x-ray absorption and magnetic resonance spectroscopies.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Ferromagnetism and Temperature-Driven Reorientation Transition in Thin Itinerant-Electron Films

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    The temperature-driven reorientation transition which, up to now, has been studied by use of Heisenberg-type models only, is investigated within an itinerant-electron model. We consider the Hubbard model for a thin fcc(100) film together with the dipole interaction and a layer-dependent anisotropy field. The isotropic part of the model is treated by use of a generalization of the spectral-density approach to the film geometry. The magnetic properties of the film are investigated as a function of temperature and film thickness and are analyzed in detail with help of the spin- and layer-dependent quasiparticle density of states. By calculating the temperature dependence of the second-order anisotropy constants we find that both types of reorientation transitions, from out-of-plane to in-plane (``Fe-type'') and from in-plane to out-of-plane (``Ni-type'') magnetization are possible within our model. In the latter case the inclusion of a positive volume anisotropy is vital. The reorientation transition is mediated by a strong reduction of the surface magnetization with respect to the inner layers as a function of temperature and is found to depend significantly on the total band occupation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures included (eps), Phys Rev B in pres

    The effects of a magnetic barrier and a nonmagnetic spacer in tunnel structures

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    The spin-polarized transport is investigated in a new type of magnetic tunnel junction which consists of two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a magnetic barrier and a nonmagnetic metallic spacer. Based on the transfer matrix method and the nearly-free-electron-approximation the dependence of the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) and electron-spin polarization on the nonmagnetic layer thickness and the applied bias voltage are studied theoretically. The TMR and spin polarization show an oscillatory behavior as a function of the spacer thickness and the bias voltage. The oscillations originate from the quantum well states in the spacer, while the existence of the magnetic barrier gives rise to a strong spin polarization and high values of the TMR. Our results may be useful for the development of spin electronic devices based on coherent transport.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
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