17 research outputs found

    First Report of a Case with Needle Track Sinus after Aspiration Biopsy of a Benign Thyroid Nodule Resulted in an Unexpected Postoperative Complication

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    Fine needle aspiration biopsy is the most feasible, safe, and accurate diagnostic tool for thyroid nodule diagnosis. The development of a sinus tract between thyroid gland and the skin through needle tract after fine needle aspiration biopsy is an extremely uncommon phenomenon. In this paper, a 71-year-old man presenting with a swelling and discharge on the anterior neck wall was reported. Similar complaints were present 15 to 20 days after fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid gland four years ago. Bilateral total thyroidectomy was performed considering a thyroid malignancy infiltrating the skin. Histopathologic examination confirmed a sinus tract between the thyroid gland and skin and thyroid nodule was benign in nature. It must be kept in mind that inflammatory reactions might also occur after fine needle aspiration biopsy of benign thyroid nodules. In patients with needle biopsy-related inflammation, surgery may be delayed until the inflammation subsides

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    Fine needle aspiration biopsy is the most feasible, safe, and accurate diagnostic tool for thyroid nodule diagnosis. The development of a sinus tract between thyroid gland and the skin through needle tract after fine needle aspiration biopsy is an extremely uncommon phenomenon. In this paper, a 71-year-old man presenting with a swelling and discharge on the anterior neck wall was reported. Similar complaints were present 15 to 20 days after fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid gland four years ago. Bilateral total thyroidectomy was performed considering a thyroid malignancy infiltrating the skin. Histopathologic examination confirmed a sinus tract between the thyroid gland and skin and thyroid nodule was benign in nature. It must be kept in mind that inflammatory reactions might also occur after fine needle aspiration biopsy of benign thyroid nodules. In patients with needle biopsy-related inflammation, surgery may be delayed until the inflammation subsides

    The Evaluation of Contralateral Breast Lesions in Breast Cancer Patients Using Reduction Mammoplasty

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    Purpose: This study evaluated the importance of routine pathological examination of contralateral breast specimens in breast cancer patients using reduction mammoplasty. Methods: The weight of breast tissue resected from the contralateral breast in 71 patients and the number of slices used for pathological evaluation were recorded. Breast lesions found in the contralateral breast and accompanying lesions with tumors were examined. Results: High risk proliferative lesions were reported in the contralateral breast of eight (11.2%) patients, and low-risk lesions were detected in 18 (25%). While the mean age of the patients with high-risk lesions was 45.6, it was 52.8 for the other patients (p = 0.036). Conclusion: Bilateral reduction mammoplasty may be beneficial to delineate some pathologies in contralateral breasts even in those patients with normal clinical and radiological findings. The incidental discovery of these pathologies is much more likely in young breast cancer patients

    Pilotaj Bölümü Eğitim Gereksinimlerinin Kano Modeli ile Analizi

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    Havacılık sektörü, dünyada ve ülkemizde büyük bir hızla gelişmekte ve gelecekte de bu büyümenin devam edeceği öngörülmektedir. Türkiye’de hızla gelişen havacılık sektörüne kalifiye eleman yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan çeşitli üniversiteler ve bölümler bulunmaktadır. Bu bölümlerin en hızlı gelişen ve ön plana çıkanlarından biri “Pilotaj” bölümüdür. Bu çalışmanın amacı Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı’na bağlı Pilotaj bölümlerine sahip olan üniversitelerde eğitim alan pilot adaylarının eğitim gereksinimlerinin Kano Modeli ile sınıflandırılıp önem düzeylerinin analiz edilmesi ve öneriler sunularak eğitim kalitesinin arttırılmasıdır. Çalışma karma yöntemle desenlenmiştir. Öncelikle her biri 6 kişiden oluşan 3 farklı odak grup görüşmesi ile öğrencilerin gereksinimleri belirlenmiş ve 287 öğrenciye anket yapılarak ortaya çıkan gereksinimler Kano Modeli ile sınıflandırılarak önem düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. İncelenen 22 gereksinimden; “sınavların ve derslerin birbiriyle tutarlı olması”, “dersin öğretim elemanının alanında yetkin ve yeterli olması”, “uçuş sıralama planlarının takibinin yapılması ve öngörülen planların paylaşılması” ifadeleri ilk üç doğrusal (beklenen) gereksinimler kategorisinde sınıflandırılırken, “dersliklerde derse yardımcı uçuş ekipman veya materyallerin bulunması”, “öğretim elemanlarının derslere konu ile ilgili misafir akademisyen/pilot getirmesi ve tecrübe paylaşımı”, “havayolu firmaları ile eğitime yönelik işbirliği ve mezuniyet sonrası iş imkânları için protokol/anlaşma yapılması” ifadeleri ise heyecan verici gereksinimler olarak belirlenmiştir

    Analysis of Flight Training Education Requeriments with Kano Model

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    Havacılık sektörü, dünyada ve ülkemizde büyük bir hızla gelişmekte ve gelecekte de bu büyümenin devam edeceği öngörülmektedir. Türkiye’de hızla gelişen havacılık sektörüne kalifiye eleman yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan çeşitli üniversiteler ve bölümler bulunmaktadır. Bu bölümlerin en hızlı gelişen ve ön plana çıkanlarından biri “Pilotaj” bölümüdür. Bu çalışmanın amacı Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı’na bağlı Pilotaj bölümlerine sahip olan üniversitelerde eğitim alan pilot adaylarının eğitim gereksinimlerinin Kano Modeli ile sınıflandırılıp önem düzeylerinin analiz edilmesi ve öneriler sunularak eğitim kalitesinin arttırılmasıdır. Çalışma karma yöntemle desenlenmiştir. Öncelikle her biri 6 kişiden oluşan 3 farklı odak grup görüşmesi ile öğrencilerin gereksinimleri belirlenmiş ve 287 öğrenciye anket yapılarak ortaya çıkan gereksinimler Kano Modeli ile sınıflandırılarak önem düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. İncelenen 22 gereksinimden; “sınavların ve derslerin birbiriyle tutarlı olması”, “dersin öğretim elemanının alanında yetkin ve yeterli olması”, “uçuş sıralama planlarının takibinin yapılması ve öngörülen planların paylaşılması” ifadeleri ilk üç doğrusal (beklenen) gereksinimler kategorisinde sınıflandırılırken, “dersliklerde derse yardımcı uçuş ekipman veya materyallerin bulunması”, “öğretim elemanlarının derslere konu ile ilgili misafir akademisyen/pilot getirmesi ve tecrübe paylaşımı”, “havayolu firmaları ile eğitime yönelik işbirliği ve mezuniyet sonrası iş imkânları için protokol/anlaşma yapılması” ifadeleri ise heyecan verici gereksinimler olarak belirlenmiştir

    Cervical Lymphadenopathy as the First Presentation of Sigmoid Colon Cancer

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    The most common metastatic sites for colorectal carcinomas include the liver,lungs, brain, bones and peritoneal surfaces. In this report, a case of sigmoid coloncarcinoma presented with cervical lymphadenopathy was detected with the help ofPET/CT. A 57 year-old male presented with a complaint of swelling on the left sideof his neck. Ultrasonographic examination of the neck revealed three hypoechoic,peripherally vascularized lymph nodes with the largest diameter of 3cm. The thyroidgland was normal. Fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed and the pathology resultwas a metastatic carcinoma. He underwent a PET/CT scan to search for the primarycarcinoma which showed increased standardized uptake value of 13.2 in the left colonand 10.8 in the left cervical region. Colonoscopy showed an ulcerated mass lesion withobstruction of the lumen in the sigmoid colon.The patient had an anterior resection ofthe sigmoid colon with simultaneous resection of cervical lymph nodes. There was noevidence of intra-abdominal dissemination during surgery. The lymph nodes removedfrom the neck were also reportedas metastatic adenocarcinoma. The patient underwentsix cycles of adjuvant FOL FOX chemotherapy regimen. The patient has remaineddisease free after nine months of follow-up. PET/CT was a quick, effective method forthe detection of the primary tumor in the sigmoid colon. In additional to colonicresection and systemic therapy, palliative local control can also be achieved with theexcision of metastatic lymph nodes in the neck

    Relationships Between Epidemiological Features and Tumor Characteristics of Breast Cancer

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    Objectives. Breast cancer is a histological, morphological and molecular heterogenous disease. Like clinical outcomes and prognoses of different subtypes, etiologies might also be different. Therefore, epidemiologic risk factors like sociologic, demographic, antropometric, reproductive, and menstrual factors can be considered as an entity reflected in tumor features. This study was planned to explore the relation between well known risk factors of breast cancer and histological and molecular features of the tumor. Materials and Methods. Epidemiologic data for 250 breast cancer patients followed-up by our clinic and 250 healthy individuals without any diagnosis of malignancy were obtained. The data displaying a relation to breast cancer are age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), place of birth and province, educational level, menstrual status, age of menarche and menopause, number of births, age at first childbirth, family history of breast cancer, history of smoking and hormone treatment, mammographic screening, and presence of benign lesions. The tumor characteristics of patients in the breast cancer group were recorded. Results. Advanced age, nulliparity, low educational level, irregular mammographic screening, early menarche and late menopause, and high BMI in postmenopausal period were found to be related to increased breast cancer risk. Striking results in terms of the relation between epidemiological factors and tumor features were the early diagnosis of breast cancer in patients with regular mammographic screening. Tumor size was decreased with increased age and increased with increased BMI. Advanced age, prolonged lactation, increased number of births, and high education level were found to decrease axillary involvement. Conclusions. Multiparity still continues to be the strongest protective factor against breast cancer in our society. The decrease in menarche age may be an early sign of the increased breast cancer incidence. Women should be informed about the relation between postmenopausal obesity and breast cancer and encouraged to attend physical activity and exercise programmes. Regular physical examination and mammographic screening are protective against breast cancer