1 research outputs found

    Phytocoenotic Distribution of Hulthemia persica (Michaut ex Juss.) Bornm. (Rosaceae) under Different Ecological Conditions in Uzbekistan

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    The paper presents some of the results of the 2020–2022 studies of 7 communities with the participation of a poorly studied forage and melliferous species, Hulthemia persica, in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The research goal is to identify the phytocenotic confinement of the poorly studied forage and melliferous species H. persica in various environmental conditions in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Phytocoenotic studies in 7 communities have shown that the population numbers of H. persica in the Tashkent Region (Parkentsay) are satisfactory. However, in recent years the strong impact of anthropogenic factors, primarily livestock grazing under natural growing conditions, has affected this species’ abundance, which has gradually disappeared. Large-scale exploration and prospecting, with the development of the oil and gas industry and other technogenic factors, has harmed the state of H. persica; therefore, populations lack young individuals and the cover provided by this species is relatively low. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen protection measures, which the authors also recommend using for degraded pastures in the desert and foothill regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A detailed survey of natural populations and monitoring their condition should be carried out. In particular, H. persica is a promising plant adapted to various environmental conditions and can be used in degraded pastures in desert and foothill regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan