417 research outputs found

    Interfaz gráfica para la caracterización experimental de dispositivos a frecuencias ópticas

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    Verificación en el laboratorio de diversos métodos de medida de retardo de grupo a frecuencias ópticas. El retardo de grupo se utiliza para caracterizar la dispersión cromática que introduce un dispositivo como por ejemplo una fibra o un dispositivo compensador como por ejemplo el de la figura, que está basado en una red de difracción de Bragg (Fiber Bragg Grating, FBG). La dispersión cromática constituye actualmente uno de los factores más limitantes en las prestaciones de los enlaces ópticos de larga distancia a través de fibra óptica de forma que se están dedicando importantes esfuerzos a su estudio y caracterización y al diseño y mejora de técnicas y dispositivos, FBGs entre otros, que compensen su efecto degradante sobre la señal que se transmite. Resulta por tanto de crucial interés la disponibilidad de métodos de medida de esta característica en los dispositivos fotónicos, tanto fibras como FBGs, como otros, suficientemente precisos y fiables y convenientemente testados y caracterizados, necesidad a la que los resultados de este PFC contribuirán a dar respuesta

    La reconstruction des ingénieurs 1942-1958

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    La période de la Reconstruction a produit une historiographie surtout axée sur l’intervention des architectes dans le domaine de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme, alors que les ingénieurs ont aussi joué un rôle déterminant. Est ici soulignée la diversité des statuts professionnels et des modes d’exercice L’article montre ensuite que l’œuvre des ingénieurs est directement déterminée par les lignes de force qui régissent l’ensemble de l’économie française : la planification, le modèle de l’économie concertée, les priorités de la Reconstruction liées aux aides financières du plan Marshall. Les ingénieurs se sont engagés dans l’édification et la modernisation des équipements productifs fondamentaux pour la reprise économique du pays. Inscrits dans la problématique de l’aménagement du territoire, ces équipements se composent des grandes infrastructures liées au transport et à la production d’énergie.This paper stresses that the period of the “French Reconstruction” after World War II carried out a historiography that in majority studied the work of the architects in the fields of architecture and town planning. But engineers also played an important part during this time, even if it remains less known. The author first emphasizes the diversity of the professional status of the engineers. He also shows that their work is directly shaped by the priorities leading the whole French economy of that time, that is to say: planning regulation, model of the “économie concertée”, reconstruction priorities linked with the financial aid of the Marshall Plan. Thus engineers carried out a national level reconstruction policy aiming at the edification and modernization of the production facilities that were essential to boost the French economy. Part of the new land-use planning policy, this equipment is, on one hand, composed of major facilities in the sector of transport. On the second hand, they also are made of facilities in the fields of energy production, which are nationalized firms as EDF or Charbonnage de France

    Affordable spectral measurements of translucent materials

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    We present a spectral measurement approach for the bulk optical properties of translucent materials using only low-cost components. We focus on the translucent inks used in full-color 3D printing, and develop a technique with a high spectral resolution, which is important for accurate color reproduction. We enable this by developing a new acquisition technique for the three unknown material parameters, namely, the absorption and scattering coefficients, and its phase function anisotropy factor, that only requires three point measurements with a spectrometer. In essence, our technique is based on us finding a three-dimensional appearance map, computed using Monte Carlo rendering, that allows the conversion between the three observables and the material parameters. Our measurement setup works without laboratory equipment or expensive optical components. We validate our results on a 3D printed color checker with various ink combinations. Our work paves a path for more accurate appearance modeling and fabrication even for low-budget environments or affordable embedding into other devices

    XMM-Newton and Deep Optical Observations of the OTELO fields: the Groth-Westphal Strip

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    OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey) will be carried out with the OSIRIS instrument at the 10 m GTC telescope at La Palma, and is aimed to be the deepest and richest survey of emission line objects to date. The deep narrow-band optical data from OSIRIS will be complemented by means of additional observations that include: (i) an exploratory broad-band survey that is already being carried out in the optical domain, (ii) FIR and sub-mm observations to be carried with the Herschel space telescope and the GTM, and (iii) deep X-Ray observations from XMM-Newton and Chandra.Here we present a preliminary analysis of public EPIC data of one of the OTELO targets,the Groth-Westphal strip, gathered from the XMM-Newton Science Archive (XSA). EPIC images are combined with optical BVRI data from our broadband survey carried out with the 4.2m WHT at La Palma. Distance-independent diagnostics (involving X/O ratio, hardness ratios, B/T ratio) are tested.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, uses graphicx package. To appear in proceedings of "The X-Ray Universe 2005", San Lorenzo del Escorial, Spain, September 26-30, 200

    The role of point-of-care ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of necrotizing soft tissue infections

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    Background: Necrotizing soft tissue infections are associated with high morbidity and mortality, even when the correct treatment is initiated. The diagnosis of these conditions is hard and the most sensitive methods are time-consuming, expensive and not readily available. Point-of-care ultrasound can complement clinical evaluation to increase the diagnostic accuracy. Case presentation: We bring a case of a woman, without comorbidities, who presented to the emergency department with signs of soft tissue infection. Bedside ultrasound showed subcutaneous tissue thickening, with fluid accumulation, and subcutaneous gas in the affected area. Based on the clinical suspicion and the ultrasound findings, the patient underwent prompt medical treatment and surgical debridement. Conclusions: This case shows the utility of bedside ultrasound for the decision-making process in a disease where an early diagnosis is important. This information should always be used together with the clinical judgement, as it has a relative low sensitivity

    Flux stabilization of silicon nitride microsieves by backpulsing and surface modification with PEG moieties

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    The influence of the surface properties of chemically modified silicon nitride microsieves on the filtration of protein solutions and defatted milk is described in this research. Prior to membrane filtrations, an antifouling polymer based on poly(ethylene glycol), poly(TMSMA-r-PEGMA) was synthesized and applied on silicon-based surfaces like silicon, silicon nitride, and glass. The ability of such coating to repel proteins like bovine serum albumin (BSA) was confirmed by ellipsometry and confocal fluorescence microscopy. In BSA and skimmed milk filtrations no differences could be seen between unmodified and PEG-coated membranes (decreasing permeability in time). On the other hand, reduced fouling was observed with PEG-modified microsieves in combination with backpulsing and air sparging

    Situació actual dels professionals de la informació a l’àmbit jurídic d’Espanya

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    Results of a study on the information professionals working at Spanish law firms. The study analyse how is the documentation center where the professionals work, the place within the company, the staff, their job tasks, the tools they use and finally, how they see the future of the department. The study aims to get a vision of the current situation of this profession and its diversity