6 research outputs found

    Research priorities for accelerating the achievement of three 95 HIV goals in Cameroon: a consensus statement from the Cameroon HIV Research Forum (CAM-HERO)

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    Introduction: the Treat-All remains the globally endorsed approach to attain the 95-95-95 targets and end the AIDS pandemic by 2030, but requires some country-level contextualization. In Cameroon, the specific research agenda to inform strategies for improving HIV policy was yet to be defined. Methods: under the patronage of the Cameroon Ministry of health, researchers, policy makers, implementing partners, and clinicians from 13 institutions, used the Delphi method to arrive at a consensus of HIV research priorities. The process had five steps: 1) independent literature scan by 5 working groups; 2) review of the initial priority list; 3) appraisal of priorities list in a larger group; 4) refinement and consolidation by a consensus group; 5) rating of top research priorities. Results: five research priorities and corresponding research approaches, resulted from the process. These include: 1) effectiveness, safety and active toxicity monitoring of new and old antiretrovirals; 2) outcomes of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) with focus in children and adolescents; 3) impact of HIV and ART on aging and major chronic diseases; 4) ART dispensation models and impact on adherence and retention; 5) evaluations of HIV treatment and prevention programs. Conclusion: the research priorities resulted from a consensus amongst a multidisciplinary team and were based on current data about the pandemic and science to prevent, treat, and ultimately cure HIV. These priorities highlighted critical areas of investigation with potential relevance for the country, funders, and regulatory bodies

    Evidence for an enhanced HIV/AIDS policy and care in Cameroon: proceedings of the second Cameroon HIV Research Forum (CAM-HERO) 2021

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    To achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of zero hunger, multi-sectoral strategies to improve nutrition are necessary. Building towards this goal, the food and agriculture sector must be considered when designing nutritional interventions. Nevertheless, most frameworks designed to guide nutritional interventions do not adequately capture opportunities for integrating nutrition interventions within the food and agriculture sector. This paper aims to highlight how deeply connected the food and agriculture sector is to underlying causes of malnutrition and identify opportunities to better integrate the food and agriculture sector and nutrition in low and middle income countries. In particular, this paper: (1) expands on the UNICEF conceptual framework for undernutrition to integrate the food and agriculture sector and nutrition outcomes, (2) identifies how nutritional outcomes and agriculture are linked in six important ways by defining evidence-based food and agriculture system components within these pathways: as a source of food, as a source of income, through food prices, women’s empowerment, women’s utilization of time, and women’s health and nutritional status, and (3) shows that the food and agriculture sector facilitates interventions through production, processing and consumption, as well as through farmer practices and behavior. Current frameworks used to guide nutrition interventions are designed from a health sector paradigm, leaving agricultural aspects not sufficiently leveraged. This paper concludes by proposing intervention opportunities to rectify the missed opportunities generated by this approach. Program design should consider the ways that the food and agriculture sector is linked to other critical sectors to comprehensively address malnutrition. This framework is designed to help the user to begin to identify intervention sites that may be considered when planning and implementing multi-sectoral nutrition program

    Difficulté de la prise en charge de l’accident de décompression : à propos d’un cas vécu au Cameroun: Limits of management of decompression illness: A Cameroonian case report

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    Decompression illness is a rare complication of scuba diving. We report the case of a 29-year-old military man who was admitted to Emergency Department of General Hospital Douala a few minutes after a diving exercise, with complete dysphagia, dysphonia, rotatory vertigo, gait and balance disorder, and severe neck pain radiating along the back. After an emergency treatment, check-ups revealed a cerebral-medullary infarction which confirms the diagnosis of severe decompression sickness. In the lack of hyperbaric oxygen, the patient received normobaric oxygen therapy, antiplatelet agent, hyperhydration and physiotherapy. Les accidents de décompression (ADD) sont des complications rares au décours d’une plongée sous-marine. Nous rapportons le cas d’un militaire de 29 ans admis aux urgences de l’Hôpital Général Douala (HGD) quelques minutes après un exercice de plongée et qui a présenté une dysphagie complète, une dysphonie, des vertiges rotatoires, un trouble de la marche et de l’équilibre et des vives douleurs cervicales irradiant le long du dos. Après une prise en charge en urgence des bilans faits ont révélé un infarctus cérébromédullaire qui confirme le diagnostic d’accident de décompression sévère. En l’absence de l’oxygène hyperbare, le patient a été mis sous oxygénothérapie normobare, antiagrégant plaquettaire, hyperhydratation et physiothérapie

    Santé parodontale et besoins en soins parodontaux en milieu militaire camerounais

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    English Title: Periodontal status and treatment needs in the Cameroonian militaryenvironment Introduction : La profession de militaire implique l’aptitude mentale et physique lors des missions de combat. L'objectif de ce travail  Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer l’état parodontal et les besoins en soins parodontaux des militaires camerounais ainsi que d’identifier les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la maladie parodontale chez ces derniers. MatĂ©riels et MĂ©thode : Une Ă©tude transversale d'une durĂ©e de 03 mois a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans quatre formations sanitaires militaires de la ville de YaoundĂ© au Cameroun. Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus, les militaires âgĂ©s de 19 ans au moins ayant acceptĂ© de participer Ă  l'Ă©tude. L’évaluation de l’état parodontal et des besoins en soins parodontaux a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide de l’indice CPITN (Community periodontal index of treatments needs). L’analyse statistique a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  l’aide du logiciel IBM SPSS 20.0. Des rĂ©gressions logistiques simples et multiple ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour dĂ©terminer les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la maladie parodontale RĂ©sultats : 857 personnels militaires ont Ă©tĂ© examinĂ©s. 82,3% d’entre eux avaient un mauvais Ă©tat parodontal, 81,2% avaient besoin d’enseignement Ă  l’hygiène bucco-dentaire et 78,2% d’un dĂ©tartrage. Les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la maladie parodontale Ă©taient l’âge (OR = 2,1[1,5-3]), le statut matrimonial (OR = 1,8[1,2-2,8]), l’anciennetĂ© dans l’armĂ©e (OR=1,9[1,3-2,9]) et la mauvaise hygiène bucco-dentaire (OR = 9,1[4,9-37,5]). Conclusion : Au terme de ce travail, il ressort que le militaire camerounais prĂ©sente un mauvais Ă©tat parodontal ainsi qu’un besoin  important en dĂ©tartrage mais aussi d’éducation Ă  l’hygiène bucco-dentaire. Mots clĂ©s : SantĂ© parodontale, besoins en soins parodontaux, indice communautaire parodontal, militaire, Cameroun

    Plaies faciales à Douala : épidémiologie, clinique et traitement à propos de 103 cas

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    Introduction : Les plaies faciales sont couramment rencontrĂ©es aux urgences ORL, souvent bĂ©nignes, la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© est due aux hĂ©morragies  importantes, liĂ©es Ă  une plaie vasculaire. Le but de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©crire les aspects Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, cliniques et thĂ©rapeutiques des plaies de la face dans 4 grands hĂ´pitaux de Douala.MĂ©thodologie : Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude prospective et descriptive, incluant tous patients prĂ©sentant une plaie de la face dans les services d’urgences de l’HĂ´pital GĂ©nĂ©ral de Douala (HGD), l’HĂ´pital gynĂ©co-obstĂ©trique et PĂ©diatrique de Douala (HGOPED), HĂ´pital Laquintinie de Douala (HLD) et HĂ´pital Militaire de Douala (HMD) sur une pĂ©riode de 5 mois : Janvier Ă  Mai 2018. Les variables Ă©tudiĂ©es Ă©taient : âge, sexe, profession, facteurs favorisants, circonstances de l’accident, siège, caractĂ©ristiques de la plaie et traitement.RĂ©sultats : Nous avons recensĂ© 103 patients avec les plaies de la face, soit une prĂ©valence de 10, 8%. L’âge moyen Ă©tait de 28,53 ± 11,7ans. Les  hommes Ă©taient les plus concernĂ©s (67,96) avec un sex-ratio de 2,12. Les professions du secteur informel Ă©tait majoritaire (33,98%), suivi d’élèves ou Ă©tudiants (26,21%). Les accidents de la voie publique Ă©taient les principales circonstances de survenue (37%) et 46,60% des patients prĂ©sentaient une plaie franche par coupure. La plaie Ă©tait localisĂ©e au front dans la majoritĂ© des cas soit 25,60%. Par ailleurs, 65,05% de patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de point de suture simple associĂ© au traitement mĂ©dical et 29,13% des patients n’ont pas eu de suture.Conclusion : Les plaies faciales concernent plus le sujet jeune de sexe masculin et sont surtout causĂ©es par les accidents de la voie publique. Mots clĂ©s : Plaies, face, Ă©pidĂ©miologie, clinique, traitement English Title: Facial wounds in Douala, epidemiology, clinic and treatment about 103 patients Background: Facials wounds are common in ENT emergency unit, usually simple and the importance is due to vascular lesions with massive bleeding. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects of facial wounds in 4 hospitals in Douala Methods: We carried out a prospective and descriptive study, included patients with a facial wound in the emergency department in DoualaGyneco-Obstetrics and Pediatric Hospital, Douala General Hospital, Douala Laquintinie Hospital and  Douala Military Hospital from 1st January to 30th May 2018. The following variables: age, sex, occupation, risk factors, clinical appearance and treatment were studied.Results: A total, 103 patients were recorded. The prevalence of facial wound was 10.8%. The mean age was 28.53 ± 11.7 years. This was mostly malepatients (67.96%) with a sex ratio of 2.12. Our study population was predominantly made up of occupations in the informal sector (33.98%). Roadaccidents were main circumstances of the occurrence with 37%. Considering the clinical: 79, 21 % patients presented with a single wound. Depending on the type of wound 46.60%, patients had franche wound. The wound was located in the fore head in the majority of cases (25.60%). Considering the treatment 29.13% of patients didn’t have suture patient care, also 65.05% mainly benefit from simple point.Conclusion: The wounds on the face mainly affect mostly young men. As well as the predominance of road accident. Keywords: Wounds, face, epidemiology, clinic,treatmen