8 research outputs found

    Presynaptic Calcium Channel Inhibition Underlies CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor-Mediated Suppression of GABA Release.

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    CB1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1) are located at axon terminals and effectively control synaptic communication and thereby circuit operation widespread in the CNS. Although it is partially uncovered how CB1 activation leads to the reduction of synaptic excitation, the mechanisms of the decrease of GABA release upon activation of these cannabinoid receptors remain elusive. To determine the mechanisms underlying the suppression of synaptic transmission by CB1 at GABAergic synapses, we recorded unitary IPSCs (uIPSCs) at cholecystokinin-expressing interneuron-pyramidal cell connections and imaged presynaptic [Ca(2+)] transients in mouse hippocampal slices. Our results reveal a power function with an exponent of 2.2 between the amplitude of uIPSCs and intrabouton [Ca(2+)]. Altering CB1 function by either increasing endocannabinoid production or removing its tonic activity allowed us to demonstrate that CB1 controls GABA release by inhibiting Ca(2+) entry into presynaptic axon terminals via N-type (Cav2.2) Ca(2+) channels. These results provide evidence for modulation of intrabouton Ca(2+) influx into GABAergic axon terminals by CB1, leading to the effective suppression of synaptic inhibition

    A gyermekkori koronavírus-fertőzést követő sokszervi gyulladás diagnosztikája és kezelése

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    A SARS-CoV-2-fertőzés ritka gyermekkori szövődménye a sokszervi gyulladás, angol terminológiával paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS). Két vagy több szerv érintettségével járó, súlyos tünetekkel induló betegségről van szó, amelynek tünetei átfedést mutatnak a Kawasaki-betegséggel, a toxikus sokk szindrómával és a makrofágaktivációs szindrómával. A PIMS-betegek intenzív terápiás osztályon vagy intenzív terápiás háttérrel rendelkező intézményben kezelendők, ahol biztosítottak a kardiológiai ellátás feltételei is. A szükséges immunterápia a klinikai prezentációtól függ. A jelen közleményben a szerzők a releváns nemzetközi irodalom áttekintését követően ajánlást tesznek a PIMS diagnosztikai és terápiás algoritmusára. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(17): 652-667. Summary. Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS) is a rare complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. PIMS is a severe condition, involving two or more organ systems. The symptoms overlap with Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome and macrophage activation syndrome. PIMS patients should be treated in an intensive care unit or in an institution with an intensive care background, where cardiological care is also provided. The required specific immunotherapy depends on the clinical presentation. In this paper, after reviewing the relevant international literature, the authors make a recommendation for the diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for PIMS. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(17): 652-667

    The analysis of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with hereditary angioedema type I and type II

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    Abstract Due to the similarity between the pathomechanism of SARS-CoV-2 infections and hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE), a possibility emerged that C1-INH-HAE may worsen the course of the infection, or that the infection may influence the severity of angioedema (HAE) attacks in C1-INH-HAE patients. Our study aimed to evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life (QoL) of Hungarian C1-INH-HAE patients, and to survey the acute course of the infection, post COVID symptoms (PCS), vaccination coverage and the side effects of vaccines in this patient population. 93 patients completed our questionnaire between 1st July 2021 and 31st October 2021. In this same period and between March 2019 and March 2020, 63 patients completed the angioedema quality of life questionnaire (AE-QoL). Out of those patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the examined period (18/93 patients; 19%), 5% required hospitalization, 28% experienced HAE attacks in the acute phase of the infection, and 44% experienced PCS. A total number of 142 doses of vaccines were administered to the patients. Serious vaccine reactions did not occur in any case, 4 (5%) out of the 73 vaccinated patients experienced HAE attacks. No significant difference (p = 0.59) was found in the median of the AE-QoL total score, or in the number of HAE attacks prior and during the pandemic. Based on our study, HAE patients did not experience more serious SARS-CoV-2 infection, and it did not aggravate the course of HAE either. Changes in the QoL were not significant, and vaccines were safe in HAE patients

    Differentiation-Dependent Motility-Responses of Developing Neural Progenitors to Optogenetic Stimulation

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    During neural tissue genesis, neural stem/progenitor cells are exposed to bioelectric stimuli well before synaptogenesis and neural circuit formation. Fluctuations in the electrochemical potential in the vicinity of developing cells influence the genesis, migration and maturation of neuronal precursors. The complexity of the in vivo environment and the coexistence of various progenitor populations hinder the understanding of the significance of ionic/bioelectric stimuli in the early phases of neuronal differentiation. Using optogenetic stimulation, we investigated the in vitro motility responses of radial glia-like neural stem/progenitor populations to ionic stimuli. Radial glia-like neural stem cells were isolated from CAGloxpStoploxpChR2(H134)-eYFP transgenic mouse embryos. After transfection with Cre-recombinase, ChR2(channelrhodopsin-2)-expressing and non-expressing cells were separated by eYFP fluorescence. Expression of light-gated ion channels were checked by patch clamp and fluorescence intensity assays. Neurogenesis by ChR2-expressing and non-expressing cells was induced by withdrawal of EGF from the medium. Cells in different (stem cell, migrating progenitor and maturing precursor) stages of development were illuminated with laser light (λ = 488 nm; 1.3 mW/mm2; 300 ms) in every 5 min for 12 h. The displacement of the cells was analyzed on images taken at the end of each light pulse. Results demonstrated that the migratory activity decreased with the advancement of neuronal differentiation regardless of stimulation. Light-sensitive cells, however, responded on a differentiation-dependent way. In non-differentiated ChR2-expressing stem cell populations, the motility did not change significantly in response to light-stimulation. The displacement activity of migrating progenitors was enhanced, while the motility of differentiating neuronal precursors was markedly reduced by illumination

    Hypersensitivity reactions amongst Hungarian Patients with Hereditary Angioedema due to C1-Inhibitor Deficiency

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    Background: In hereditary angioedema (HAE) due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE), bradykinin-mediated submucosal and/or subcutaneous angioedema dominates the clinical picture. The deficiency of C1-inhibitor can lead to the over-activation of the complement system. Complement plays an important role in all types of hypersensitivity reactions. On the other hand, during the degranulation of mast cells, heparin is also released amongst other substances. Heparin can activate the plasma kinin-kallikrein system, leading to bradykinin generation. These observations suggest a possible connection between C1-INH-HAE and mast cell-mediated hypersensitivity reactions. Objective: To assess the occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions in the Hungarian C1-INH-HAE population. Methods: Patients filled out a questionnaire of 112 questions, either online or on paper. The questions were about hypersensitivity and C1-INH-HAE symptoms, the relation between these 2, general health, and demographic data. The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board of Semmelweis University, Budapest, and informed consent was obtained from the participants. Results: One hundred and six patients (64 female, 42 male, median age 46 years) responded, with 63.2% having hypersensitivity. Hypersensitivity was provoked by pollen in 25.5% of patients, by contact sensitivity in 22.6%, by food in 21.7%, by insect sting in 19.8%, by pet in 15.1%, by drug in 14.2%, by dust mite in 5.7%, and by mold in 1.9%. In 11 patients, hypersensitivity symptoms appeared after the diagnosis of C1-INH-HAE. Six hypersensitive patients experienced improvement in their symptoms; 42 remained the same, but none experienced worsening after the diagnosis of C1-INH-HAE. In 7.8% of the hypersensitive patients, a C1-INH-HAE attack worsened the hypersensitivity symptoms, while 15.7% of the hypersensitive patients experienced a C1-INH-HAE attack provoked by contact with the provoking factor. Conclusion: While 63.2% of our C1-INH-HAE patients have reported hypersensitivity symptoms, Eurostat's latest data puts the prevalence of self-reported allergies in Hungary at 19.3%. Since in our experience most Hungarian patients report hypersensitivity reactions as allergies, this may support a possible connection between the 2 diseases, but further molecular studies are needed

    Application of a dried blood spot based proteomic and genetic assay for diagnosing hereditary angioedema

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    Abstract Background Hereditary angioedema (HAE) with C1‐inhibitor deficiency (C1‐INH‐HAE) is a rare disease caused by low level (type I) or dysfunction (type II) of the C1‐inhibitor protein with subsequent reduction of certain complement protein levels. Methods To develop and test the reliability of a two‐tier method based on C1‐INH and C4 quantitation followed by genetic analysis from dried blood spot (DBS) for establishing the diagnosis of C1‐INH‐HAE. C1‐INH and C4 proteins have been quantified in human plasma using a classical immuno‐assay and in DBS using a newly developed proteolytic liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method. Genetic analysis was carried out as reported previously (PMID: 35386643) and by a targeted next‐generation sequencing panel, multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification and in some cases whole genome sequencing. Results DBS quantification of C1‐INH and C4 showed the same pattern as plasma, offering the possibility of screening patients with AE symptoms either locally or remotely. Genetic analysis from DBS verified each of the previously identified SERPING1 mutations of the tested C1‐INH‐HAE patients and revealed the presence of other rare variations in genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of AE episodes. Conclusions C1‐INH/C4 quantification in DBS can be used for screening of hereditary AE and DNA extracted from dried blood spots is suitable for identifying various types of mutations of the SERPING1 gene

    Abstracts from the 10th C1-inhibitor deficiency workshop

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