19 research outputs found

    The safety of care focused on patient identity: an observational study

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Healthcare organizations, in order to reduce errors and extend the number of safe practices, are looking for possible solutions to enhance the clients' health quality care and trying to spread the culture of safety healthcare. Although in the literature the field of research "patient safety" is very debated, there are few empirical studies that investigate about the strategies undertaken by nursing students for the patients identification process during their care pathway. The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge of the Ministerial Recommendation No. 3/2008 among nursing students, a specific Italian directive that aims to guarantee the safety of cares. METHODS: A four-weeks single-center observational study was conducted, involving a convenient sample of 112 students of the 2nd and 3rd  year of the Nursing Course Degree of the University of Parma. The survey was conducted using an ad-hoc questionnaire. RESULTS: The use of the identification wristband is considered one of the most important strategy to make sure the patient identification; unfortunately it is in practice used just in few occasions and only when performed specific procedures; it is furthermore noted that patients are not enough informed about the use and finalities of the identification wristband. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the importance of the patient identification process to guarantee the  safety of cares, the results produced, suggest that this investigation field deserves further insights in order to collect more substantial data and expand knowledge on the specific subject, so as to fill  knowledge gaps and sensitize nursing students to the correct use of the identification wristband

    ENT management of children with adenotonsillar disease during COVID-19 pandemic : ready to start again?

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    Clinical manifestations of COVID-19 in children are milder, but the real burden of disease is unknown. After the lockdown, in our Region Lombardia we have been requested to progressively resume medical services including outpatient assessment and priority surgery. Therefore, we screened surgical waiting lists with identification of 47 children candidates to priority surgery (among 358). No homogeneous national health surveillance/screening programs are ongoing or have been conceived to test susceptible population among children/healthcare workers in preparation of coming down to routinely daily activities, and diagnostic strategies are not completely accurate in children. So, restoring medical services now might be untimely

    Gambaran Literasi Membaca Mahasiswa Tingkat I Prodi D-III Keperawatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai

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    Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah berada pada posisi ke 28 dengan nilai 31,55 dalam indeks aktivitas literasi membaca, ini artinya masih tergolong rendah. Kurangnya aktivitas membaca referensi terkait  akademik akan berdampak pada kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi perkuliahan serta menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran Literasi Membaca Mahasiswa Tingkat I TA 2020/2021 Prodi D-III Keperawatan Luwuk Kabupaten Banggai Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan analisis dokumen. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan dokumen tugas mahasiswa sesuai mata kuliah yang diajarkan di Semester I. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dengan pengambilan kesimpulan dilakukan secara induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas responden berusia 20,5 tahun dengan rata-rata lama membaca 3,4 jam setiap harinya. Sumber referensi atau pustaka yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam pengerjaan tugas cukup beragam yaitu berasal dari buku (46,4%), internet/blog (26,7%), artikel (12,5%), peraturan perundang-undangan (8%), dokumen standar (3,5%), serta sumber referensi yang berasal dari intern referens dan prosiding (0,8%). Berdasarkan standar referensi dalam Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, Dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 20 Tahun 2017, panggunaan referensi yang sesuai sebanyak 53,52%, dan yang tidak sesuai sebesar 46.48%. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa literasi membaca mahasiswa tingkat I TA 2020/2021 Prodi D-III Keperawatan Luwuk masih belum optimal karena belum sepenuhnya terstandar, meskipun sudah didukung oleh sumber referensi atau pustaka yang bervariasi. Literasi membaca sumber referensi atau pustaka terstandar perlu menjadi salah satu fokus dalam proses pengembangan pembelajaran di Institusi

    Influence of Prior Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Extent on Dupilumab Effectiveness in CRSwNP Patients

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    Background: Guidelines recommend that the vast majority of patients with severe uncontrolled chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) should have at least one endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) prior to starting biologics. Because ESS can be performed with a variable extension, the aim of this study would be to evaluate the association between surgical extensiveness, as measured by ACCESS score, and outcomes collected in patients treated with Dupilumab. Materials and Methods: This is a multicentric retrospective study; patients affected by CRSwNP who were subjected to Dupilumab therapy and who underwent at least one ESS prior to Dupilumab initiation were included. ACCESS score was assigned to each patient's pre-Dupilumab CT scan. Subjective and objective parameters (SNOT-22, NPS, VAS scores, Sniffin’ Sticks) were collected before and during the administration of therapy. Statistical correlations between ACCESS scores and clinical outcomes were investigated. Results: A total of 145 patients were included; mean time from last previous ESS was 68.6 months, and on average, patients were subjected to 2.2 surgeries. Many correlations with ACCESS scores were demonstrated: better NPS at all timepoints and subjective scores (30-days SNOT-22, VAS nasal obstruction, and rhinorrhea) were achieved in patients with low ACCESS score (more extensive ESS). On the other hand, significantly worse VAS loss of smell values were demonstrated in patients with lower ACCESS scores. Conclusion: Dupilumab patients subjected to a prior extensive ESS may have reduced size of polyps and improved subjective indicators, together with a decreased chance to recover smell, when compared with patients who underwent a minimal excision. Level of Evidence: Level 3 Laryngoscope, 2023

    The relationship of patient-clinical interaction with the levels of anxiety of patients during first interaction in outpatient surgery department in DLSUMC, April 2017

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    Cross-sectional research design was employed in this study using simple random sampling. There were 65 outpatients in the Surgery Department who had their first interaction served as the study sample. A self-administered questionnaires over other data collection tools such as interviews and observations. Data was analyzed through using frequency, percentage, t-test and chi-square test. Study revealed there was a greater percentage of the patients with decrease in the levels of anxiety. A negative correlation of -0.2110 revealed that the patient\u27s level of satisfaction on post-interaction was therefore insignificant based on the PPQ test. In the correlation of anxiety with the levels of satisfaction. Chi-square p-value of 0.6094 showed that there was insufficient evidence in supporting that there was an association between the change in anxiety levels and satisfaction levels of the patients\u27 and clinical clerks\u27 assessment on post interaction