303 research outputs found

    Revisiting the debate on constructing a theory of international relations with Chinese characteristics

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    After decades of policy learning and adoption of "Western" theories of international politics, the Chinese academic community has (re-)turned to the construction of a "Chinese" theory framework. This article examines the recent academic debates on theory with "Chinese characteristics" and sheds light on their historical and philosophical foundations. It argues that the search for a "Chinese" paradigm of international relations theory is part of China's quest for national identity and global status. As can be concluded from the analysis of these debates, "Chinese" theories of international politics are expected to fulfil two general functions - to safeguard China's national interests and to legitimize the one-party system

    Is There a “Chinese School” of IR?

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    Research on Chinese International Relations (IR) theory has produced a variety of discourses, including post‐positivist analyses, contributions by area specialists and China watchers, and articles by Chinese IR scholars. These strands, however, hardly overlap or communicate with each other. To close the gap between “the self‐reflection of the core” (“Western” IR) (Waever/Tickner 2009: 3) and “the periphery’s revolt against [“Western”] IR” paradigms (ibid.), it is necessary to view China (and other non‐“Western” regions) as more than simply a playground for theory testing. This paper thus goes beyond the metatheoretical debate about the possibility of non‐“Western” IR. It argues that even though the IR debates in China are heavily influenced by the trends of “Western” IR Studies, the claim regarding the establishment of a “Chinese school of IR” is not a hollow slogan. Indigenous frameworks are already under construction

    Microblogs in China : bringing the state back in

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    Chinas neue EU-Strategie : Aufbau einer strategischen Achse der Weltpolitik?

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    Zeitenwende in der internationalen Politik?

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    GrĂ¶ĂŸer, stĂ€rker, global? : Chinas Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik nach dem FĂŒhrungswechsel

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    Mit der Jahrestagung des Nationalen Volkskongresses (MĂ€rz 2013) hat der chinesische FĂŒhrungswechsel, der mit dem 18. Parteitag im November 2012 eingeleitet wurde, einen vorlĂ€ufigen Abschluss gefunden. Impliziert der personelle Wechsel auch eine Neuausrichtung der chinesischen Außenpolitik? FĂŒhrungswechsel in der Volksrepublik China werden nicht als ZĂ€sur, sondern als Weitergabe des Staffelstabes an die nĂ€chste FĂŒhrungsgeneration orchestriert. Die Grundlinien der chinesischen Außenpolitik fĂŒr die kommenden fĂŒnf Jahre sind auf dem 18. Parteitag im November 2012 fixiert worden. Die Schwerpunkte des laufenden FĂŒnfjahresprogramms (2011-2015) und die ErklĂ€rungen des Nationalen Volkskongresses (MĂ€rz 2013) verdeutlichen, dass der Fokus der neuen FĂŒhrungselite zunĂ€chst auf dem Ausgleich der internen sozio-ökonomischen Spannungen liegt. Chinas militĂ€rische Modernisierung, Territorialdispute mit Nachbarstaaten und starke nationale bzw. patriotische Strömungen, wie auch das Streben nach grĂ¶ĂŸerem internationalen Einfluss, werfen Fragen nach den Interessen und Zielen der chinesischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik auf. Die Volksrepublik China wird nicht nur als zunehmend selbstbewusst, sondern auch als "assertive power" wahrgenommen. Der massive Ausbau der Flotte gilt als Indiz fĂŒr Machtstreben. Die verstĂ€rkte PrĂ€senz der USA in der Asien-Pazifik-Region, der Kauf der Diaoyu/ Senkaku-Inseln durch Japan, die sich ĂŒberlappenden InteressenssphĂ€ren im SĂŒdchinesischen Meer und das nordkoreanische Nuklearprogramm stellen ein neues Sicherheitsdilemma dar. Im Zuge der Machtkonsolidierung sieht sich die politische FĂŒhrung mit Forderungen patriotischer Gruppierungen und global agierender chinesischer Wirtschaftsakteure konfrontiert, die fĂŒr eine Modifizierung der außenpolitischen Strategie der VR China plĂ€dieren. Die chinesische Regierung hat einen schwierigen Balanceakt zwischen den konkurrierenden gesellschaftlichen Positionen zu meistern

    China in Latin America: competition in the United States' "strategic backyard"

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    In May 2013, both China and the United States engaged in high-level travel diplomacy with selected states in the Caribbean and Latin America. Apart from bilateral trade agreements, China and the United States have shifted their engagement with the region toward high politics. China’s increased interest in the Caribbean and Latin America has been deemed a threat to the United States in its “strategic backyard.” However, the complexity of Beijing’s relationships in the region warrants a more detailed analysis. After the 9/11 attacks and the US-led “war on terror” in other regions of the world, Latin America did not rank high on the US foreign policy agenda. But since China has become Latin America’s second largest trading partner and has started to establish strategic partnerships in the region, the United States seems to have become more concerned about these developments. Latin America is employing a multiangular approach by strengthening its ties with both the United States and China as well as other extraregional partners. In part, this has forced the United States to adapt its strategy accordingly and to offer the region a new type of cooperative partnership. China’s interest in the Caribbean and Latin America is still primarily driven by access to resources and markets. However, it has started to upgrade its cooperation with selected states in the region to include issues of high politics. It is building gateways to the region by identifying key players in the region’s territorial subunits. Apart from bilateral relations, China has recently turned to regional organizations and institutions

    Audiovisual temporal correspondence modulates human multisensory superior temporal sulcus plus primary sensory cortices

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    The brain should integrate related but not unrelated information from different senses. Temporal patterning of inputs to different modalities may provide critical information about whether those inputs are related or not. We studied effects of temporal correspondence between auditory and visual streams on human brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI). Streams of visual flashes with irregularly jittered, arrhythmic timing could appear on right or left, with or without a stream of auditory tones that coincided perfectly when present ( highly unlikely by chance), were noncoincident with vision ( different erratic, arrhythmic pattern with same temporal statistics), or an auditory stream appeared alone. fMRI revealed blood oxygenation level-dependent ( BOLD) increases in multisensory superior temporal sulcus (mSTS), contralateral to a visual stream when coincident with an auditory stream, and BOLD decreases for noncoincidence relative to unisensory baselines. Contralateral primary visual cortex and auditory cortex were also affected by audiovisual temporal correspondence or noncorrespondence, as confirmed in individuals. Connectivity analyses indicated enhanced influence from mSTS on primary sensory areas, rather than vice versa, during audiovisual correspondence. Temporal correspondence between auditory and visual streams affects a network of both multisensory ( mSTS) and sensory-specific areas in humans, including even primary visual and auditory cortex, with stronger responses for corresponding and thus related audiovisual inputs

    Top-down and bottom-up modulation of language related areas – An fMRI Study

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    BACKGROUND: One major problem for cognitive neuroscience is to describe the interaction between stimulus and task driven neural modulation. We used fMRI to investigate this interaction in the human brain. Ten male subjects performed a passive listening and a semantic categorization task in a factorial design. In both tasks, words were presented auditorily at three different rates. RESULTS: We found: (i) as word presentation rate increased hemodynamic responses increased bilaterally in the superior temporal gyrus including Heschl's gyrus (HG), the planum temporale (PT), and the planum polare (PP); (ii) compared to passive listening, semantic categorization produced increased bilateral activations in the ventral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and middle frontal gyrus (MFG); (iii) hemodynamic responses in the left dorsal IFG increased linearly with increasing word presentation rate only during the semantic categorization task; (iv) in the semantic task hemodynamic responses decreased bilaterally in the insula with increasing word presentation rates; and (v) in parts of the HG the hemodynamic response increased with increasing word presentation rates during passive listening more strongly. CONCLUSION: The observed "rate effect" in primary and secondary auditory cortex is in accord with previous findings and suggests that these areas are driven by low-level stimulus attributes. The bilateral effect of semantic categorization is also in accord with previous studies and emphasizes the role of these areas in semantic operations. The interaction between semantic categorization and word presentation in the left IFG indicates that this area has linguistic functions not present in the right IFG. Finally, we speculate that the interaction between semantic categorization and word presentation rates in HG and the insula might reflect an inhibition of the transfer of unnecessary information from the temporal to frontal regions of the brain

    Gipfeltreffen in Peking: nationale und globale Dimensionen der sino-europÀischen Beziehungen

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    Am 21. November 2013 fand in Peking das 16. Gipfeltreffen zwischen der EuropĂ€ischen Union (EU) und der Volksrepublik (VR) China statt. Es war das erste offizielle Treffen zwischen der EU und der neuen chinesischen Regierung, die seit MĂ€rz 2013 im Amt ist. Den Mittelpunkt des Treffens bildeten Verhandlungen ĂŒber ein gemeinsames Investitionsabkommen, die mögliche Einrichtung einer Freihandelszone sowie der Entwurf einer gemeinsamen Agenda 2020. Das 16. Gipfeltreffen steht damit grundsĂ€tzlich in der Tradition der vorangegangenen Gipfeltreffen. Die Idee einer Intensivierung der Wirtschafts- und Handelskontakte war bereits auf dem 15. Gipfeltreffen in BrĂŒssel (2012) als Zielvorgabe fixiert worden. Im Schatten der globalen Banken- und Finanzkrise genießt fĂŒr beide Kooperationspartner die Stabilisierung und langfristige Konsolidierung der nationalen beziehungsweise regionalen WirtschaftsrĂ€ume oberste PrioritĂ€t. Konfliktthemen werden ausgeklammert. Die Verabschiedung einer gemeinsamen Agenda 2020 bringt symbolisch die KomplementaritĂ€t der chinesischen und der europĂ€ischen Volkswirtschaften zum Ausdruck. An die Stelle der einseitigen StrategieerklĂ€rungen treten gemeinsame KooperationsplĂ€ne, die neben bilateralen auch globale Themen umfassen. Die Diversifizierung der chinesischen Europapolitik ist in jĂŒngster Zeit als strategischer Versuch gewertet worden, die EU-Staaten gegeneinander auszuspielen. China ist jedoch nicht der Auslöser fĂŒr die Fragmentierungserscheinungen in der europĂ€ischen Politik; vielmehr bringt die Konkurrenz der europĂ€ischen Staaten untereinander mit Blick auf China die immanenten Interessendivergenzen innerhalb Europas an die OberflĂ€che. In Zeiten wachsender globaler Interdependenzen sind intra- und interregionale Kooperations- und Koordinationsstrukturen die einzige Lösung, effektive und als legitim angesehene Lösungen zu finden. Die Intensivierung der sino-europĂ€ischen Partnerschaft ist ein Schritt in diese Richtung
