58 research outputs found

    Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Bmt Al Ittihad Rumbai Dalam Memperluas Pasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pemasaran BMT Al Ittihad Rumbai dalam memperluas pasar dan menemukan posisi strategi dari BMT Al Ittihad Rumbai. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh cabang BMT Al Ittihad Rumbai yang berada dipekanbaru yang berjumlah 3 cabang. Sampel dari penelitian ini menggunakan proposive sampling kepada pihak manajemen BMT seperti Kepala cabang dan manajer. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini mengunakan metode diskriptif dengan tahapan analisis berawal dari penentuan variable SWOT dari faktor Eksternal dan Internal yang di anggap berpengaruh terhadap BMT Al Ittihad Rumbai, selanjutnya setalah ditemukan dan dibobot dari setiap indikator lalu tahapan berikutnya adalah penetuan posisi strategi dengan sumber data dari analisis SWOT sebelumnya dengan mengunakan Matrik SWOT-8K, setalah ditemukan posisi strategi maka tahapan berikutnya penyusunan dan Perumusan strategi dengan munggunakan Matrik TWOS yang terdiri dari strategi Strength- (SO), Strength- (ST), Weakness- opertonity (WO) dan Weakness- Treath (WT). Hasil dari penelitin ini menunjukan bahwa strategi pemasaran yang dapat digunakan adalah adalah (1) Membuat dan Mengembangkan applikasi BMT Al Ittihad pada Smartphone sesuai dengan sistem syariah, (2) Meningkat kegiatan promosi di media pemasaran offline dan online yang masih belum dilaksanakan oleh BMT Al Ittihad karena kegiatan ini akan sekaligus mempromosikan kepada masyarakat Riau khususnya masyarakat muslim dan (3) Menjadi Sponsor pada Acara/ Kegiatan islami dengan menjadi sponsor dan posisi strategi BMT Al Ittihad Rumbai berada pada Strategi Pertumbuhan Stabil (stable Growth Strategy

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Kecil Dan Menengah (UKM) Kerupuk Kulit Kota Pekanbaru

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor eksternal dan internal Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Kerupuk Kulit keluran sidomulyo barat Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru serta merumuskan dan merencanakan strategi pengembangan USAha dalam upaya memperoleh realisasi bisnis, memperluas dan menambah nilai profitabilitas bagi UKM Kerupuk Kulit kelurahan Sidomulyo Barat Kecamatan Tampan. Dalam penelitian ini metodologi yang digunakan dalam perencanaan strategi pengembangan USAha ini yaitu dengan mengunakan analisis matriks SWOT, General strategy Matrik dan Matrik TWOS. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan strategi pengembangan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Kerupuk Kulit adalah dengan mengunakan strategi stabilisas

    Kemampuan Renang Anak Ikan Patin (Pangasius Sutchi) di dalam Tangki Berarus

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    Sixty seven specimens of the young catfish Pangasius sutchi were divided into three groups. The group (A) was young catfish with size (Body Length, BL±STDEV) 5.6±0.4 cm, n = 24, group (B) was 9.4±0.5 cm, n = 24, and group (C) was 15.0±0.9 cm, n = 19. All specimens were forced to swim in swimming channel of the flume tank for examined their swimming performance. The result show that the swimming speed has negative correlation on the swimming endurance. Higher swimming speed will be at lower swimming endurance for three groups of the young catfish. The bigger young catfish had higher swimming performance than smaller. Based on estimation of the burst swimming speed was 86.8 cm sec-1 for group C, 74.4 cm sec-1 for group B, and 57.5 cm sec-1 for group A. The estimation of the maximum sustained swimming speed was higher for bigger than smaller fish, as 10.9 cm sec-1 for group A, 19.7 cm sec-1 for group B and 16.4 cm sec-1 for group C. The relationship between swimming speed and swimming endurance of the young catfish are discussed in detail in this paper

    Pemijahan dan Penjinakan Ikan Pantau (Rasbora Latestriata)

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    Studies on Rasbora sp. have been developed in the last two decades, but nostudy have been conducted on the fish spawning related to requirement of adomesticated fish (normal movement, feed on artificial food, growth, and spawn).An experiment on the ethology of R. latestriata executed in the concrete tank of3mx2mx15m watered continuously up to 50 cm in depth and by inlet pipe positionthe water move at the flow speed less than 10 cm/sec. More than 60 randomly maleand female fishes feed ‘ad libitum' with catfish pellet artificial food and cultured forthree months in the rainy season. At the third month approximately hundred fishlarvae of 1 to 1.5 cm were found. This study concluded that Rasbora can be culturedcommercially, as the fish domesticated as ob-served moving normally, feedingartificial food, growth and spawn in the human control environment. However,further study on breeding and commercial aquaculture of the fish is necessary

    Economic Efficiency and Productivity of the Fishing Boat for Giant Threadfish (Eletheronema Tetradactylum)

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    This paper discussed the productivity and economic efficiency of the fishing boat for giant threadfish (Eletheronema tetradactylum), which operated in the Malacca Straits. Eleven fishing boats with different weights (GT) were observed for their input as total cost and output as total benefit in order to calculate respective fishing boat productivity and efficiency. It was found that fishing boat activities on giant threadfish using various boat sizes were efficient with BCR>1 and profitable. However, the average economic efficiency of all boats was 1.65 with the highest efficiency of 1.74 for the 2 GT fishing boat. The average productivity of the fishing boat was Rp 4.5 million or Rp 1.5 million/GT with its capital payback period of 29 months.The highest productivity was found on the 2 GT fishing boat of Rp 5.5 million or Rp 2.8 million/GT with its capital payback period of 27 months. However, The 4 GT fishing boat was recommended to be developed for artisanal fishery of giant threadfish because its economic efficiency was relatively high of 1.71 and its produktivity was Rp 5.1 million or Rp 1.3 million/GT with capital payback period of 29 months
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