10 research outputs found

    Seasonal pattern of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in benue state, nigeria

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    There is sparse literature on seasonal pattern of farmers and herdsmen conflict in Benue State, Nigeria despite numerous links between climate change and resource conflict. Thus, this study was designed to assess the seasonal occurrence of armed conflict in Benue State and analyze the monthly death casualties of armed conflict in Benue state from 2010-2019. Data were collected from secondary sources such as report of Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria watch data base and Newspapers. Data were presented in tables and analyzed using descriptive statistic such as range, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Result shows that monthly occurrence of armed conflict ranged from 0-20 times with mean value of 4.92 and 98% coefficient of variation. March has the highest number (20) of armed conflict occurrence followed by April and, then July. October had zero (0) record of armed conflict from 2010-2019. Similarly, the monthly conflict death was higher in dry than rainy season. Monthly death ranged from 0-590 with mean value of 106 deaths and 95 % coefficient of variation. It was concluded that both the frequency and death casualties of resource conflict in Benue State have seasonal pattern and were more in dry than rainy season. Intensification of resolution mechanisms and ranching were recommended

    Seasonal pattern of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Benue State, Nigeria

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    There is sparse literature on seasonal pattern of farmers and herdsmen conflict in Benue State, Nigeria despite numerous links between climate change and resource conflict. Thus, this study was designed to assess the seasonal occurrence of armed conflict in Benue State and analyze the monthly death casualties of armed conflict in Benue state from 2010-2019. Data were collected from secondary sources such as report of Nigeria Police Force, Nigeria watch data base and Newspapers. Data were presented in tables and analyzed using descriptive statistic such as range, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Result shows that monthly occurrence of armed conflict ranged from 0-20 times with mean value of 4.92 and 98% coefficient of variation. March has the highest number (20) of armed conflict occurrence followed by April and, then July. October had zero (0) record of armed conflict from 2010-2019. Similarly, the monthly conflict death was higher in dry than rainy season. Monthly death ranged from 0-590 with mean value of 106 deaths and 95 % coefficient of variation. It was concluded that both the frequency and death casualties of resource conflict in Benue State have seasonal pattern and were more in dry than rainy season. Intensification of resolution mechanisms and ranching were recommended

    Assessment of solid waste characterization in Keffi Iga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria in view of adopting biogas technology for solid waste management

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    The assessment of solid waste characterization in Keffi Local Government Area in view of adopting biogas technology for solid waste management was carried out. This was achieved through assessment of the quantity of solid waste generation and the composition (organic and inorganic) in the study area. Materials used for data collection are weighing scale and waste bins. Stratified and systematic samplings were used to select households for data collection. The selected households’ waste generation were observed and weighed on daily basis for one week and average weight was calculated for each household to quantify the amount of waste generation and composition. Solid waste generation per household per day in Keffi Local government area ranged from 0.9 Kg to 1.5Kg with mean value of 1.26Kg. There was a significant different (F>[email protected]) in the quantity of solid waste generation among the ten wards. Though, solid wastes in Keffi consist of diverse materials from both raw materials mostly farm/animal residues and manufactured goods, it has higher organic (71.79%) than inorganic (28.21%) components. Thus, it was concluded that adoption of biogas technology for solid waste management in Keffi Local Government Area is feasible based on waste characterization of the area. Pilot demonstration of biogas production from organic waste was recommende

    Assessment of the physico-chemical properties of borehole water in gwagwalada area council abuja, nigeria

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    The assumption that borehole water is safe for drinking purpose was verified by empirical study of the physico-chemical properties of borehole water in Gwagwalada Area Council Abuja, Nigeria. The physico-chemical properties of borehole water were anaysed and compared with regulatory standards for drinking purpose. Fifteen samples were collected from five purposely selected wards (Dobi, Ibwa, Tungan-Maje, Zuba and Ikwa) in the study area. The selections of the wards were based on heavy reliance on borehole water for drinking. Three borehole water samples were spatially collected from each of the five selected wards. The water samples were stored in 75cl plastic bottles pre-cleaned with distilled water and rinsed with the sample water. Each sample was labeled with the name of the ward and transported to the laboratory for analysis. Data were analyzed using range and mean. Result showed that water sample were slight acidic (6.83) to slight alkalinity (7.86) EC was low and ranged from 132-184µS/cm3, TDS 1.4-3.1Mg/l, turbidity 0.36-71NTU, Total hardness 6.12-19.72Mg/l, Chloride (Cl-)1.03-16.86Mg/l, Fe 0.08-0.72Mg/l, Zn 0.021-0.051Mg/l, Cr 0.016-0.086Mg/l, Cd 0.001-0.009Mg/l and Mn from 0.002-0.009Mg/l. Some sample fell short of regulatory standards in terms of EC and FE. However, most water samples are safe for drinking purpose. Treatment of sources that fell short of standard before drinking was recommended

    Assessment of Coal Mining Effects on Soil Quality in Owukpa District, Ogbadibo Local Government Area, Benue State Nigeria

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    This study assessed effects of coal mining on soil quality in Owukpa district, Ogbadibo local government area of Benue State Nigeria. Its objectives were to compare the quality of soil in Owukpa (the affected area) with quality of soil in  Otukpa (control site) and then compare the quality of soil in the affected area with  Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) standard for crop production. The result of this research work was gathered through laboratory analysis of soil collected around abandoned Owukpa coal mining site and control site Otukpa both in Ogbadibo local government area. Data collected were analsysed using mean, range and student t test and presented in tables and figures. This study found that soil samples around the mining site have lower pH and soil nutrients (calcium, magnesium, sodium potassium, nitrate, sulphate and chloride) than the control samples, however, there were higher concentrations of EC and heavy metals compare to the control site. There is a significant difference in soil quality parameters between the mining affected area and the FAO standard for crop production at 95% confidence level (calculated‘t’ > critical‘t’ @ 0.05). It was concluded that the abandoned Owukpa coal mining affected the environment of Owukpa District to a large extent as soil quality parameters differ significantly with FAO regulatory limit for crop production. It was recommended among other things that erosion control practices such as afforestation, channelization and others should be done to reduce input and spread of mine waste on the environment through erosion. Keywords: Coal mining, Soil quality, Heavy metals, Pollution, Soil nutrients

    Evaluation of the Impact of Gurara Dam on Soil Quality within the Catchment in Kaduna State Nigeria

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    This study evaluates Gurara dam impact on soil quality within the catchment. Its objectives were to assess the soil quality of Gurara dam catchment area and compare the quality of soil in the EIA baseline data with the present soil quality. The result of this research work was gathered through laboratory analysis of soil samples collected within Gurara dam catchment. Data collected were analsysed using mean, range coefficient of variance and student‘t’ test. This  study found that soil nutrient has reduce due to erosion caused by dam, The concentration load of soil nutrients such as nitrate, sulphate, phosphate and chloride ranged from 3.4mg/kg – 5.9mg/kg; 8.95mg/kg – 80.1mg/kg; 0.4mg/kg – 0.8mg/kg; and 18mg/kg – 23mg/kg for these parameters respectively; there is a significant difference in soil quality in terms of nitrate, sulphate, phosphate, chloride and organic matter but not for pH, temperature and electrical conductivity between present soil samples and EIA baseline data. Thus this study recommended among other things the implementation of the environmental management plan listed in the EIA. Keywords: Gurara Dam, Soil Quality, Heavy Metals, Soil Nutrient, Evaluation, Impact and EI

    Determinant factors of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Benue State, Nigeria

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    The determinant factors of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Benue State were analysed. Objectives were to assess the prevalence of resource conflict factors in Benue state and determine factors most responsible for the resource conflict in Benue state. Field survey of three hundred and eighty-two (382) residents was conducted using questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. Data collected were analyzed using percentage and Factor Analysis. Results showed that factors such as drought, flood, erosion, pollution, politics, greed, proliferation of arms, religion, tribalism, expansion of farmland, increases in herds, poverty, unemployment, cattle rustling, destruction of crops by herds, population growth and urbanization are responsible for the conflict. However, further, analysis of result shows that only 1.38% of respondents posited that environmental/climatic factors, 30% economic factors, 32.78% greed/insecurity, 13.75% and 22.08% posited cultural and population factors respectively. It was concluded that human factors such as economic, greed/insecurity, cultural and population are the major drivers of the resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen than environmental factors like erosion, flood and draught. promote skill acquisition and create jobs to engage youths to boast the economy and reduce conflict

    Determinant factors of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in benue state, nigeria.

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    The determinant factors of resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Benue State were analysed. Objectives were to assess the prevalence of resource conflict factors in Benue state and determine factors most responsible for the resource conflict in Benue state. Field survey of three hundred and eighty-two (382) residents was conducted using questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion. Data collected were analyzed using percentage and Factor Analysis. Results showed that factors such as drought, flood, erosion, pollution, politics, greed, proliferation of arms, religion, tribalism, expansion of farmland, increases in herds, poverty, unemployment, cattle rustling, destruction of crops by herds, population growth and urbanization are responsible for the conflict. However, further, analysis of result shows that only 1.38% of respondents posited that environmental/climatic factors, 30% economic factors, 32.78% greed/insecurity, 13.75% and 22.08% posited cultural and population factors respectively. It was concluded that human factors such as economic, greed/insecurity, cultural and population are the major drivers of the resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen than environmental factors like erosion, flood and draught. promote skill acquisition and create jobs to engage youths to boast the economy and reduce conflict. &nbsp

    Review of paradigm shift in building consruction occasioned by climage change

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    The solution to climate change demands new strategies in building sector. Thus, a review of existing literature was conducted to find out the new thinking in building sector in relation to climate change. The objectives were to: examine the relationship between climate change and building construction; identify paradigm shifts in building policies as a response to climate change and to find out climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in the building sector. These were achieved through the review of literature published in the era of the recent global climate change from late 90s to date. Selection of paper was based on relevancy to the topic and date of publication. Preference was given to papers that link climate change with building sector, especially those that portray paradigm shift. Result showed that there are strong link between climate change and the building sector. As all previous reports reviewed revealed that climate change adversely affect building, a good number also argued that building construction is responsible for climate change mainly in terms of energy use and surface transformation/exposure. Although, there seems to be conflicting ideas on cause and effects between climate change and building construction, there is a general agreement that climate change affects building sector. Scholars also agree on integration of climatic parameters in building sector. Climate change has become a basis for policy reform in the building sector as many studies recommended knowledge and inclusion of climatic parameters in building planning, design, construction and use. Mitigation and adaptation of buildings to flood and extreme temperature were the common concerns of most studies. Raising of floor, use of local materials, orientation of building in accordance to sun and wind direction are among the mitigation and adaptation options for building construction in the face of changing climate. Keywords: Climate change, Building construction, paradigm shift, sustainability, climate adaptatio

    Reviewing the links between climate change and resource conflict

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    Knowledge of the relationship between climate change and resource conflict is paramount in resolving resource conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria. However, there is yet no general agreement on how climate change causes or influences resource conflict. Thus, a review of existing literature that link climate change and resource conflict was conducted for identification of the missing link. These were achieved through the review of literature published in the era of the recent global climate change from late 90s to date. Selections of papers were based on the topic and date of publication. Result showed that there is general agreement that climate change influence resource conflicts. Some of the authors agreed that climate change cannot cause resource conflict in isolation but through influences on other factors that affect resource availability, accessibility and utility. These factors are also influenced by policies and socio-cultural system. Thus, resource conflict may be a secondary or tertiary effect of climate change. Climate change solution is scares in literature that linked climate change and resource conflict. Thus, future studies should be focused on climate change solution to resource conflict. Keywords: Climate change, Resource conflict, Literature review, Famer