3 research outputs found

    Genetic trend in selection for litter weight in two maternal lines of rabbits in Egypt

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    [EN] An analysis was carried out to evaluate the results of the selection program of a new synthetic maternal line of Egyptian APRI rabbits and the Spanish V line. The selection criterion was litter weaning weight in both lines based on Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) estimations under a repeatability animal model. The studied traits were: litter birth weight, litter weaning weight (at 28 d) and pre-weaning litter gain. Heritability estimates were generally low (0.09 to 0.11) and comparable in both lines. Low to moderate estimates of repeatability were observed for all studied traits (0.15 to 0.31). Estimates of genetic correlations were high (0.77 to 0.97), while permanent environmental effects correlations were mostly lower than genetic correlations (0.47 to 0.87). The genetic trends were also estimated using mixed model methodology and were significant and comparable (34.2 and 32.5 g) for the selected trait (litter weaning weight) in APRI and V lines, respectively. Furthermore, correlated genetic trends were significant (P<0.05) for other litter weight traits. These results indicate that the current selection program has been effective in achieving genetic improvement in litter weight traits.The authors would like to thank the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for supporting this work through the project “Sustainable production of rabbit meat: Evaluation and genetic improvement of Spanish-Egyptian rabbit lines”.Abou Khadiga, G.; Youssef, Y.; Saleh, K.; Nofal, R.; Baselga, M. (2010). Genetic trend in selection for litter weight in two maternal lines of rabbits in Egypt. World Rabbit Science. 18(1):27-32. doi:10.4995/wrs.2010.18.04273218


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    [EN] Carcass data on 80 rabbits representing four genetic groups and both sexes were analyséd to determine the effects of straight and cross breeding on carcass traits. Genetic groups were New Zealand White (NZW), Califomian {CA) ana their reciprocal crosses (NZW x CA and CA x NZW). At 14-16 weeks of age live béx:ly weight at slaughter (after 24h fasting) averaged 2529, 2459, 2523 and 2589a ; and dressing percentages were 60.6, 60.5, 60.1 and 60.8 %, respectively. The genelic group effect was not significant for all traits except proportion of the fore-quarters, legs and giblets percentages which were .higher in straightbreds than m crossbreds. Sex and genetic group x sex interactlon were not significant for all tra1ts except dressing percentage and fore-quarters percentage which increaseå m males while offals increased in females. Crossbred rabbits attained a suitable slaughter weight 1 week earlier than straightbred rabbits. Estimates of heterosis percentage in dressing percentage, fore-quarters, loin region, hind-quarters, head, liver, gibl'éts and abdominal fat were -0.2, -4.0, +3.5, + 1.2, +0.1, -6.0, -8.0 and -14.4 respectively.[FR] Les données provenant de 80 carcasses de lapins de 4 groupes génét1ques des deux sexes ont été ana/ysées pour Cléterminer les effets de l'élevage en race pure ou en croisement sur les caractéristiques des carcasses. Les 4 ~oupes génétiques utilisés sont les Néo-Zélandais blancs N~ les Ca/ifomiens (CA) et leur croisements réciproques : ZW x CA et CA x NZW. Les poids vif moyen a l'abattage, a 14-16 semaines, apres un /eóne de 24 heures, sonl de 2529, 2459, 2523 et 2569a ; fes rendements a l'abattage sont de 60,6 , 60,5 , 60, 1 et 67J,8 %, respectivement. Pour toutes les caractéristiques de la carcasse, l'effet du type génétique n'est pas significatif, excepté pour Ja proportion du quartier avant, le % aes pattes et des abats qui sont plus élevés pour les races pures que pour les croisements. Pour toutes les caractérist1ques, l'interaction entre le sexe et le groupe génétique x sexe n 'est pas significative, excepté pour le rendement a l'abattage et pour le % des quartiers avant qui augmente chez les m~es tandis que les déchets augmentent chez les feme/les. Les lapins issus de croisement atteignent le poids souhaité a l'abattage une semaine plus t6t que les lapins de race pure. Les taux d'hétérosis du rendement a l'abattage, des quartiers arrieres, de la téte, du foie, des abats, et de la graisse abdomina/e sont estim~s a -0,2, -4,0 , +3,5, + 1,2, +V, 1 , -0,6, -0,8 et -14,4 respect1vement.Nofal, R.; Toth, S.; Vlrag, G. (1995). CARCASS TRAITS OF PUREBRED AND CROSSBRED RABBITS. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10493.SWORD3

    Practice patterns and outcomes after stroke across countries at different economic levels (INTERSTROKE):an international observational study

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    Background: Stroke disproportionately affects people in low-income and middle-income countries. Although improvements in stroke care and outcomes have been reported in high-income countries, little is known about practice and outcomes in low and middle-income countries. We aimed to compare patterns of care available and their association with patient outcomes across countries at different economic levels. Methods: We studied the patterns and effect of practice variations (ie, treatments used and access to services) among participants in the INTERSTROKE study, an international observational study that enrolled 13 447 stroke patients from 142 clinical sites in 32 countries between Jan 11, 2007, and Aug 8, 2015. We supplemented patient data with a questionnaire about health-care and stroke service facilities at all participating hospitals. Using univariate and multivariate regression analyses to account for patient casemix and service clustering, we estimated the association between services available, treatments given, and patient outcomes (death or dependency) at 1 month. Findings: We obtained full information for 12 342 (92%) of 13 447 INTERSTROKE patients, from 108 hospitals in 28 countries; 2576 from 38 hospitals in ten high-income countries and 9766 from 70 hospitals in 18 low and middle-income countries. Patients in low-income and middle-income countries more often had severe strokes, intracerebral haemorrhage, poorer access to services, and used fewer investigations and treatments (p&lt;0·0001) than those in high-income countries, although only differences in patient characteristics explained the poorer clinical outcomes in low and middle-income countries. However across all countries, irrespective of economic level, access to a stroke unit was associated with improved use of investigations and treatments, access to other rehabilitation services, and improved survival without severe dependency (odds ratio [OR] 1·29; 95% CI 1·14–1·44; all p&lt;0·0001), which was independent of patient casemix characteristics and other measures of care. Use of acute antiplatelet treatment was associated with improved survival (1·39; 1·12–1·72) irrespective of other patient and service characteristics. Interpretation: Evidence-based treatments, diagnostics, and stroke units were less commonly available or used in low and middle-income countries. Access to stroke units and appropriate use of antiplatelet treatment were associated with improved recovery. Improved care and facilities in low-income and middle-income countries are essential to improve outcomes