7 research outputs found

    Different methods of processing thermographic images to evaluate the carpal temperature of healthy calves

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    The aim of this study was to compare three methods of processing thermographic images for the evaluation of carpal temperature in healthy calves. Additionally, we sought to evaluate the thermal symmetry between the contralateral carpi of these calves. Thermographic images were obtained from both carpi of eight healthy calves aged between 20 and 45 days with a mean weight of 38.65 ± 2.27 kg. Using GRAYESS® IRT Analyzer 7 software, the total temperature (Ttot), region-of-interest temperature (Troi), and maximum mean temperature (Tmax) were determined. There was no difference between the temperatures obtained by the Ttot and Troi methods. Tmax showed higher temperatures (p < 0.01) than the other methods. The three image processing methods showed high and significant positive correlations for the temperature of the right and left carpi of healthy calves. Tmax presented a higher correlation coefficient (r = 0.99) than the two other methods, which suggests a greater sensitivity for identifying thermal variations among the contralateral carpi. The 99% confidence interval for the difference between the temperatures of the right and left carpi (Δr-l) was between 0.03 and 0.26°C; thus, a temperature variation within that range does not refer to pathologic processes. Key words: cattle; joint; thermal symmetry; thermograph


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    The aim of the present study was to report an outbreak of natural poisoning by Cestrum laevigatum in dairy cattle in the “Agreste” region of Pernambuco state, Brazil. Epidemiological and clinical data were collected. Among a lot of 60 cows, eight became ill and four died. Two cows underwent necropsy, during which fragments of the central nervous system, liver, gall bladder, spleen and kidney were collected for histopathlogical analysis. Blood samples were collected for hematological and biochemical tests. The animals exhibited apathy, muscle tremors, reduced appetite, different degrees of dehydration and compromised reticulorumen dynamics as well as a small quantity of dry feces with the presence of mucus and blood. The laboratory exams revealed an increase in serum activity of aspartate aminotransferase and gamma glutamyltransferase as well as hypoalbuminemia. The necropsy revealed an enlarged liver and cutting surface with a nutmeg aspect as well as areas of hemorrhaging in the heart, trachea, abomasum, spleen, intestine and bladder. The microscopic analysis revealed centrilobular hepatic necrosis associated to accentuated hemorrhaging. These findings characterized poisoning by Cestrum laevigatum and led to the adoption of control and prevention measures

    Clinical and laboratory indicators predictive of the negative outcome of gastrointestinal emergencies in cattle

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    This study aimed to identify clinical and laboratory variables that could help predict the negative outcome in cattle affected by gastrointestinal emergencies. A retrospective cohort study was carried out using multivariate logistic regression analysis based on data collected from the clinical records of cattle hospitalized at the Garanhuns Bovine Clinic, UFRPE campus. One hundred and twenty-two cattle met the inclusion criteria established for the study. Among the clinical variables, heart rate (HR) and abdominal distension are associated with the outcome in animals with right displaced abomasum (RDA), and anorexia and 10% dehydration in animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Among the laboratory variables, plasma fibrinogen (PF) and total leukocyte count were associated with the outcome in animals with RDA, while PF and plasma L-lactate were associated with animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. HR and the total leukocyte count remained in the final model of the regression adjusted for animals with RDA. On the other hand, plasma L-lactate and PF remained in the final model in the adjusted model for animals with an obstructive intestinal disorder. Cattle with RDA and HR higher than 90 bpm present an increased chance of having a negative outcome whereas cattle with obstructive intestinal disorder and plasma L-lactate higher than 1.84 mmol/L or PF higher than 850 mg/dL have a higher chance of not survive. Therefore, clinical and laboratory variables such as HR, fibrinogen, and plasma L-lactate are useful to predict the negative outcome in cattle with gastrointestinal emergencies, especially RDA and obstructive intestinal disorders. Keywords: biomarkers; gastrointestinal disease; prognostic factor

    Síndrome do jejuno hemorrágico em bovinos no estado de Pernambuco: relato de dois casos

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever as informações clínico-epidemiológicas e a conduta terapêutica empregada em dois bovinos adultos acometidos pela síndrome do jejuno hemorrágico (SJH). A enfermidade cursa com enterite necro-hemorrágica aguda e pode levar à obstrução intestinal pela formação de coágulos sanguíneos. Sua ocorrência tem sido relatada em vários países, entretanto, no Brasil é pouco diagnosticada. Os animais, com histórico de anorexia, cólica, redução na produção leiteira e fezes de aspecto sanguinolento, foram atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. O diagnóstico foi baseado nos achados clínicos, laboratoriais, ultrassonográficos e cirúrgico; sendo clinicamente evidenciada ressonância metálica no flanco direito, aumento da tensão abdominal, além de alteração nas características das fezes. A análise do fluido ruminal revelou comprometimento da microbiota e elevação nos teores de cloretos. No hemograma houve inversão da proporção linfócitos/segmentados e hiperfibrinogenemia no primeiro animal, enquanto no segundo ocorreu leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda e hipoproteinemia. A ultrassonografia evidenciou hipomotilidade, dilatação de segmentos intestinais e conteúdo com imagem ecogênica em sua luz, sugestivo de coágulos sanguíneos. Em um dos animais a laparotomia exploratória à direita foi utilizada como método diagnóstico e terapêutico, no outro animal, a conduta terapêutica realizada foi a medicamentosa. Embora a literatura relate baixo sucesso nos tratamentos da SJH, as abordagens empregadas nos animais deste trabalho foram eficientes, pois promoveram satisfatória recuperação clínica dos animais

    Aspectos clínicos da ruptura do músculo gastrocnêmio em ruminantes: descrição de três casos

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    Esse trabalho tem por finalidade descrever a ocorrência e os aspectos clínicos da ruptura do músculo Gastrocnêmio em três animais (um bovino, um caprino e uma lhama) de idades diferentes, fêmeas, criados de forma semi-intensiva em propriedades distintas, que foram atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, cujos proprietários queixavam-se de problema locomotor. Essa enfermidade é rara ou incomum na clínica de ruminantes e, portanto, ainda pouco relatada. As principais causas relacionadas são os traumas e neuropatias pós-parturiente, sendo o diagnóstico geralmente clínico, baseando-se na identificação e no reconhecimento das alterações musculoesqueléticas e da postura, que são características. Os achados clínicos encontrados nos animais atendidos foram incapacidade e\ou dificuldade de levantar e ficar em estação, alteração na marcha, postura característica e inflamação local. Em dois animais a ruptura do músculo foi total e no outro a lesão foi parcial. Diante do prognóstico desfavorável indicou-se o abate do caprino e, em detrimento da idade da lhama, foi instituído tratamento com utilização de anti-inflamatórios não esteroides, porém sem sucesso. No caso do bovino, sugeriu-se a permanência temporária do animal, em espaço restrito, a fim de aproveitar a sua produção láctea. Dada à importância funcional desse músculo, sua ruptura compromete a viabilidade produtiva do animal afetado

    Epidemiological, clinical and ultrasound findings in catle with traumatic pericarditis

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e ultrassonográficos em 24 bovinos acometidos por reticulopericardite traumática. Os dados epidemiológicos e clínicos foram obtidos por meio das anamneses e exames físicos. Realizou-se o hemograma e dosagens das concentrações de proteína plasmática total e fibrinogênio plasmático. O exame ultrassonográfico foi realizado no antímero esquerdo sobre a região crânio ventral do tórax e do 4º ao 8º espaço intercostal com um transdutor convexo de 3,5 MHz. Todos os animais acometidos eram fêmeas leiteiras, sendo a maioria lactante, criadas semi-intensivamente, com média de idade de cinco anos. As principais queixas dos proprietários foram diminuição do apetite e produção láctea, sendo diagnosticada principalmente no verão (época seca), com período de evolução da doença variando de um até 30 dias. Os principais achados clínicos encontrados foram relacionados às alterações cardiovasculares como, taquicardia, anormalidades na ausculta cardíaca como abafamento e sons de líquidos, distensão da veia jugular e edemas na região submandibular e barbela. Os principais achados laboratoriais evidenciados foram leucocitose neutrofílica com desvio a esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenia. Na cavidade torácica, o exame ultrassonográfico revelou variada distensão do saco pericárdico por conteúdo líquido hipoecoíco levando ao deslocamento medial do coração, depósitos de fibrina ecogênicos livres no fluído pericárdico e/ou aderidos ao epicárdio e saco pericárdico, efusão pleural hipoecóica, deslocando pulmões dorsalmente, massas e filamentos de diferentes ecogênicidades aderidos à pleura. Na cavidade abdominal, as alterações se localizaram principalmente na região crânio ventral, com deslocamento dorsal do retículo. As alterações no contorno reticular se caracterizaram pela presença de massas sem contorno definido hipo ou hiperecóicas, abscessos, filamentos de fibrina, líquido hipoecóico ou anaecóico sendo este último evidenciado nos casos de ascite. As contrações reticulares apresentaram alterações quanto à frequência, amplitude ou velocidade sendo evidenciadas de forma isolada ou combinada. As informações obtidas dos dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais foram condizentes com a gravidade da enfermidade, contudo, os achados ultrassonográficos foram determinantes para a confirmação do diagnóstico e determinação do prognóstico dos bovinos acometidos por retículopericardite traumática.The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological, clinical, and ultrasound findings in 24 cattle affected with traumatic pericarditis. The epidemiological and clinical data were obtained from case histories and physical examinations. Was made the blood count and serum concentrations of total plasma protein and plasma fibrinogen. Ultrasound examination was performed in the left side over the ventral thorax and between the 4th to 8th intercostal spaces with a 3.5 MHz convex transducer. All affected animals were dairy female, mostly nursing, created semi-intensive, with a mean age of five years. The owners were main complaints of decreased appetite and milk production, being diagnosed mainly in the summer (dry season), with periods of disease ranging from one to 30 days. The main clinical findings were related to cardiovascular changes such as tachycardia, abnormalities in cardiac auscultation as muffled sounds and fluid, jugular vein distention and oedema in the submandibular region and brisket. The increase in fibrinogen and a neutrophilic leukocytosis were present in most cases. In the thoracic cavity, the ultrasound revealed distension of the pericardial sac varied by hypoechoic fluid content causing a medial displacement of the heart, fibrin deposits echogenic free fluid in the pericardial and/or adhered to the epicardium and the pericardial sac, hypoechoic pleural effusion, lung displacing dorsally, irregular structures and filaments of different echogenicity adhered to the pleura. In the abdominal cavity, the changes were located mainly in the ventral and cranial with dorsal displacement of the reticulum. Changes in the reticulum contour is characterized by the presence of masses irregular hypo-or hyperechoic, abscesses, fibrin strands, hypoechoic fluid or anaecóico latter being evidenced in cases of ascites. Reticular contractions showed disorders in the frequency, amplitude or speed being evidenced in isolation or combined. The interaction of information obtained from epidemiological, clinical and laboratory findings, coupled with the sonographic findings were sufficient for the diagnosis and prognosis of cattle suffering from traumatic pericarditis

    Clinical-epidemiological study of cases of dorsal patellar fixation in cattle

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    ABSTRACT. Silva S.T.G., Souto R.J.C., Lima E.H.F., Silva N.A.A., Dantas A.C., Costa N.A., Coutinho L.T. & Afonso J.A.B. [Clinical-epidemiological study of cases of dorsal patellar fixation in cattle.] Estudo clínico-epidemiológico dos casos de fixação dorsal de patela em bovinos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(1):45-48, 2014. Clínica de Bovinos, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Campus Garanhuns, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Caixa Postal 152, Bairro Boa Vista, Garanhuns, PE 55292-270, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Unilateral or bilateral dorsal fixation of the patella is a frequent syndrome in cattle, affecting animals of both sexes and different ages. The aim of the present clinical-epidemiological study was to perform a retrospective analysis of clinical cases of bovine dorsal patellar fixation treated during routine clinical practice. Among a total of 5296 bovine´s examinations, 57 cases of patella fixation were diagnosed, predominantly 95% affecting females (n = 54), with only three cases occurring in males (5%). A greater frequency of cases occurred in animals over three years of age. Regarding the number of births, there was a greater occurrence of cases during the second birth (44%). Semi-intensive cattle-raising systems accounted for 31 cases (60%), extensive systems accounted for 15 cases (29%) and intensive systems accounted for six cases (11%). Forty-one cases (72%) occurred in summer and 16 (28%) occurred in winter. Twenty-eight animals (49%) were affected in the right hind leg, 19 (33%) were affected in the left hind leg and 10 (18%) were affected in both hind legs. The constant occurrence of this condition in clinical practice implies economic losses if satisfactory treatment measures are not taken