3,160 research outputs found

    Orbital-selective Mass Enhancements in Multi-band Ca2−x_{2-x}Srx_{x}RuO4_{4} Systems Analyzed by the Extended Drude Model

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    We investigated optical spectra of quasi-two-dimensional multi-band Ca2−x% _{2-x} Srx_{x}RuO4_{4} systems. The extended Drude model analysis on the ab-plane optical conductivity spectra indicates that the effective mass should be enhanced near x=0.5x=0.5. Based on the sum rule argument, we showed that the orbital-selective Mott-gap opening for the dyz/zxd_{yz/zx} bands, the widely investigated picture, could not be the origin of the mass enhancement. We exploited the multi-band effects in the extended Drude model analysis, and demonstrated that the intriguing heavy mass state near x=0.5x=0.5 should come from the renormalization of the dxyd_{xy} band.Comment: 4 figure

    Finite-size scaling theory for explosive percolation transitions

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    The finite-size scaling (FSS) theory for continuous phase transitions has been useful in determining the critical behavior from the size dependent behaviors of thermodynamic quantities. When the phase transition is discontinuous, however, FSS approach has not been well established yet. Here, we develop a FSS theory for the explosive percolation transition arising in the Erd\H{o}s and R\'enyi model under the Achlioptas process. A scaling function is derived based on the observed fact that the derivative of the curve of the order parameter at the critical point tct_c diverges with system size in a power-law manner, which is different from the conventional one based on the divergence of the correlation length at tct_c. We show that the susceptibility is also described in the same scaling form. Numerical simulation data for different system sizes are well collapsed on the respective scaling functions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Epitaxial growth and the magnetic properties of orthorhombic YTiO3 thin films

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    High-quality YTiO3 thin films were grown on LaAlO3 (110) substrates at low oxygen pressures (<10-8 Torr) using pulsed laser deposition. The in-plane asymmetric atomic arrangements at the substrate surface allowed us to grow epitaxial YTiO3 thin films, which have an orthorhombic crystal structure with quite different a- and b-axes lattice constants. The YTiO3 film exhibited a clear ferromagnetic transition at 30 K with a saturation magnetization of about 0.7 uB/Ti. The magnetic easy axis was found to be along the [1-10] direction of the substrate, which differs from the single crystal easy axis direction, i.e., [001].Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Observation of inhomogeneous domain nucleation in epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors

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    We investigated domain nucleation process in epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors under a modified piezoresponse force microscope. We obtained domain evolution images during polarization switching process and observed that domain nucleation occurs at particular sites. This inhomogeneous nucleation process should play an important role in an early stage of switching and under a high electric field. We found that the number of nuclei is linearly proportional to log(switching time), suggesting a broad distribution of activation energies for nucleation. The nucleation sites for a positive bias differ from those for a negative bias, indicating that most nucleation sites are located at ferroelectric/electrode interfaces

    Dielectric constants of Ir, Ru, Pt, and IrO2: Contributions from bound charges

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    We investigated the dielectric functions ϵ\epsilon(ω\omega) of Ir, Ru, Pt, and IrO2_2, which are commonly used as electrodes in ferroelectric thin film applications. In particular, we investigated the contributions from bound charges ϵb\epsilon^{b}(ω\omega), since these are important scientifically as well as technologically: the ϵ1b\epsilon_1^{b}(0) of a metal electrode is one of the major factors determining the depolarization field inside a ferroelectric capacitor. To obtain ϵ1b\epsilon_1^{b}(0), we measured reflectivity spectra of sputtered Pt, Ir, Ru, and IrO2 films in a wide photon energy range between 3.7 meV and 20 eV. We used a Kramers-Kronig transformation to obtain real and imaginary dielectric functions, and then used Drude-Lorentz oscillator fittings to extract ϵ1b\epsilon_1^{b}(0) values. Ir, Ru, Pt, and IrO2_2 produced experimental ϵ1b\epsilon_1^{b}(0) values of 48±\pm10, 82±\pm10, 58±\pm10, and 29±\pm5, respectively, which are in good agreement with values obtained using first-principles calculations. These values are much higher than those for noble metals such as Cu, Ag, and Au because transition metals and IrO2_2 have such strong d-d transitions below 2.0 eV. High ϵ1b\epsilon_1^{b}(0) values will reduce the depolarization field in ferroelectric capacitors, making these materials good candidates for use as electrodes in ferroelectric applications.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    In Situ deposition of YBCO high-T(sub c) superconducting thin films by MOCVD and PE-MOCVD

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    Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) offers the advantages of a high degree of compositional control, adaptability for large scale production, and the potential for low temperature fabrication. The capability of operating at high oxygen partial pressure is particularly suitable for in situ formation of high temperature superconducting (HTSC) films. Yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) thin films having a sharp zero-resistance transition with T( sub c) greater than 90 K and Jc approx. 10 to the 4th power A on YSZ have been prepared, in situ, at a substrate temperature of about 800 C. Moreover, the ability to form oxide films at low temperature is very desirable for device applications of HTSC materials. Such a process would permit the deposition of high quality HTSC films with a smooth surface on a variety of substrates. Highly c-axis oriented, dense, scratch resistant, superconducting YBCO thin films with mirror-like surfaces have been prepared, in situ, at a reduced substrate temperature as low as 570 C by a remote microwave-plasma enhanced metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (PE-MOCVD) process. Nitrous oxide was used as a reactant gas to generate active oxidizing species. This process, for the first time, allows the formation of YBCO thin films with the orthorhombic superconducting phase in the as-deposited state. The as-deposited films grown by PE-MOCVD show attainment of zero resistance at 72 K with a transition width of about 5 K. MOCVD was carried out in a commercial production scale reactor with the capability of uniform deposition over 100 sq cm per growth run. Preliminary results indicate that PE-MOCVD is a very attractive thin film deposition process for superconducting device technology

    Spin-Orbit Coupling in Iridium-Based 5d Compounds Probed by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    We have performed x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) measurements on a series of Ir-based 5d transition metal compounds, including Ir, IrCl3, IrO2, Na2IrO3, Sr2IrO4, and Y2Ir2O7. By comparing the intensity of the "white-line" features observed at the Ir L2 and L3 absorption edges, it is possible to extract valuable information about the strength of the spin-orbit coupling in these systems. We observe remarkably large, non-statistical branching ratios in all Ir compounds studied, with little or no dependence on chemical composition, crystal structure, or electronic state. This result confirms the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling effects in novel iridates such as Sr2IrO4, Na2IrO3, and Y2Ir2O7, and suggests that even simple Ir-based compounds such as IrO2 and IrCl3 may warrant further study. In contrast, XAS measurements on Re-based 5d compounds, such as Re, ReO2, ReO3, and Ba2FeReO6, reveal statistical branching ratios and negligible spin-orbit coupling effects.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
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