7 research outputs found

    The effects of cigarette smoking on intraocular pressure and arterial blood pressure of normotensive young Nigerian male adults

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    This study was designed to determine the effects of cigarette Smoking on intra ocular pressure and arterial blood pressure of normotensive young male adults. Fifty male students (who met the screening conditions and devoid of obvious ocular pathology and systemic diseases and nonsmokers) had their intra ocular pressure (IOP) measured with a schiotz tonometer and blood pressure(BP) measured with standard syphgmomanometer respectively prior to smoking of two sticks of cigarette each day for one month and thereafter. The result showed a significant (P< 0.01] effect on the intra ocular pressure with a mean control of 37.760.98 for both eyes and test of 41.930.98.Cigarette smoking increased the blood pressure from mean control of 197.240.88 to 208.460.82. The increase of both intra ocular pressure and arterial blood pressure was due to nicotine, the principalconstituent of cigarette. It is recommended that health care workers should check regularly the IOP and BP of their cigarette smoking patients for early diagnoses of ocular hypertension (glaucoma) andhypertension

    Diets/dietary habits and certain gastrointestinal disorders in the tropics: a review

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    Against the background that what one eats affects the gastrointestinal tract (G.I T), the role of diet and dietary habits including fibres, food additives and preservatives on the aetiology of gastric cancers, colorectal cancers and other G.I disorders in the tropics are herein reviewed. Carcinomas of the gut believed to be on the decline in the developed countries have plateaued and increasing cases arebeing reported in the tropics. Africa and Nigeria in particular, with little or no cases previously are  currently experiencing patterns of incidence similar to those of the Western Hemisphere. All these developments are premeditated by the nature of diets and dietary factors contained therein. Some of these factors contain chemical carcinogens, irritants as additives or preservatives, high cholesterol, highly spiced foods, alcohol, nicotine, xanthines, caffeine, most of which provoke gastric acid secretions dyspepsia and heartburn, and they lack vegetables and dietary fibres known to protect the G.I tract against various diseases. The roles of dietary hygiene implicating certain microorganismsassociated with G.I diseases like Helicobacter Pylori are also discussed. It presupposes that well articulated diet and proper dietary manipulations remain the cure for all diet induced G.I disorderswhile avoidance of such habits that predispose to them must be encouraged to ensure proper and healthy G.I.T

    Bile secretion in albino rat following chronic honey intake

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    This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of honey intake on bile secretion, bile electrolytes, bilirubin and cholesterol levels including plasma cholesterol in albino rats. 20 male albino rats (200-210g) were used in the study. The rats were assigned randomly into 2 groups (control and honey-fed groups), each group containing 10 rats. The control was fed on normal rat feed and water while the test group was fed on normal rat feed with honey added to its drinking water (1ml of honey to every initial 10ml of water) for 22 weeks. After 22 weeks the animals were starved for 12hrs before the experiment, weighed and anaesthetized with sodium thiopentone (6mg/100mg body weight) intraperitoneally. The common bile duct was cannulated and bile collected for 3hrs. The rate of bile flow was noted, the concentrations of bile electrolytes and bilirubin, bile and plasma cholesterol levels were determined in the control and test groups. The results obtained showed a significant (

    Effect of occupational exposure to local powdered tobacco (snuff) on pulmonary function in south eastern Nigerians

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    The effect of occupational exposure to local powdered tobacco (snuff) on pulmonary function was studied. Snuff industry workers in Onitsha and Enugu markets were studied and compared with age-, weight-, and height-matched control not exposed to any known air pollutant. The pulmonary indices studied include; forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and ratio of FEV1/FVC as percentage using a vitalograph spirometer and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR), using a mini Wright Peak Expiratory Flow Meter. The respiratory and non-respiratory symptoms frequently associated with these workers were also analyzed and dust sampling in both test and control environments was also done. The mean anthropometric parameters, (age, height and body weight) between the two groups were not statistically different. The results obtained showed statistically significant impairment of lung function of workers chronically exposed to snuff. FVC, FEV1 and PEFR in the exposed (test) subjects were significantly decreased in comparison with the control subjects (

    Visual indices of motor vehicle drivers in relation to road safety in Nigeria

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    This study assessed the visual profile of motor vehicle drivers in Owerri, Nigeria and to analyse the relationship between the various aspects of visual function in relation to road safety. A cross-sectional descriptive study of 150 commercial vehicles drivers and 130 private vehicles drivers was conducted between November 2005 and February 2006. Data were obtained using structured interviewer administered questionnaires and clinical examination was done. Standards procedures were used to determine visual indices. Data from the better eye (eye with a better visual acuity according to international and national standards) were reported, except in the analysis of near vision of the respondents. Twenty percent of the study group had normal visual acuity of ≥6/6 compared with 46.2% in the control group. The tonometric value in 88.0% and 93.1% of study and control groups respectively was less than 24mmHg. Both groups (96.8%) had normal confrontation visual field while 95.3% of study group and 97.7% of control group had normal colour vision. The most prevailing eye conditions that may reduce visual acuity were pterygium (51.3% in study group and 13.8% in the control group), retinopathy (16.7% of study group and 6.2% of control group) and glaucoma (12.0% and 6.9% of study and control groups respectively). Nineteen percent of the study group had regular eye examination compared with 38.5% in the control group. Alcohol consumption was 64.7% in the study group and 32.3% in the control group. Most of the commercial motor drivers in Owerri, Nigeria did not meet the Federal Road Safety Commission visual acuity standard for commercial motor drivers. Visual impairments and poor visibility are strongly associated with RTA among Nigerian motor vehicle drivers. Visual acuity and visual health care were poor among commercial motor drivers. There is need for renewed efforts to enforce a compulsory periodic visual examination for drivers, and to ensure that visual requirements for driving are met


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    As the HIV pandemic continues to ravage every aspect of humanity, there is a need to document its incidence and prevalence in various medical subdivisions. This six-month study reports on the sero- prevalence of HIV infection among orthopaedic and plastic surgery in- patients. Out of a total of 121 patients screened using Capillus test kit for HIV-1 / HIV-2, 10 patients were HIV positive while 111 patients were HIV negative and this gave a seroprevalence of 8.26 percent. Out of these, 73 plastic surgery patients were screened of which 6 patients or 8.22 percent were HIV positive. This shows that the prevalence rates for both categories of patients were significantly higher than the 5.8 per cent national seroprevalence for HIV / AIDS. This raises a risk factor for both surgeons and other patients undergoing elective procedures in these two subdisciplines by contamination

    Gastric Cytoprotection and honey intake in Albino Rats

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    Beneficial effect of honey has been widely reported particularly on wound healings, gastrointestinal disorders and as antibacterial agent. However, there is paucity of report on its cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa despite its common usage worldwide including Nigeria. This study was therefore carried out to evaluate the effect of this widely consumed substance on gastric mucosa using animal model and also to explore possible mechanism of its action on the gastric mucosa .Twenty male adult albino rats of Wistar strain, weighing between 210-220g were used in the experiment. They were randomly assigned into two groups, the control group and the honey-fed (test) group, each containing ten rats. The Control group was fed on normal rat feed and water while the test group was fed on normal rat feed with honey added to its drinking water (1ml of honey for every initial 10ml of water for each rat daily) for twenty two weeks. After twenty two weeks the rats were weighed after being starved overnight. They were anaesthetized with urethane (0.6ml/100g body weight). Gastric ulceration was induced using 1.5ml acid-alcohol prepared from equivolume of 0.1NHCl and 70% methanol introduced into the stomach via a portex cannula tied and left in place following an incision made on the antralpyloric junction of the stomach. The acid-alcohol was allowed to stay for 1hr. After 1hr, laparatomy was performed and the stomach isolated, cut open along the greater curvature, rinsed with normal saline and fastened in place with pins on a dissecting board for ulcer examination and scores. The result obtained showed mean ulcer scores of 14.5+0.70 for the control group and 1.6+0.11 for the test group. The result showed that honey significantly reduced ulcer scores as well as caused scanty haemorrhage in the test group compared with increased ulcer scores and multiple haemorrhage in the control group. It is therefore concluded that honey intake offered cytoprotection on the gastric mucosa of albino rat