19 research outputs found

    Une pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse révélant un syndrome des antisynthétases: à propos de 2 cas

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    Le syndrome des antisynthétases (SAS) est une myopathie inflammatoire fréquemment associée à une atteinte pulmonaire, surtout parenchymateuse (pneumopathie infiltrante diffuse). Les manifestations extrathoraciques associées à l'atteinte pulmonaire peuvent orienter le diagnostic: myalgies, polyarthralgies, syndrome de Raynaud, hyperkératose érythémateuse palmaire fissuraire et fièvre. Devant un tableau clinique et radiologique évocateur, la présence d'anticorps anti-ARN-t synthétases permet de confirmer notamment les anti-Jo-1. L'atteinte pulmonaire constitue un facteur pronostic majeur d'où l'indication une thérapie immunosuppressive intensive fondée sur la corticothérapie, les immunosuppresseurs ou l'association des deux. Une meilleure sensibilisation pour cette affection à révélation pulmonaire permettra d'adopter une prise en charge rapide et adéquate, et d'améliorer par conséquent le pronostic

    Case report: The dot in circle sign: A pathognomonic MRI sign of Madura foot

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    Mycetoma or Madura's foot is a rare condition in Morocco. It is a chronic infection that affects deep subcutaneous tissues and may eventually spread to deep tissues, muscles, and bones. It is caused by fungi or bacteria and most often affects the foot. Biopsy and microbiological examination help to establish a definitive diagnosis, but may delay it. Imaging plays a crucial role in early diagnosis, particularly MRI findings that show a pathognomonic sign of mycetoma which is the dot-in-the-circle sign. Computed tomography provides a better analysis of bone changes than plain radiography. Treatment is very difficult, especially if the diagnosis is delayed, and may even lead to amputation. We present here a case of mycetoma of the foot with some MRI features

    Agénésie de l´artère pulmonaire droite, à propos d’un cas

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    L’agénésie unilatérale de l’artère pulmonaire est une malformation congénitale rare. Sa symptomatologie respiratoire est variable : infections respiratoires, gêne à l’effort, hémoptysie. Sur le plan radiologique, cette anomalie peut être évoquée sur une radiographie thoracique standard mais doit être confirmée par angiographie. Nous rapportons le cas d’une jeune patiente âgée de 27 ans, présentant une dyspnée stade III de NYHA. Un angioscanner a été réalisé et a objectivé une agénésie de l’artère pulmonaire droite. La prise en charge de ces patients n’est pas encore consensuelle à ce jour et dépend de l’évolution clinique. Cependant il se limite le plus souvent à une surveillance clinique et paraclinique régulière afin de dépister d’éventuelles complications

    Une localisation rare du lipome au niveau parotidien: Ă  propos d'un cas

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    La localisation des lipomes au niveau parotidien est très rare. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas avec une revue de littérature concernant un patient de 55 ans, qui a consulté pour une masse au niveau de la région parotidienne évoluant depuis quatre ans, à la palpation on a trouvé une formation de consistance molle, mobile et indolore, le patient a bénéficié par la suite d'une imagerie (échographie et IRM), d'où le diagnostic final d'un lipome parotidien a été retenu, le traitement était conservateur sur le choix du patient

    Benign and malignant prolapsed uterine tumors : 4 case reports of an extremely rare entities

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    Prolapsed uterine tumors within the cervix or vagina, are attached to the uterine cavity by a soft tissue stalk. Malignant tumors and leiomyoma are the first diagnostic considerations for a prolapsed uterine mass with a visible stalk at MRI. This article describes 4 cases of patients who presented with large, necrotic prolapsed uterine tumors that were surgically confirmed and were diagnosed prospectively on the basis of MRI findings. Imaging, particularly MRI, plays a crucial role in the management of patients with prolapsed pedunculated uterine tumors, especially for pre-operative localization and surgical treatment. The 4 patients underwent a total hysterectomy with a complete resection of the mass. The histopathological report confirmed in the first case the diagnosis of a uterine leiomyoma with aseptic necrobiosis, in the second and third cases a sarcoma, and in the fourth case a serous adenocarcinoma

    Hydatid pulmonary embolism underlying cardiac hydatid cysts – A case report

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    Cystic hydatidosis is an endemic parasitic disease with usual localization in liver and lungs. Rarely it localizes in uncommon sites, the right ventricle being an exceptional localization.We present an extremely rare case of a young man with hydatid pulmonary embolism complicating right-ventricle hydatid cysts. Echocardiography, CT pulmonary angiogram and MR-angiography were performed for the diagnostic evaluation. Our patient did not undergo surgery. He was discharged on a regimen of albendazole, and is still being followed-up.Hydatid disease rarely presents with pulmonary embolism. It has uncharacteristic clinical features, requiring particular diagnosis and therapy

    Crack lung with toxic cerebral vasculitis: Case report

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    Crack is the most potent form of cocaine. It directly affects lungs if inhaled and the damage may include barotrauma, acute pulmonary edema, alveolar hemorrhage, bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia, or vasculitis. The diagnosis of cocaine-related lung damage is based on clinical symptoms and radiological findings. When young individuals develop respiratory symptoms, investigation into cocaine use is necessary. We report the case of a young man with a history of cocaine use who presented for respiratory and neurological symptoms revealing crack lung and toxic cerebral vasculitis

    Mediastinal and pericardial hydatidosis: A case report with review of the literature

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    Hydatidosis is an echinococcosis caused by the development of Echinococcus granulosus larvae in humans. The lung is the second most frequent site after the liver. The primary mediastinal and pericardial localisations are extremely rare.Ultrasound and CT scans play an important role in the diagnosis of this disease.We report the case of an 11-year-old female patient from a rural environment with a history of dogs contact, whose symptomatology consisted of chest pain, dyspnoea, all evolving in a febrile context. The imagery showed the existence of multiple mediastinal and pericardial collections. This patient was rapidly managed with albendazole (ABZ) and scanography revealed an excellent therapeutic response.Primary mediastinal and pericardial hydatidosis is a very uncommon disease. It can be unfortunately revealed at the stage of vital prognosis complications. Ultrasound and computerized tomography (CT) are helpful for localizing and defining the morphologic features of hydatid cysts. It should be kept in mind, especially in patients from endemic areas

    Pelvic cellulitis, a rare complication of bartholinitis: report of two cases

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    Pelvic or pelviperineal cellulitis is a rare but serious complication of bartholinitis and can be life-threatening. It is described of polymicrobial nature. The diagnosis of pelvic cellulitis remains essentially clinical with signs of local inflammation.The interest of imaging, CT in particular, is to assess the extent of the infection and abcess.In this report, we describe 2 cases of pelvic cellulitis complicating a bartholin's abscess caused by negative gram bacilli in 2 diabetic women in their sixties

    Bilateral thalamic infarcts: Percheron territory

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    Blood supply to the human thalami is complex and multiple variants exist. The artery of Percheron is one of those variants and is characterized by a solitary arterial trunk that branches from one of the proximal segments of either posterior cerebral artery and sup- plies blood to the paramedian thalami. Its occlusion results in bilateral paramedian thalamic infarction sometimes extending to the midbrain. We report a case of bithalamic infarction secondary to occlusion of the artery of Percheron. We will illustrate the complex clinical symptomatology and underscore the role of imaging, especially MRI, for diagnosis