17 research outputs found

    Intrinsic TGF-β signaling attenuates proximal tubule mitochondrial injury and inflammation in chronic kidney disease

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    Excessive TGF-β signaling and mitochondrial dysfunction fuel chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. However, inhibiting TGF-β failed to impede CKD in humans. The proximal tubule (PT), the most vulnerable renal segment, is packed with giant mitochondria and injured PT is pivotal in CKD progression. How TGF-β signaling affects PT mitochondria in CKD remained unknown. Here, we combine spatial transcriptomics and bulk RNAseq with biochemical analyses to depict the role of TGF-β signaling on PT mitochondrial homeostasis and tubulo-interstitial interactions in CKD. Male mice carrying specific deletion of Tgfbr2 in the PT have increased mitochondrial injury and exacerbated Th1 immune response in the aristolochic acid model of CKD, partly, through impaired complex I expression and mitochondrial quality control associated with a metabolic rewiring toward aerobic glycolysis in the PT cells. Injured S3T2 PT cells are identified as the main mediators of the maladaptive macrophage/dendritic cell activation in the absence of Tgfbr2. snRNAseq database analyses confirm decreased TGF-β receptors and a metabolic deregulation in the PT of CKD patients. This study describes the role of TGF-β signaling in PT mitochondrial homeostasis and inflammation in CKD, suggesting potential therapeutic targets that might be used to mitigate CKD progression

    Role OF NADPH Oxidase 4 (NOX4) in the pathophysiology of kidney diseases

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    Le rein est un organe fortement vascularisé impliqué dans la régulation de l'équilibre hydro-électrolytique et l'excrétion de déchets. La maladie rénale chronique est une maladie progressive et multifactorielle. Des études cliniques ont montré une corrélation entre la progression de la maladie rénale chronique et l'apparition de la fibrose interstitielle indépendamment de l'atteinte primaire. La famille des NADPH oxydases est constituée de 7 protéines transmembranaires dont la fonction consiste en la production des radicaux libres (ROS). NOX4 est l'isoforme majoritaire dans le rein. Plusieurs études associent l'activation de NOX4 à la pathogenèse de pathologies chroniques notamment rénales. Cette étude a mis en évidence le rôle protecteur de NOX4 dans la cellule tubulaire rénale en régulant les voies de survie telles que la voie HIF/VEGF ainsi que l'axe NRF2/KEAP1/glutathion. D'autre part, nous avons montré que le rein distal participe bel et bien dans la pathogenèse de la fibrose induite par la protéinurie

    Fount, fate, features, and function of renal erythropoietin-producing cells

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    Renal erythropoietin (Epo)-producing (REP) cells represent a rare and incompletely understood cell type. REP cells are fibroblast-like cells located in close proximity to blood vessels and tubules of the corticomedullary border region. Epo mRNA in REP cells is produced in a pronounced “on–off” mode, showing transient transcriptional bursts upon exposure to hypoxia. In contrast to “ordinary” fibroblasts, REP cells do not proliferate ex vivo, cease to produce Epo, and lose their identity following immortalization and prolonged in vitro culture, consistent with the loss of Epo production following REP cell proliferation during tissue remodelling in chronic kidney disease. Because Epo protein is usually not detectable in kidney tissue, and Epo mRNA is only transiently induced under hypoxic conditions, transgenic mouse models have been developed to permanently label REP cell precursors, active Epo producers, and inactive descendants. Future single-cell analyses of the renal stromal compartment will identify novel characteristic markers of tagged REP cells, which will provide novel insights into the regulation of Epo expression in this unique cell type

    NADPH-oxidase 4 protects against kidney fibrosis during chronic renal injury

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    NADPH oxidases synthesize reactive oxygen species that may participate in fibrosis progression. NOX4 and NOX2 are NADPH oxidases expressed in the kidneys, with the former being the major renal isoform, but their contribution to renal disease is not well understood. Here, we used the unilateral urinary obstruction model of chronic renal injury to decipher the role of these enzymes using wild-type, NOX4-, NOX2-, and NOX4/NOX2-deficient mice. Compared with wild-type mice, NOX4-deficient mice exhibited more interstitial fibrosis and tubular apoptosis after obstruction, with lower interstitial capillary density and reduced expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and vascular endothelial growth factor in obstructed kidneys. Furthermore, NOX4-deficient kidneys exhibited increased oxidative stress. With NOX4 deficiency, renal expression of other NOX isoforms was not altered but NRF2 protein expression was reduced under both basal and obstructed conditions. Concomitant deficiency of NOX2 did not modify the phenotype exhibited by NOX4-deficient mice after obstruction. NOX4 silencing in a mouse collecting duct (mCCD(cl1)) cell line increased TGF-β1-induced apoptosis and decreased NRF2 protein along with expression of its target genes. In addition, NOX4 silencing decreased hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and expression of its target genes in response to hypoxia. In summary, these results demonstrate that the absence of NOX4 promotes kidney fibrosis, independent of NOX2, through enhanced tubular cell apoptosis, decreased microvascularization, and enhanced oxidative stress. Thus, NOX4 is crucial for the survival of kidney tubular cells under injurious conditions

    Circular RNA-based biomarkers in blood of patients with Fabry disease and related phenotypes

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    Background: Fabry disease is a rare X-linked lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in the galactosidase α gene. Deficient activity of α-galactosidase A leads to glycosphingolipid accumulations in multiple organs. Circular RNAs represent strong regulators of gene expression. Their circular structure ensures high stability in blood. We hypothesised that blood-based circular RNA profiles improve phenotypic assignment and therapeutic monitoring of Fabry disease. Methods: A genome-wide circular RNA expression analysis was performed in blood of genetically diagnosed patients with Fabry disease (n=58), age-matched and sex-matched healthy volunteers (n=14) and disease control patients with acute kidney injury (n=109). Most highly dysregulated circular RNAs were validated by quantitative real-time PCR. Circular RNA biomarker sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and area under the curve (AUC) were determined. Linear regression analyses were conducted for validated circular RNA biomarkers and clinical patient characteristics. Results: A distinct circular RNA transcriptome signature identified patients with Fabry disease. Level of circular RNAs hsa_circ_0006853 (AUC=0.73), hsa_circ_0083766 (AUC=0.8) and hsa_circ_0002397 (AUC=0.8) distinguished patients with Fabry disease from both healthy controls and patients with acute kidney injury. Hsa_circ_0002397 was, furthermore, female-specifically expressed. Circular RNA level were significantly related to galactosidase α gene mutations, early symptoms, phenotypes, disease severities, specific therapies and long-term complications of Fabry disease. Conclusion: The discovery of circular RNA-based and Fabry disease-specific biomarkers may advance future diagnosis of Fabry disease and help to distinguish related phenotypes. Keywords: gene expression profiling; genetics; molecular biology; molecular diagnostic techniques; phenotype

    NADPH oxidase 4 deficiency increases tubular cell death during acute ischemic reperfusion injury

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    NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4) is highly expressed in kidney proximal tubular cells. NOX4 constitutively produces hydrogen peroxide, which may regulate important pro-survival pathways. Renal ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is a classical model mimicking human ischemic acute tubular necrosis. We hypothesized that NOX4 plays a protective role in kidney IRI. In wild type (WT) animals subjected to IRI, NOX4 protein expression increased after 24 hours. NOX4 KO (knock-out) and WT littermates mice were subjected to IRI. NOX4 KO mice displayed decreased renal function and more severe tubular apoptosis, decreased Bcl-2 expression and higher histologic damage scores compared to WT. Activation of NRF2 was decreased in NOX4 KO mice in response to IRI. This was related to decreased KEAP1 oxidation leading to decreased NRF2 stabilization. This resulted in decreased glutathione levels. In vitro silencing of NOX4 in cells showed an enhanced propensity to apoptosis, with reduced expression of NRF2, glutathione content and Bcl-2 expression, similar to cells derived from NOX4 KO mice. Overexpression of a constitutively active form of NRF2 (caNRF2) in NOX4 depleted cells rescued most of this phenotype in cultured cells, implying that NRF2 regulation by ROS issued from NOX4 may play an important role in its anti-apoptotic property.ISSN:2045-232

    Albuminuria induces a proinflammatory and profibrotic response in cortical collecting ducts via the 24p3 receptor

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    Albuminuria is strongly associated with progressive kidney tubulo-interstitial damage and chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. In proteinuric nephropathies, albumin reabsorption by the proximal tubule is saturated and the distal nephron is exposed to high concentrations of luminal albumin that may produce adverse effects. Since proximal tubular cells exposed to albuminuria exhibit a proinflammatory and profibrotic response, we assessed the effect of albuminuria in the collecting duct (CD). With the use of kidney sections and isolated cortical CDs (CCDs) from puromycin-aminonucleoside-induced nephrotic rats (PAN rats) exhibiting proteinuria, immunofluorescence microscopy revealed internalized albumin in CD cells. In these proteinuric rats, increased expression levels of cytokines and profibrotic signaling markers were detected in isolated CCDs and bands of inflammatory fibrosis could be observed around CDs. Albumin endocytosis was confirmed by FITC-albumin uptake in cultured murine CCD (mCCDcl1) cells. Exposure of mCCDcl1 cells to albumin induced NF-κB activation as assessed by luciferase reporter gene assay, nuclear translocation of NF-κB p65 subunit, and increased NF-κB target gene expression. Moreover, albuminuria-like condition results in transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) overexpression and the upregulation of profibrotic signaling markers such as Snail or vimentin via an autocrine mechanism. In mCCDcl1 cells, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)/lipocalin-2/24p3 receptor (24p3R) mediates albumin endocytosis as well as activation of NF-κB and TGF-β1 signaling pathways. Therefore, CD may play a key role in initiation and/or progression of inflammation and fibrosis in response to proteinuria