78 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Oxidative Alkoxyamine Cleavage: The Surprising Role of the Solvent and Supporting Electrolyte

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    In this work, we show that the nature of the supporting electrolyte and solvent can dramatically alter the outcome of the electrochemically mediated cleavage of alkoxyamines. A combination of cyclic voltammetry experiments and quantum chemistry is used to study the oxidation behavior of TEMPO-i-Pr under different conditions. In dichloromethane, using a noncoordinating electrolyte (TBAPF6), TEMPO-i-Pr undergoes reversible oxidation, which indicates that the intermediate radical cation is stable toward mesolytic fragmentation. In contrast, in tetrahydrofuran with the same electrolyte, oxidized TEMPO-i-Pr undergoes a rapid and irreversible fragmentation. In nitromethane and acetonitrile, partially irreversible oxidation is observed, indicating that fragmentation is much slower. Likewise, alkoxyamine oxidation in the presence of more strongly coordinating supporting electrolyte anions (BF4-, ClO4-, OTf-, HSO4-, NO3-) is also irreversible. These observations can be explained in terms of solvent- or electrolyte-mediated SN2 pathways and indicate that oxidative alkoxyamine cleavage can be "activated" by introducing coordinating solvents or electrolytes or be "inhibited" through the use of noncoordinating solvents and electrolytes

    Effect of Chemical Structure on the Electrochemical Cleavage of Alkoxyamines

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    A test set of 14 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPO)-based alkoxyamines was studied via a combination of cyclic voltammetry and accurate quantum chemistry to assess the effect of substituents on electrochemical cleavage. The experimental oxidation potentials of alkoxyamines falling into the range of 1.1-1.6 V versus Ag/AgCl in acetonitrile, were well reproduced by theory (MAD 0.04 V), with values showing good correlation with the σR Hammett parameters of both the R-group and the OR-group in TEMPO-R. Importantly, most of the studied alkoxyamines underwent oxidative cleavage to form either TEMPO· and R+ or TEMPO+ and R·, with the former favored by electron-donating substituents on R (e.g., 2-oxolane, Ac, CH(CH3)Ph, i-Pr, t-Bu) and the latter by electron withdrawing substituents (Bn, allyl, CH(CH3)C(O)OCH3, C(CH3)2C(O)OCH3, CH(CH3)CN). Where R is not stabilized (e.g., R = CH2C(O)OCH3, Me, Et), fully or almost fully reversible oxidation - without cleavage - was observed, making these species promising candidates for battery applications. Finally, in the case of R = Ph, where N-O cleavage occurred, a phenoxy cation and an aminyl radical were generated. On the basis of these results, TEMPO-based alkoxyamines can provide a variety of electrochemically generated carbon-centered radicals and carbocations for use in synthesis, polymerization, and surface modification

    Impact of gonadectomy on maturational changes in brain volume in adolescent macaques

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    Adolescence is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood characterized by significant changes in global and regional brain tissue volumes. It is also a period of increasing vulnerability to psychiatric illness. The relationship between these patterns and increased levels of circulating sex steroids during adolescence remains unclear. The objective of the current study was to determine whether gonadectomy, prior to puberty, alters adolescent brain development in male rhesus macaques. Ninety-six structural MRI scans were acquired from 12 male rhesus macaques (8 time points per animal over a two-year period). Six animals underwent gonadectomy and 6 animals underwent a sham operation at 29 months of age. Mixed-effects models were used to determine whether gonadectomy altered developmental trajectories of global and regional brain tissue volumes. We observed a significant effect of gonadectomy on the developmental trajectory of prefrontal gray matter (GM), with intact males showing peak volumes around 3.5 years of age with a subsequent decline. In contrast, prefrontal GM volumes continued to increase in gonadectomized males until the end of the study. We did not observe a significant effect of gonadectomy on prefrontal white matter or on any other global or regional brain tissue volumes, though we cannot rule out that effects might be detected in a larger sample. Results suggest that the prefrontal cortex is more vulnerable to gonadectomy than other brain regions

    Distribution of the daily Sunspot Number variation for the last 14 solar cycles

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    The difference between consecutive daily Sunspot Numbers was analysed. Its distribution was approximated on a large time scale with an exponential law. In order to verify this approximation a Maximum Entropy distribution was generated by a modified version of the Simulated Annealing algorithm. The exponential approximation holds for the generated distribution too. The exponential law is characteristic for time scales covering whole cycles and it is mostly a characteristic of the Sunspot Number fluctuations and not of its average variation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    The Role of Color Neutrality in Nuclear Physics--Modifications of Nucleonic Wave Functions

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    The influence of the nuclear medium upon the internal structure of a composite nucleon is examined. The interaction with the medium is assumed to depend on the relative distances between the quarks in the nucleon consistent with the notion of color neutrality, and to be proportional to the nucleon density. In the resulting description the nucleon in matter is a superposition of the ground state (free nucleon) and radial excitations. The effects of the nuclear medium on the electromagnetic and weak nucleon form factors, and the nucleon structure function are computed using a light-front constituent quark model. Further experimental consequences are examined by considering the electromagnetic nuclear response functions. The effects of color neutrality supply small but significant corrections to predictions of observables.Comment: 37 pages, postscript figures available on request to [email protected]

    A Bayesian Analysis of the Correlations Among Sunspot Cycles

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    Sunspot numbers form a comprehensive, long-duration proxy of solar activity and have been used numerous times to empirically investigate the properties of the solar cycle. A number of correlations have been discovered over the 24 cycles for which observational records are available. Here we carry out a sophisticated statistical analysis of the sunspot record that reaffirms these correlations, and sets up an empirical predictive framework for future cycles. An advantage of our approach is that it allows for rigorous assessment of both the statistical significance of various cycle features and the uncertainty associated with predictions. We summarize the data into three sequential relations that estimate the amplitude, duration, and time of rise to maximum for any cycle, given the values from the previous cycle. We find that there is no indication of a persistence in predictive power beyond one cycle, and conclude that the dynamo does not retain memory beyond one cycle. Based on sunspot records up to October 2011, we obtain, for Cycle 24, an estimated maximum smoothed monthly sunspot number of 97 +- 15, to occur in January--February 2014 +- 6 months.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solar Physic