94 research outputs found

    Prospective study of AI-assisted prediction of breast malignancies in physical health examinations: role of off-the-shelf AI software and comparison to radiologist performance

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    ObjectiveIn physical health examinations, breast sonography is a commonly used imaging method, but it can lead to repeated exams and unnecessary biopsy due to discrepancies among radiologists and health centers. This study explores the role of off-the-shelf artificial intelligence (AI) software in assisting radiologists to classify incidentally found breast masses in two health centers.MethodsFemale patients undergoing breast ultrasound examinations with incidentally discovered breast masses were categorized according to the 5th edition of the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS), with categories 3 to 5 included in this study. The examinations were conducted at two municipal health centers from May 2021 to May 2023.The final pathological results from surgical resection or biopsy served as the gold standard for comparison. Ultrasonographic images were obtained in longitudinal and transverse sections, and two junior radiologists and one senior radiologist independently assessed the images without knowing the pathological findings. The BI-RADS classification was adjusted following AI assistance, and diagnostic performance was compared using receiver operating characteristic curves.ResultsA total of 196 patients with 202 breast masses were included in the study, with pathological results confirming 107 benign and 95 malignant masses. The receiver operating characteristic curve showed that experienced breast radiologists had higher diagnostic performance in BI-RADS classification than junior radiologists, similar to AI classification (AUC = 0.936, 0.806, 0.896, and 0.950, p < 0.05). The AI software improved the accuracy, sensitivity, and negative predictive value of the adjusted BI-RADS classification for the junior radiologists’ group (p< 0.05), while no difference was observed in the senior radiologist group. Furthermore, AI increased the negative predictive value for BI-RADS 4a masses and the positive predictive value for 4b masses among radiologists (p < 0.05). AI enhances the sensitivity of invasive breast cancer detection more effectively than ductal carcinoma in situ and rare subtypes of breast cancer.ConclusionsThe AI software enhances diagnostic efficiency for breast masses, reducing the performance gap between junior and senior radiologists, particularly for BI-RADS 4a and 4b masses. This improvement reduces unnecessary repeat examinations and biopsies, optimizing medical resource utilization and enhancing overall diagnostic effectiveness

    IL28B Genetic Variation Is Associated with Spontaneous Clearance of Hepatitis C Virus, Treatment Response, Serum IL-28B Levels in Chinese Population

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    <p><b>Background:</b> The interleukin-28B gene (IL28B) locus has been associated with host resistance to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and response to PEG-IFN/RBV treatment in western populations. This study was to determine whether this gene variant is also associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV infection, treatment response and IL-28B protein production in Chinese patients.</p> <p><b>Methods:</b> We genotyped IL28B genetic variations (rs12980275, rs8103142, rs8099917 and rs12979860) by pyrosequencing DNA samples from cohorts consisting of 529 subjects with persistent HCV infection, 196 subjects who cleared the infection, 171 healthy individuals and 235 chronic HCV patients underwent IFN/RBV treatment. The expression of IL-28B were measured by ELISA and RT-PCR.</p> <p><b>Results:</b> We found that the four IL28B variants were in complete linkage disequilibrium (r2 = 0.97–0.98). The rs12979860 CC genotype was strongly associated with spontaneously HCV clearance and successful IFN/RBV treatment compared to the CT/TT. IL-28B levels in persistent HCV patients were significantly lower than subjects who spontaneously resolved HCV and healthy controls and were also associated with high levels of ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST (aspartate aminotransferase). IL-28B levels were also significantly lower in individuals carrying T alleles than CC homozygous.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Thus, the rs12979860-CC variant upstream of IL28B gene is associated with spontaneous clearance of HCV, susceptible to IFN/RBV treatment and increased IL-28B levels in this Chinese population.</p&gt

    The "promenade architecturale" of Le Corbusier : a method for thinking architecture : genesis, implementation and evolution (1907-1939)

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    La « promenade architecturale », expression inventĂ©e par Le Corbusier en 1929, Ă  l’occasion de la publication du premier volume de l’ƒuvre ComplĂšte, reprĂ©sente un concept clĂ© corbusĂ©en parmi les plus frĂ©quemment Ă©voquĂ©s. En suivant les pistes tracĂ©es par l’utilisation du terme «promenade architecturale» par l’architecte lui-mĂȘme, sans s’y limiter toutefois, notre Ă©tude vise Ă  clarifier la genĂšse, l’application et le dĂ©veloppement de ce concept. Une mĂ©thodologie constituĂ©e de trois approches — historique, projectuelle et textuelle — est adoptĂ©e afin de mesurer son Ă©volution de 1907 Ă  1939. La pĂ©riode de formation de l’architecte (1907-1915), constitue le champ d’observation de ses principales sources d’inspiration. Les dĂ©buts de la carriĂšre de Charles-Édouard Jeanneret Ă  La Chaux-de-Fonds depuis son retour du Voyage d’Orient en novembre 1911, son installation Ă  Paris en janvier 1917, et la premiĂšre dĂ©cennie de la carriĂšre de Le Corbusier (1920-1929), fournissent les pistes utiles Ă  Ă©clairer sa mise en place Ă  l’échelle des maisons individuelles. L’«Úre des grands travaux » (1929-1939) tĂ©moigne, enfin, de son dĂ©veloppement et de sa mutation, particuliĂšrement dans une suite d’études consacrĂ©es au musĂ©e. Cette derniĂšre phase marque l’apogĂ©e de la promenade architecturale et prĂ©sage de sa disparition textuelle dans la carriĂšre corbusĂ©enne de l’AprĂšs-guerre. Loin d’ĂȘtre une simple formule esthĂ©tique, la promenade architecturale se dĂ©veloppe sur la base d’un croisement de diverses sources d’inspiration — peinture, art de bĂątir les villes, littĂ©rature, cinĂ©ma et architecture — et Ă  partir d’une fusion entre expĂ©riences de perception et de conception. Elle constitue ainsi une mĂ©thode fondamentale et spĂ©cifique de Le Corbusier pour penser l’architecture, qui le distingue des prĂ©curseurs et d’autres figures de proue du Mouvement moderne.The promenade architecturale, an expression invented by Le Corbusier in 1929 when the first volume of L’ƒuvre complĂšte was published, represents one of the most frequently mentioned key concept of Le Corbusier. By following the paths traced by the uses of the term promenade architecturale by the architect himself, without limiting ourselves to them, our research aims to clarify the genesis, the implementation and the development of this concept. A methodology consisting of three approaches — historical, project-based and textual — has been adopted in order to evaluate how it evolved bet-ween 1907 and 1939. The formative years of the architect (1907-1915) constitutes a field to observe his main sources of inspiration. The early career of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret at La Chaux-de-Fonds, dating from the return of the young architect from the Voyage d’Orient to his departure for Paris in 1917, and the first decade of the career of Le Corbusier (1920-1929), provide helpful indices to understand how this concept was put into practice on private houses. At last, the Ăšre des grands travaux (1929-1939) constitutes a testimony to the development of this concept, and is a witness of its mutation particularly along a series of studies that Le Corbusier devoted to museums. This last phase marks the peak of the promenade architecturale and announces its disappearing from Le Corbusier’s written work in his postwar career. Far from being a simple aesthetic formulation appeared accidentally, the promenade architecturale was developed on the basis of an action of crossing varied sources of inspiration — painting, art of building cities, literature, cinema and architecture —, and was deduced from a fusion of perceptive and conceptual experiences. Thus, it constitutes Le Corbusier’s fundamental and specific method for thinking architecture, which makes him stand out from his precursors and from other prominent characters of the Modern Movement

    Ameliorative Effects of Curcumin on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a multifactorial and complicated metabolic disorder, is a growing public health problem. Numerous studies have indicated that bioactive compounds from herbal medicine have beneficial effects on T2DM prevention and treatment, owing to their numerous biological properties. Curcumin, the major curcuminoid of turmeric, is one of the most studied bioactive components of herbal supplements, and has a variety of biological activities. Clinical trials and preclinical research have recently produced compelling data to demonstrate the crucial functions of curcumin against T2DM via several routes. Accordingly, this review systematically summarizes the antidiabetic activity of curcumin, along with various mechanisms. Results showed that effectiveness of curcumin on T2DM is due to it being anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antihyperglycemic, anti-apoptotic, and antihyperlipidemic, among other activities. In light of these results, curcumin may be a promising prevention/treatment choice for T2DM

    Weathering Process of In Situ Granite and Particle Breakage Characteristics of Compacted Weathered Granite

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    Quantificationally describing weathering process and characterizing particle breakage are important in predicting the behavior of coarse-grained soil (e.g., weathered granite). In order to comprehensively understand the mechanical properties of weathered granite and provide references for reasonable evaluation of the engineering properties of subgrade filling in mountains, a series of tests—X-ray diffraction, sieving, heavy compaction, large-scale triaxial, and field compaction tests—were carried out in this research. Based on the weathering process parameters (m and r) of in-situ granite samples at two typical sections of weathered granite mountains obtained by using previous grading equation, the mathematical model of weathering process with depth was proposed and the variation laws of weathering process with depth were described. The results show that, with an increase in burying depth of mountain profile (h) of weathered granite, the geological year’s parameter (m) decrease by power function, but the geometric progression constants (r) increase by power function. Some factors affecting the particle breakage properties of compacted weathered granite were evaluated by using relative breakage (Br). Especially, the effect of field compaction condition (such as thickness of loose paving layer and number of vibratory rolling passes) on particle breakage was analyzed creatively. Through laboratory and field tests, it was found that particle gradation, mineral composition, compaction effect, stress level, and number of rolling passes significantly affected the particle breakage characteristics of weathered granite. Furthermore, it is worthy of attention that the weathered granite in this paper showed obvious particle breakage characteristics under weak compaction effect and at low stress levels and over-compaction could result in a decrease in the degree of compaction of a certain thickness of loose paving layer filled with weathered granite. Findings in this research can provide a theoretical basis for evaluating the physical properties and mechanical behavior of weathered granite as subgrade fillings

    Identification of stress-related characteristics of the WRKY gene family: A case study of Dendrobium catenatum

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    As one of the largest families of transcription factors (TFs) in plants, the WRKY TF family plays a key role in regulating plant responses to various biotic and abiotic stresses. However, there is no confirmed method to quickly identify stress-responsive members from the WRKY gene family. In this study, all reported functional WRKY genes were first analyzed, and the amino acid patterns in response to stress were identified in group II-c (T-R/K-S/T-E/Q/D-V/I/L-E/D-I/V/H/N-L/M-D/E-D-G/E-F/Y-K/R-WRKYG-Q/K-K-A/T-VKN-S/N-P), group II-d (VPA-I/V-S-X-K-M/L/V/I-ADIP-P/A/V-D-D/E-Y/F-S-WRKYGQKPIKGSP-H/Y-PRGYYKCS-S/T-V/M-RGCPARKVER), and group II-e (PSD-S/A/L-WAWRKYGQKPIKGSPYPR-G/S-YYRCSSSKGC). WRKY genes in Dendrobium catenatum were used to validate the accuracy of these patterns. A total of 63 DcaWRKY genes were identified, their gene structures, conserved motifs, and gene expression patterns were analyzed, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed. Gene expression patterns were then analyzed under drought stress, and seven DcaWRKY genes (Dca002550, Dca002715, Dca005648, Dca007842, Dca010430, Dca016437, and Dca006787) were randomly selected to determine their expression levels and verify their expression patterns by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. The identified amino acid patterns were validated by drought-responsive WRKY genes in D. catenatum, confirming the accuracy of these amino acid patterns and providing valuable insights into further research of the WRKY family in D. catenatum
