21 research outputs found

    Task Engagement Selectively Modulates Neural Correlations in Primary Auditory Cortex

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    Noise correlations (r(noise)) between neurons can affect a neural population's discrimination capacity, even without changes in mean firing rates of neurons. r(noise), the degree to which the response variability of a pair of neurons is correlated, has been shown to change with attention with most reports showing a reduction in r(noise). However, the effect of reducing r(noise) on sensory discrimination depends on many factors, including the tuning similarity, or tuning correlation (r(tuning)), between the pair. Theoretically, reducing r(noise) should enhance sensory discrimination when the pair exhibits similar tuning, but should impair discrimination when tuning is dissimilar. We recorded from pairs of neurons in primary auditory cortex (A1) under two conditions: while rhesus macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) actively performed a threshold amplitude modulation (AM) detection task and while they sat passively awake. We report that, for pairs with similar AM tuning, average r(noise) in A1 decreases when the animal performs the AM detection task compared with when sitting passively. For pairs with dissimilar tuning, the average r(noise) did not significantly change between conditions. This suggests that attention-related modulation can target selective subcircuits to decorrelate noise. These results demonstrate that engagement in an auditory task enhances population coding in primary auditory cortex by selectively reducing deleterious r(noise) and leaving beneficial r(noise) intact

    Activity related to perceptual judgment and action in primary auditory cortex.

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    Recent evidence is reshaping the view of primary auditory cortex (A1) from a unisensory area to one more involved in dynamically integrating multisensory- and task-related information. We found A1 single- (SU) and multiple-unit (MU) activity correlated with macaques' choices in an amplitude modulation (AM) discrimination task. Animals were trained to discriminate AM noise from unmodulated noise by releasing a lever for AM noise and holding down the lever for unmodulated noise. Activity for identical stimuli was compared between trials where the animals reported AM and trials where they did not. We found 47.4% of MUs and 22.8% of SUs significantly increased firing shortly before the animal's behavioral response to report AM when compared to the equivalent time period on trials where AM was not reported. Activity was also linked to lever release in a different task context, suggesting A1 modulation by somatosensory, or efference copy, input. When spikes were counted only during the stimulus, 19.6% of MUs and 13.8% of SUs increased firing rate when animals reported AM compared to when they did not, suggesting an attentional effect, or that A1 activity can be used by higher decision areas, or that such areas provide feedback to A1. Activity associated with AM reporting was correlated with a unit's AM sensitivity, suggesting AM sensitive neurons' involvement in task performance. A1 neurons' phase locking to AM correlated more weakly (compared to firing rate) with the animals' report of AM, suggesting a preferential role for rate-codes in A1 for this AM discrimination task

    Differences between primary auditory cortex and auditory belt related to encoding and choice for AM sounds.

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    We recorded from middle-lateral (ML) and primary (A1) auditory cortex while macaques discriminated amplitude-modulated (AM) noise from unmodulated noise. Compared with A1, ML had a higher proportion of neurons that encoded increasing AM depth by decreasing their firing rates ("decreasing" neurons), particularly with responses that were not synchronized to the modulation. Choice probability (CP) analysis revealed that A1 and ML activity were different during the first half of the test stimulus. In A1, significant CP began before the test stimulus, remained relatively constant (or increased slightly) during the stimulus, and increased greatly within 200 ms of lever release. Neurons in ML behaved similarly, except that significant CP disappeared during the first half of the stimulus and reappeared during the second half and prerelease periods. CP differences between A1 and ML depend on neural response type. In ML (but not A1), when activity was lower during the first half of the stimulus in nonsynchronized, decreasing neurons, the monkey was more likely to report AM. Neurons that both increased firing rate with increasing modulation depth ("increasing" neurons) and synchronized their responses to AM had similar choice-related activity dynamics in ML and A1. These results suggest that, when ascending the auditory system, there is a transformation in coding AM from primarily synchronized increasing responses in A1 to nonsynchronized and dual (increasing/decreasing) coding in ML. This sensory transformation is accompanied by changes in the timing of activity related to choice, suggesting functional differences between A1 and ML related to attention and/or behavior