12 research outputs found

    Of cuts and cracks: data analytics on constrained graphs for early prediction of failure in cementitious materials

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    Using data from discrete element simulations, we develop a data analytics approach using network flow theory to study force transmission and failure in a ‘dog-bone’ concrete specimen submitted to uniaxial tension. With this approach, we establish the extent to which the bottlenecks, i.e., a subset of contacts that impedes flow and are prone to becoming overloaded, can predict the location of the ultimate macro-crack. At the heart of this analysis is a capacity function that quantifies, in relative terms, the maximum force that can be transmitted through the different contacts or edges in the network. Here we set this function to be solely governed by the size of the contact area between the deformable spherical grains. During all the initial stages of the loading history, when no bonds are broken, we find the bottlenecks coincide consistently with, and therefore predict, the location of the crack that later forms in the failure regime after peak force. When bonds do start to break, they are spread throughout the specimen: in, near, and far from, the bottlenecks. In one stage leading up to peak force, bonds collectively break in the lower portion of the specimen, momentarily shifting the bottlenecks to this location. Just before and around peak force, however, the bottlenecks return to their original location and remain there until the macro-crack emerges right along the bottlenecks

    3D DEM simulations of basic geotechnical tests with early detection of shear localization

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    This paper deals with elementary geotechnical tests: triaxial and direct shear of cohesionless sand using the discrete element method (DEM). The capabilities of the numerical DEM code are shown, with a special focus on the early phenomena appearance in localization zones. The numerical tests were performed in 3D conditions with spherical grains. Contact moments law was introduced due to simulate not perfectly round sand grains. The influence of different physical parameters was studied, e.g. initial density or confining pressure. The sieve curve corresponded to the Karlsruhe sand [1]; however, in some tests, it was linearly scaled. Special attention was laid on the behaviour of the sand grains inside localization, e.g. rotation, porosity, fluctuations, etc. and forces redistribution. Emphasis was given on the pre-failure regime and early localization predictors

    Investigation of micro-structural phenomena at aggregate level in concretes using DEM

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    This paper presents numerical analyses of concrete beams under three-point bending. The discrete element methods (DEM) was used to calculate fracture at the aggregate level. Concrete was described as a four-phase material, which was composed of aggregate, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The beam micro-structure was directly taken from our experiments using x-ray micro-tomography. Simulations were carried out with real aggregate modelled as sphere clusters. Numerical results were compared with laboratory outcomes. The special attention was laid on the fracture propagation and some micro-structural phenomena at the aggregate level

    Investigation of micro-structural phenomena at aggregate level in concretes using DEM

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    This paper presents numerical analyses of concrete beams under three-point bending. The discrete element methods (DEM) was used to calculate fracture at the aggregate level. Concrete was described as a four-phase material, which was composed of aggregate, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The beam micro-structure was directly taken from our experiments using x-ray micro-tomography. Simulations were carried out with real aggregate modelled as sphere clusters. Numerical results were compared with laboratory outcomes. The special attention was laid on the fracture propagation and some micro-structural phenomena at the aggregate level

    3D DEM simulations of basic geotechnical tests with early detection of shear localization

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    This paper deals with elementary geotechnical tests: triaxial and direct shear of cohesionless sand using the discrete element method (DEM). The capabilities of the numerical DEM code are shown, with a special focus on the early phenomena appearance in localization zones. The numerical tests were performed in 3D conditions with spherical grains. Contact moments law was introduced due to simulate not perfectly round sand grains. The influence of different physical parameters was studied, e.g. initial density or confining pressure. The sieve curve corresponded to the Karlsruhe sand [1]; however, in some tests, it was linearly scaled. Special attention was laid on the behaviour of the sand grains inside localization, e.g. rotation, porosity, fluctuations, etc. and forces redistribution. Emphasis was given on the pre-failure regime and early localization predictors

    Of cuts and cracks: data analytics on constrained graphs for early prediction of failure in cementitious materials

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    Using data from discrete element simulations, we develop a data analytics approach using network flow theory to study force transmission and failure in a ‘dog-bone’ concrete specimen submitted to uniaxial tension. With this approach, we establish the extent to which the bottlenecks, i.e., a subset of contacts that impedes flow and are prone to becoming overloaded, can predict the location of the ultimate macro-crack. At the heart of this analysis is a capacity function that quantifies, in relative terms, the maximum force that can be transmitted through the different contacts or edges in the network. Here we set this function to be solely governed by the size of the contact area between the deformable spherical grains. During all the initial stages of the loading history, when no bonds are broken, we find the bottlenecks coincide consistently with, and therefore predict, the location of the crack that later forms in the failure regime after peak force. When bonds do start to break, they are spread throughout the specimen: in, near, and far from, the bottlenecks. In one stage leading up to peak force, bonds collectively break in the lower portion of the specimen, momentarily shifting the bottlenecks to this location. Just before and around peak force, however, the bottlenecks return to their original location and remain there until the macro-crack emerges right along the bottlenecks

    Analiza i ocena wybranych elementów poznańskiej przestrzeni publicznej z punktu widzenia ich dostosowania do wymagań osób o wysokim stopniu niepełnosprawności

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    The subject of this article is an analysis and evaluation of Poznan’s public transport means, i.e. trams and buses, public transport stops as well as pedestrian crossings from the point of view of their adaptation to the requirements of persons with a pronounced degree of disability. Fulfilment of these requirements is a key factor in the integration of disabled persons into society. It helps their professional activation and prevents social exclusion. Analysing the above given aspects, the current state of the adaptation of city space to the requirements of disabled persons is presented, along with city plans concerning these aspects as well as solutions that may be adopted in the future to improve the comfort of public space use by disabled persons.Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza i ocena środków komunikacji miejskiej w Poznaniu (tj. tramwajów i autobusów, przystanków komunikacji miejskiej oraz przejść dla pieszych) z punktu widzenia ich dostosowania do wymagań osób o wysokim stopniu niepełnosprawności. Spełnienie tych wymagań jest kluczowym czynnikiem integracji osób niepełnosprawnych ze społeczeństwem. Pomaga w ich aktywizacji zawodowej i zapobiega wykluczeniu społecznemu. Analizując powyższe aspekty, wskazano obecny stan adaptacji przestrzeni miejskiej do wymagań osób niepełnosprawnych, plany miasta dotyczące tych aspektów, a także rozwiązania, które mogą zostać przyjęte w przyszłości w celu poprawy komfortu korzystania z przestrzeni publicznej przez osoby niepełnosprawne

    Of cuts and cracks: data analytics on constrained graphs for early prediction of failure in cementitious materials

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    Using data from discrete element simulations, we develop a data analytics approach using network flow theory to study force transmission and failure in a ‘dog-bone’ concrete specimen submitted to uniaxial tension. With this approach, we establish the extent to which the bottlenecks, i.e., a subset of contacts that impedes flow and are prone to becoming overloaded, can predict the location of the ultimate macro-crack. At the heart of this analysis is a capacity function that quantifies, in relative terms, the maximum force that can be transmitted through the different contacts or edges in the network. Here we set this function to be solely governed by the size of the contact area between the deformable spherical grains. During all the initial stages of the loading history, when no bonds are broken, we find the bottlenecks coincide consistently with, and therefore predict, the location of the crack that later forms in the failure regime after peak force. When bonds do start to break, they are spread throughout the specimen: in, near, and far from, the bottlenecks. In one stage leading up to peak force, bonds collectively break in the lower portion of the specimen, momentarily shifting the bottlenecks to this location. Just before and around peak force, however, the bottlenecks return to their original location and remain there until the macro-crack emerges right along the bottlenecks

    Investigation of micro-structural phenomena at aggregate level in concretes using DEM

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    This paper presents numerical analyses of concrete beams under three-point bending. The discrete element methods (DEM) was used to calculate fracture at the aggregate level. Concrete was described as a four-phase material, which was composed of aggregate, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The beam micro-structure was directly taken from our experiments using x-ray micro-tomography. Simulations were carried out with real aggregate modelled as sphere clusters. Numerical results were compared with laboratory outcomes. The special attention was laid on the fracture propagation and some micro-structural phenomena at the aggregate level