2 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Website Sebagai Media Promosi Wisata Pulau Mubut

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    The development of information technology that is fast and easy to use, allows someone to quickly publish certain objects. Information technology also contributes to the introduction and existence of an area that has tourism potential. If the tourism potential of an area is not carried out properly and correctly, it will not be known by many people. As the island of Mubut should be able to do. Mubut Island, which has a lot of potentials, can be a promotional tool to attract local and foreign tourists, especially tourism. One of the problems that arise from tourism management lies in the lack of good promotional strategies and the absence of clear and accurate sources of information about the potential of Mubut island tourism. Utilizing a website as a promotional medium is a good choice to achieve this. Therefore, in this service activity, we will build a website that can later be used as a means of promotion and training will be conducted in managing website content for the operator appointed as the person in charge of the website.Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang cepat dan mudah digunakan, memungkinkan seseorang untuk mempublikasikan objek tertentu dengan cepat. Teknologi informasi turut berperan dalam pengenalan dan eksistensi suatu kawasan yang memiliki potensi wisata. Jika potensi wisata suatu daerah tidak dikelola dengan baik dan benar maka tidak akan diketahui banyak orang. Seperti yang seharusnya bisa dilakukan pulau Mubut. Pulau Mubut yang memiliki banyak potensi dapat menjadi sarana promosi untuk menarik wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, khususnya pariwisata. Salah satu permasalahan yang muncul dari pengelolaan pariwisata terletak pada strategi promosi yang kurang baik dan tidak adanya sumber informasi yang jelas dan akurat tentang potensi pariwisata pulau Mubut. Memanfaatkan situs web sebagai media promosi adalah pilihan yang baik untuk mencapai hal ini. Oleh karena itu dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini kami akan membangun sebuah website yang nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi dan akan dilakukan pelatihan-pelatihan dalam mengelola konten website bagi operator yang ditunjuk sebagai penanggung jawab website tersebut


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    Mubut Island is one of the islands that has a great potential as one of tourist attractions in Batam, especially Riau Islands. Currently, tourism managers have been provided with a website as a promotional medium, which is also a product of student project-based learning activities and community service in 2021. Thus, its utilization has not been used properly. The current content and information on the website have not been updated in accordance with existing promotional needs. The purpose of making a website as a means of tourism promotion has not been achieved. Therefore, this activity was carried out to assist them in utilizing their website as one of promotional media. The methods that have been included are: preparation stage such as literature studi and preparation of service instruments, development stage such as updating content or information on the website as needed, implementation stage as a tourism promotion medium, and evaluation stage based on website user satisfaction. Result shows that 81.05% of user satisfaction has been achieved. Besides, content or information needed based on interviews and observations has been added. Also, website link address has been published widely through social media.Mubut Island is one of the islands that has a great potential as one of tourist attractions in Batam, especially Riau Islands. Currently, tourism managers have been provided with a website as a promotional medium, which is also a product of student project-based learning activities and community service in 2021. Thus, its utilization has not been used properly. The current content and information on the website have not been updated in accordance with existing promotional needs. The purpose of making a website as a means of tourism promotion has not been achieved. Therefore, this activity was carried out to assist them in utilizing their website as one of promotional media. The methods that have been included are: preparation stage such as literature studi and preparation of service instruments, development stage such as updating content or information on the website as needed, implementation stage as a tourism promotion medium, and evaluation stage based on website user satisfaction. Result shows that 81.05% of user satisfaction has been achieved. Besides, content or information needed based on interviews and observations has been added. Also, website link address has been published widely through social media.