21 research outputs found

    The effects of pain sensitivity behaviour on Swiss White Mice administrated with Chloroquine Phosphate

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    This study evaluates the effects of Chloroquine phosphate on pain sensation in mice considering the fact that Chloroquine as s chemotherapic agent is known for its neurotoxicity effect. The mice were divided into three groups of 10 mice each. While group 1 as the control, 2 and 3 as the test groups and group 1 received 0.2ml physiological saline i.p. while test groups 2 and 3 received 10mg/k (human therapeutic dose) and 20ml/kg (pharmacological  dose) of Chloroquine respectively. The tail flick and formalin tests were used to assess pain sensation. In the tail flick test, the latency of tail flick in group 2 and 3 were significantly lower compared to the control group in both phases, thus, showing an increase in pain sensation. In formalin tests, the frequency of right hind paw lick in group 2 was significantly higher compared to the control, representing an increase in pain sensitivity. The duration of hind paw lick was not significantly different among the groups. However, in phase 2, the duration of hind paw lick in group 2 was higher than control, showing an increase in chronic pain sensitivity. Our results suggest that, Chloroquine phosphate increases pain sensation in mice.Keywords: Neurotoxicity, Chloroquine phosphate, pain sensation, tail flick tests, formalin tests

    Seroprevalence Of HIV Infection Among Orthopaedic And Plastic Surgery Patients In Enugu, Nigeria - A Six Month Study

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    As the HIV pandemic continues to ravage every aspect of humanity, there is a need to document its incidence and prevalence in various medical subdivisions. This six-month study reports on the sero- prevalence of HIV infection among orthopaedic and plastic surgery in- patients. Out of a total of 121 patients screened using Capillus test kit for HIV-1 / HIV-2, 10 patients were HIV positive while 111 patients were HIV negative and this gave a seroprevalence of 8.26 percent. Out of these, 73 plastic surgery patients were screened of which 6 patients or 8.22 percent were HIV positive. This shows that the prevalence rates for both categories of patients were significantly higher than the 5.8 per cent national seroprevalence for HIV / AIDS. This raises a risk factor for both surgeons and other patients undergoing elective procedures in these two subdisciplines by contamination. Key words: HIV infection, seroprevalence, plastic, orthopaedic, surgery Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences Vol.19(1&2) 2004: 98-10

    Prevalence Of Rh And ABO Blood Groups In HIV Seropositive Pregnant Women In Enugu, Nigeria

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    HIV status and blood groups determination (Rhesus and ABO groups) in 3691 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at a Mission Hospital and Maternity and 1199 non-pregnant women visiting the same institution for marriage-related matters, or blood donation, or out-patient department between 1999 – 2002 were studied. Blood sample from each subject was screened for HIV using the quick test kits and tested for blood group types with anti-sera A, B, AB, and D. Overall, the prevalence of blood group O+ was higher than in the general population with highest rate of 62.9% in HIV+ pregnant women followed by 58.4% in HIV- pregnant women and 58.0% in non-pregnant women. No difference was observed in groups A+, B+, AB+, O- for the three categories of subjects studied. Blood groups B-, AB- were conspicuously absent in HIV+ pregnant women but non-significant in HIV- pregnant women and the control. A- was very few in all the categories. Rh –ve accounted for 3.16% (HIV+), 3.46%(HIV-) and 2.67% (Control) while Rh +ve were 96.84%(HIV+), 96.06% (HIV-) and 97.33%(Control). Thus, the higher than normal prevalence of group O+ in HIV+ pregnant women is indicative of the population size for this group. The very low prevalence of Rh –ve in type A- suggests that incompatibility could be higher than in this population and protective in HIV infection contrary to the previous report in apparently healthy population. The obvious absence of Rh- in AB group suggests that AB may have a higher percentage of protection against immunization. Hence in group B, less incidence of Rh incompatibility and haemolytic disease of the young in the mothers in blood group AB will occur. Key words: Rhesus genes, ABO blood groups, prevalence, Pregnant women, HIV seropositive. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences Vol.19(1&2) 2004: 7-

    Effect of honey consumption on intestinal motility in male albino rats

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    Summary: This study investigated the effects of honey on intestinal  motility and transit using twenty (20) male albino rats of Wistar strain weighing 210-220g. The rats were randomly grouped into control and  honey-fed (test) groups of ten (10) rats each. The control group was fed on normal rat chow ( Pfizer Company, Nigeria ) and water while the test  group was fed on rat feed, water and honey ( 1 ml of honey to every 10 ml initial drinking water daily) for twenty two (22) weeks after which the rats  were starved over night before the experiment and sacrificed by stunning. Laparatomy was immediately performed, proximal and distal portions of the intestine identified, cut and put in aerated tyrode solution. Cut sections of the ileum (2-3cm) were mounted on organ bath instrument for motility experiment with varying concentrations of acetylcholine and carbachol. Contractions were recorded as well as the intestinal transit in each group and lengths of intestine with total mean values calculated. Results  obtained showed that honey significantly decreased (p<0.01 ) intestinal transit in the test group (21.15±0.75 ) compared with the control group ( 35.96±1.15); decreased intestinal motility in the test group compared with the control and caused significant percentage reduction of intestinal motility with varied concentrations of acetylcholine and carbachol in the test group ( Ach-75.00±0.75%; Carbachol-79.00±0.28%) compared with the control group (Ach-62.00±0.39%; Carbachol-51.00±0.39%). In conclusion,  unprocessed Nigerian honey decreased intestinal transit, caused intestinal smooth muscle inhibition and motility and reduced sensitivity of   gastrointestinal tract to cholinergic agents.Keywords: Honey, Intestinal motility, Intestinal transit, Diarrhoea  treatment

    Effect of Chronic consumption of powdered tobacco (snuff) on anxiety, fear and social behaviours

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    The effect of chronic consumption of tobacco powder on anxiety, fear and social behavior was studied using two groups of Swiss mice (control and test) weighing 18g-28g (n=15 each). The control received 100g of normal rodent chow, while the test received 1g of tobacco powder in 99g of rodent chow per day. Water was given ad libitum while daily food and water intake, as well as body weight changes, were monitored during the 31-day study. The elevated plus maize (EPM) and light/dark transition box (LDTB) were used to access anxiety and fear, while nest building was used to assess social behaviour. The results showed a significantly higher body weight (P<0.O5), as well as food and water intake (P<0.01) in the test group. In EPM, the duration in the open arm frequency and head dips was significantly higher (P<0.01) in the test group, while the frequency of stretch attend posture and defecation was lower in the test group (P<0.001 and P<0.05 respectively); signifying a decrease in anxiety and fear, which was also observed in LDTB, but no significant difference in nest building between both groups. Thus, chronic consumption of powdered tobacco may decrease anxiety/fear but has no effect on social behaviour.Keywords: Powdered tobacco, Snuff, Anxiety, Fear, Social behaviour, Mice

    Aqueous Natron(Kanwa)effect on gastric acid secretion in rats fed oral moderate natron

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    Delayed healing of experimental gastric wounds in rats fed ripe plantain meal

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    HIV Seroprevalence and Confirmatory Rate In Enugu Urban Population: A Sentinel Survey

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    This sentinel study determined the occurrence of HIV infection and confirmation rate of seropositive individuals among diverse Enugu Urban population. A seroprevalcne rate of 25.55 percent was obtained for September - December 1999 and a confirmatory rate of 10.57 percent (

    Comparative effects of HIV and malaria infections on certain haematological indices in children - a hospital based study in Enugu

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    No Abstract. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy Vol. 4(2) 2005: 48-5

    Effect of ovariectomy on the levels of plasma sex hormones in Albino rats

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    The study was carried out to evaluate the levels of sex hormones (testosterone, progesterone & estradiol), six weeks post normal ovariectomy as against estimating the levels immediately or less 48 hours after operation. 28 adult female albino rats of Wistar strain were used. They were fed twice a day with Guinea pellets and tap water was offered ad libitum. The animals were grouped into three. Group one was sham operated and served as the control, group two was unilaterally ovariectomised (right removed), group three was bilaterally ovariectomised. The animals were sacrificed at the end of the study by decapitation and the blood collected and assayed for sex hormones. The levels of the sex hormones were measured using radioimmunoassay technique. The results showed significant increase in testosterone level in group 3 with decrease in group 2 which was not significant when compared to group 1. On the progesterone levels, there were significant decrease in group 3 and not 2 when compared to group 1. Estradiol level showed significant decrease in only group 3. The decrease in group 2 was not significant when compared with the control. This work therefore does not propose a longer period of hormonal estimation beyond 48 hours following ovariectomy as the results obtained 6 weeks post ovariectomy did not differ or alter significantly beyond 48 hours when compared with the work of Bast and Greenwald 1977, Bulcher 1977, De Jong et al 1978. It is therefore concluded that sex hormone values obtained 6 weeks after normal ovariectomy did not differ significantly as was observed by various workers and confirmed by the present study