4 research outputs found

    Pola Persarangan Curik Bali (Leucopsar Rothscliildistresemann, 1912) Dan Kerab Atnya Di Taman Nasional Bali Barat*[nesting Pattern of Bali Myna, Leucopsar Rothschildi Stresemann, 1912 and Its Relatives in West Bali National Park]

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    Bali myna (Leucopsar rothschildi Stresemann, 1912) was reported as an endemic bird from western part of Bali Island, and also as endangered species.The species lived in the lowland forest and used tree holes made by other animals as their nests.Besides L.rothschildi, there were two other species of birds found using the holes as their nest in the study site, namely Black-winged starling(Sturnus melanopterus (Daudin, 1800)) and Javan myna (Acridotheres fitscus (Wagler, 1827)).This paper deals with result of research on the competition of those three species of birds in obtaining tree hole for nesting, was carried out in West Bali National Park, Bali. Data demonstrated that there were no differences in the size of nest for the three species of birds, Javan myna lived in the habitat of coconut garden where Bali myna did not occupy it, and the habitat of Black-winged starling was overlapped with Bali myna, but Bali myna preferred living in denser vegetation. The reproduction of the three species of birds were dependent on the occurrence of other birds species belonging to Picidae and Capitonidae who were able to make holes on trees

    Kawasan Lindung Gunung Ciremai Dan Kemungkinan Pengelolaannya

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    Protected Area and Conservation Strategy of Ciremai Mountain. The Ciremai MountainWest Jawa as one of the important water catchments area and as water supplier area forMajalengka, Kuningan, Cirebon, Indramayu district in West Jawa provice and part of Brebesdistrict in Central Jawa Province. In order to uphold its function in storing water resources, itis important to understand the protected area of Ceremai Mountain. The protected area wasestablished on its altitude, elevation, and type of soil of about 22,600 ha. 15,410 ha or 68.20%of this area has been recovered, including 8,320 ha of Ceremai Mountain National Park.Reforestation of the ex-pinus area was necessary to increase water reservation. Besides thatCeremai Mountain National Park was needed to be managed with agro forestry

    Merekonstruksi Habitat Curik Bali Leucopsar Rothschildi Stresemann, 1912 Di Bali Bagian Barat

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    Habitat Reconstruction of Bali Starling Leucopsar rothschildi Stresemann 1912 in WesternPart of Bali Island. Bali Starling Leucopsar rothschildi Stresemann 1912 is an endemic speciesof north western part of lowland of Bali Island. The land use changes of original habitat BaliStraling to resettlement and agriculture area since the year 1980, has caused this speciesmoved to the marginal habitat in the Prapatagung Peninsula and resided in Telukkelor areas. Inwet season this bird in Prapatagung Peninsula can have enough food from vegetation in themonsoon forest in Telukkelor, but in dry season the birds must look for the food in evergreenforest near Prapatagung. At the end of 2005, this species was categorized as an extinct speciesin the wild, but population in captured are still abundant. In 2007 and 2008, the release of thisbird in the nature has been done in Prapatagung peninsula area. In following year birdmonitoring showed that some pairs of these birds can breed sucessfully.The development of Bali province has caused the end of adding more the electrical powersupply from Java electrical power system. To transmite the electrical power to Bali, extra highvoltage electrical power transmission infrastructure (SUTET) that will be passing and cuttingthe lowland forest ecosystem in Prapatagung Peninsula is needed. Other infrastructures suchas Jawa–Bali bridge and high way were under studied to develop in similar area. Theinfrastructures were assumed will decrease the carrying capacity of evergreen forest insupporting Bali Starling food especially during dry season. Based on the recent condition,study on the habitat recovery of Bali Starling should was conducted especially on the originalhabitat that already changed. The results showed that local state land tenure of Sumberklampok,Sumberbatok, Tegalmuara and Tanjunggelap as in the past known as Bali Starling habitatshould be returned back their function as home of Bali Starling. To support this action plantinventarisation has been conducted to understand the rest of plant diversity in supportingBali Starling conservation

    Peran Adat Dan Pensakralan Mata Air Terhadap Konservasi Air Di Lereng Ciremai

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    Traditional Role and Spring Sacredness For Water Conservation in the slope of MountCiremai. Kuningan Regency proclaimed as conservation regency. Consequently the way oflife in this regency should follow non-pollutant producing or non-environmental damagingactivities. This regency is intended to perform organic agriculture and water tourism (falls,lakes, and springs) destination. For those purposes, Kuningan Regency should maximize thepotency of natural catching and reserving rainfall area to be used efficiently thereafter.Kuningan Regency is surrounded by five DAS derived from the slope of Mount Ciremai. Atleast there are three sacred springs in Kuningan Regency including Balong Dalem, BalongCibulan, and Sumur Tujuh. All of them are located in Jalaksana District. Balong Dalem andSumur Tujuh are the centre of traditional ritual called kawin cai or mapag cai. The ritual implyingawareness of the society human life depend on water supply sustainability. Comparativeanalysis between sacred and non-sacred springs indicated that the sacred springs are betterand more conserved condition than that in non-sacred spring (Balong Darmaloka). However,there were still unique and threatened animals in sacred springs. Therefore, traditional rolesand spring sacredness in Kuningan are still needed for spring conservation. Unfortunately,many of governmental activities exhibited unawareness of local government to the springconservation which it should become their responsibility