5 research outputs found

    Feed Intake and Liveweight Gain of Goats Fed \u3ci\u3eUrochloa\u3c/i\u3e Grass

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    Crude protein and digestible dry matter are the most important components of a feed and determine animal performance. The natural pastures in Kenya are prone to great seasonal and spatial fluctuation in both quality and quantity. Consequently, there was need to explore other nutritious alternative feeds. Sixteen growing male Galla goats weighing 10 - 24 kg were used in a twelve weeks feeding trial in the coastal lowlands of Kenya. They were randomly allocated four grass diets consisting of Urochloa brizantha cvs. Piata and MG4, U. hybrid cv. Mulato II and Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass), which was used as the control. Regression analysis was conducted using daily weight gains as dependent variable against nutrient intake (dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, neutral detergent fiber and ash). Crude protein intake gave a better prediction of daily gain (R2 = 0.89, P \u3c 0.001). Grass diet with high CP and digestibility values are most suitable for high ADG of Galla goats

    Milk Yield of Dairy Cattle Fed Common \u3ci\u3eUrochloa\u3c/i\u3e Grass in Kenya

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    Urochloa grass mainly grown in South America, East Asia and Australia has its origin in East and Central Africa. Its success in South America for animal production triggered interest in Kenya where the main forage species Napier grass was threatened by head smut and stunt diseases. Therefore, a study was carried out at Mtwapa research station in the coastal lowlands of Kenya under controlled condition to compare the lactation performance of dairy cattle fed on Urochloa hybrid cv. Mulato II, U. decumbens cv. Basilisk, U. brizantha cvs. Piata, MG-4 and Xaraes with Napier grass. An on-farm participatory study was conducted in eastern midlands of Kenya where farmers compared their local feeds (varied mixtures of Napier grass, maize stover and natural pastures) with either Piata, Xaraes, MG-4 or Basilisk). Results from the on-station experiment showed no significant differences (P \u3c 0.05) in daily milk yield between dairy cows fed Piata (4.7 kg) and those fed on Napier grass (4.6 kg) while cows fed on either Mulato II or Xaraes produced less (P \u3c 0.05) milk; 4.4 and 3.6 kg respectively. In the farmers’ trial, milk yield increased by 15 - 40% when they fed their cows on Urochloa grasses. The studies concluded that Urochloa grasses had potential to replace or compliment Napier grass in dairy feeding in Kenya towards increased milk production

    Fodder Crop Adoption through Push-Pull Technology (PPT) for Fall Armyworm (FAW) Control in Cereals Cropping Systems

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    There is an urgent need to increase grain yields and animal products due to increasing human population in Africa. Push-pull technology (PPT) is a conservation agriculture intercrop technology which protects and enhances natural resources productivity and ecosystem services in mixed farming systems. The technology involves growing of a cereal crop with a repellent intercrop, Desmodium genus (silverleaf, D. uncinatum and greenleaf, D. intortum) with grass such as Pennisetum purpureum or Brachiaria spp. planted as a border around the cereal-legume intercrop. The plants accompanying the cereal crop are typically valuable high quality fodder thus integrating crop-livestock production. The PPT was initially developed in the high altitude areas which were mainly suitable for optimal growth of Desmodium sp. In contrast, Clitoria ternatea (Blue pea) is the recommended herbaceous forage legume crop for the low altitude areas. In addition, clitoria and dolichos demonstrated their ability to effectively repel stem-borer pests in push pull technology systems within the coastal lowlands. The experiments were established in four sites representing diverse coastal lowlands (CL) agro-ecological zones (CL3, CL4, and CL5). The species used in the system were: maize (cereal crop, the main target by Spodoptera pests); climate-smart brachiaria grass (as a pull crop) and blue pea (as a push crop). It was demonstrated that the push-pull technology can also control FAW and that this system be promoted for provision of high quality fodder for livestock in smallholder mixed farms

    Identification of Niches for Integration of Brachiaria Grasses in Smallholder Mixed Crop-Livestock Farming Systems in Kenya

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    Inadequate quantity and quality of feed is the major constraint to livestock productivity in Kenya. Low rainfall, lack of adapted forages and poor management of sown forages are major factors that affect feed resources production. In most of the farming systems, forages are relegated to the less fertile and degraded soils resulting into poor growth. As a result the growth is poor resulting in deficient in minerals content, low crude protein (CP) and energy. The situation in exacerbated by climate variability and frequent drought. On the other hand, feed resources derived from crop residues, particularly cereals are of poor quality and not sufficient to meet animal production (Njarui and Mureithi, 2006). A research programme was initiated in 2012 to explore superior feed resources and increase availability of high quality forages to increase livestock productivity in East Africa. The program focuses on evaluation of drought and marginal soil adapted improved Brachiaria cultivars from South America. The genus Brachiaria is predominantly an African grass with about 100 species. The Brachiaria grasses are the most widely grown forages in South America (Miles et al., 2004). These grasses produce high biomass, enhance soil fertility and reduce greenhouse gas emission (Peters et al., 2012), are highly nutritious and are known to increase milk (Njarui, pers. comm.) thus suitable for different farming systems of Kenya. However, before integration of these grasses into farming systems, it was imperative to identify suitable niches suitable for growing these grasses. The knowledge gained from the study will facilitate development of suitable approaches for promoting these grasses across diverse production systems of Kenya

    Identification of Niches for Integration of Brachiaria Grasses in Smallholder Mixed Crop-Livestock Farming Systems in Kenya

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    Inadequate quantity and quality of feed is the major constraint to livestock productivity in Kenya. Low rainfall, lack of adapted forages and poor management of sown forages are major factors that affect feed resources production. In most of the farming systems, forages are relegated to the less fertile and degraded soils resulting into poor growth. As a result the growth is poor resulting in deficient in minerals content, low crude protein (CP) and energy. The situation in exacerbated by climate variability and frequent drought. On the other hand, feed resources derived from crop residues, particularly cereals are of poor quality and not sufficient to meet animal production (Njarui and Mureithi, 2006)