21 research outputs found

    Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all cancer sites following atrial fibrillation by follow-up period, Denmark, 1980–2011.

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    <p>Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all cancer sites following atrial fibrillation by follow-up period, Denmark, 1980–2011.</p

    Standardized incidence ratios for major cancer sites or lifestyle-related cancers diagnosed following atrial fibrillation by follow-up period, Denmark, 1980–2011.<sup>a</sup><sup>,</sup><sup>b</sup>

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    a<p>SIR, standardized incidence ratio; CI, confidence interval.</p>b<p>Because only the 13 most incident cancers for each gender (The Danish Health and Medicines Authority, 2010) are shown, the number of cases for the individual sites and types do not add up to the total number.</p

    Eligibility and participation of study participants.

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    <p>*Reflects completed pregnancies lasting at least until the beginning of the 3<sup>rd</sup> trimester, regardless of pregnancy outcome. **Most recent pregnancy occurred more than 12 months from the interview date due to a lag time between the start of the census and the start of the study.</p

    Doses of IPTp-SP taken during pregnancy among women with 2 or more qualifying ANC visits.

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    1<p>(n = 275): Excludes women without qualifying ANC visits in the 2<sup>nd</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> trimester (n = 46), women using SP for the treatment of malaria (n = 179).</p

    Descriptive bed net usage information among women who did not always user an ITN.

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    *<p>Other Reasons: Torn/damaged (n = 3); Needed retreatment (n = 1); Needed washing (n = 3); Irregular mosquitos (n = 1); Made me sick (n = 1).</p

    Pooled Odds ratio for fetal loss after 2-3rd trimester exposures to artemisinins stratified by comparison group.

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    <p>*McGready 2001 reported multiple types of artemisinin exposures that were combined for this analysis and reported as ACTs (12). ^McGready 1999 MQ or Q exposures include patients given MQ, Q, or both (33). ART: artesunate, AS-MQ: artesunate mefloquine, AL: artemether-lumefantrine, DP: dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine, AAP: artesunate atovaquone proguanil, AS-SP: artesunate sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, AS-AQ: artesunate-amodiaquine, Q: quinine, Q+C: quinine+clindamycin, SP: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, AQ: amodiaquine, SP+CQ: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine chloroquine, MQ: mefloquine, SP-AZM: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine azithromycin, CD: chlorproguanal-dapsone, IPT: intermittent preventative treatment, RCT: randomized controlled trial, ACT: artemisinin combination therapy, No exp. No exposure to antimalarials.</p

    Pooled odds ratio for stillbirth after 2-3rd trimester exposures to artemisinins compared to other drugs.

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    <p>*McGready 2001 reported multiple types of artemisinin exposures that were combined for this analysis and reported as ACT (12). ^McGready 1999 MQ or Q exposures include patients given MQ, Q, or both (33). ART: artesunate, AL: artemether-lumefantrine, AAP: artesunate atovaquone proguanil, AS-AQ: artesunate-amodiaquine, Q: quinine, Q+C: quinine+clindamycin, SP: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine, AQ: amodiaquine, SP+CQ: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine chloroquine, MQ: mefloquine, SP-AZM: sulfadoxine pyrimethamine azithromycin, CD: chlorproguanal-dapsone, IPT: intermittent preventative treatment, RCT: randomized controlled trial, ACT: artemisinin combination therapy, No exp. no exposure to antimalarials.</p