5 research outputs found

    Development of sportsman students' autonomy in the educational environment of electronic information and foreign language teachersā€™ readiness to this process

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    The study addresses the major factors preventing foreign language (FL) teachers from effective use of electronic information educational environment (EIEE) at the institutes of higher learning (IHL) in Russia to develop learner autonomy. Upon holding interviews and taking polls of 60 respondents from three universities helped the authors find out that these factors include: sketchy knowledge of information and communication technologies among foreign language teachers; poor standards of material and technical resources capability at universities; inadequate readiness of FL teachers to apply new information and communication technologies; insufficient level of FL teachers motivation to use innovative ITs at work. The contributors have worked out a number of pedagogical conditions that should be provided at the IHL to clear the barriers mentioned above: gradual development of FL teachers readiness to use the EIEE (the IT competence acquisition based on learning management systems (LMS); FL teachers activity stimulation to work in the EIEE through creating modular courses); setting up the EIEE in the IHL, which can translate all e-learning possibilities into action, the LMS, software and documentation among them. The said pedagogical conditions have successfully been tested and implemented at RUDN University

    Quantitative Profiling of the Lymph Node Clearance Capacity

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    Transport of tissue-derived lymphatic fluid and clearance by draining lymph nodes are pivotal for maintenance of fluid homeostasis in the body and for immune-surveillance of the self- and non-self-proteomes. Yet a quantitative analysis of nodal filtration of the tissue-derived proteome present in lymphatic fluid has not been reported. Here we quantified the efficiency of nodal clearance of the composite proteomic load using label-free and isotope-labeling proteomic analysis of pre-nodal and post-nodal samples collected by direct cannulation. These results were extended by quantitation of the filtration efficiency of fluorophore-labeled proteins, bacteria, and beads infused at physiological flow rates into pre-nodal lymphatic collectors and collected by post-nodal cannulation. We developed a linear model of nodal filtration efficiency dependent on pre-nodal protein concentrations and molecular weight, and uncovered criteria for disposing the proteome incoming from defined anatomical districts under physiological conditions. These findings are pivotal to understanding the maximal antigenic load sustainable by a draining node, and promote understanding of pathogen spreading and nodal filtration of tumor metastasis, potentially helping to improve design of vaccination protocols, immunization strategies and drug delivery

    Aging-related anatomical and biochemical changes in lymphatic collectors impair lymph transport, fluid homeostasis, and pathogen clearance

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    The role of lymphatic vessels is to transport fluid, soluble molecules, and immune cells to the draining lymph nodes. Here, we analyze how the aging process affects the functionality of the lymphatic collectors and the dynamics of lymph flow. Ultrastructural, biochemical, and proteomic analysis indicates a loss of matrix proteins, and smooth muscle cells in aged collectors resulting in a decrease in contraction frequency, systolic lymph flow velocity, and pumping activity, as measured in vivo in lymphatic collectors. Functionally, this impairment also translated into a reduced ability for in vivo bacterial transport as determined by timeā€lapse microscopy. Ultrastructural and proteomic analysis also indicates a decrease in the thickness of the endothelial cell glycocalyx and loss of gap junction proteins in aged lymph collectors. Redox proteomic analysis mapped an agingā€related increase in the glycation and carboxylation of lymphatic's endothelial cell and matrix proteins. Functionally, these modifications translate into apparent hyperpermeability of the lymphatics with pathogen escaping from the collectors into the surrounding tissue and a decreased ability to control tissue fluid homeostasis. Altogether, our data provide a mechanistic analysis of how the anatomical and biochemical changes, occurring in aged lymphatic vessels, compromise lymph flow, tissue fluid homeostasis, and pathogen transport.ISSN:1474-9718ISSN:1474-9728ISSN:1474-972