179 research outputs found

    Approximation to points in the plane by SL(2,Z)-orbits

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    Let x be a point in R^2 with irrational slope and let \Gamma denote the lattice SL(2,Z) acting linearly on R^2. Then, the orbit \Gamma x is dense in R^2. We give efective results on the approximation of a point y in R^2 by points of the form \gamma x, where \gamma belongs to \Gamma, in terms of the size of \gamma

    Absorbing sets of homogeneous subtractive algorithms

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    We consider homogeneous multidimensional continued fraction algorithms, in particular a family of maps which was introduced by F. Schweiger. We prove his conjecture regarding the existence of an absorbing set for those maps. We also establish that their renormalisations are nonergodic which disproves another conjecture due to Schweiger. Other homogeneous algorithms are also analysed including ones which are ergodic

    Classical homogeneous multidimensional continued fraction algorithms are ergodic

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    Homogeneous continued fraction algorithms are multidimensional generalizations of the classical Euclidean algorithm, the dissipative map (x_1,x_2) \in \mathbb{R}_+^2 \longmapsto \left\{\begin{array}{ll} (x_1 - x_2, x_2), & \mbox{if $x_1 \geq x_2$} (x_1, x_2 - x_1), & \mbox{otherwise.} \end{array} \right. We focus on those which act piecewise linearly on finitely many copies of positive cones which we call Rauzy induction type algorithms. In particular, a variation Selmer algorithm belongs to this class. We prove that Rauzy induction type algorithms, as well as Selmer algorithms, are ergodic with respect to Lebesgue measure

    Dynamics of piecewise contractions of the interval

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    We study the asymptotical behaviour of iterates of piecewise contractive maps of the interval. It is known that Poincar\'e first return maps induced by some Cherry flows on transverse intervals are, up to topological conjugacy, piecewise contractions. These maps also appear in discretely controlled dynamical systems, describing the time evolution of manufacturing process adopting some decision-making policies. An injective map f:[0,1)[0,1)f:[0,1)\to [0,1) is a {\it piecewise contraction of nn intervals}, if there exists a partition of the interval [0,1)[0,1) into nn intervals I1I_1,..., InI_n such that for every i1,...,ni\in{1,...,n}, the restriction fIif|_{I_i} is κ\kappa-Lipschitz for some κ(0,1)\kappa\in (0,1). We prove that every piecewise contraction ff of nn intervals has at most nn periodic orbits. Moreover, we show that every piecewise contraction is topologically conjugate to a piecewise linear contraction

    Multi-dimensional metric approximation by primitive points

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    We refine metrical statements in the style of the Khintchine-Groshev Theorem by requiring certain coprimality constraints on the coordinates of the integer solutions

    Piecewise contractions defined by iterated function systems

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    Let ϕ1,,ϕn:[0,1](0,1)\phi_1,\ldots,\phi_n:[0,1]\to (0,1) be Lipschitz contractions. Let I=[0,1)I=[0,1), x0=0x_0=0 and xn=1x_n=1. We prove that for Lebesgue almost every (x1,...,xn1)(x_1,...,x_{n-1}) satisfying 0<x1<<xn1<10<x_1<\cdots <x_{n-1}<1, the piecewise contraction f:IIf:I\to I defined by x[xi1,xi)ϕi(x)x\in [x_{i-1},x_i)\mapsto \phi_i(x) is asymptotically periodic. More precisely, ff has at least one and at most nn periodic orbits and the ω\omega-limit set ωf(x)\omega_f(x) is a periodic orbit of ff for every xIx\in I.Comment: 16 pages, two figure