12,159 research outputs found

    Representability of Hom implies flatness

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    Let XX be a projective scheme over a noetherian base scheme SS, and let FF be a coherent sheaf on XX. For any coherent sheaf EE on XX, consider the set-valued contravariant functor HomE,FHom_{E,F} on SS-schemes, defined by HomE,F(T)=Hom(ET,FT)Hom_{E,F}(T) = Hom(E_T,F_T) where ETE_T and FTF_T are the pull-backs of EE and FF to XT=XΓ—STX_T = X\times_S T. A basic result of Grothendieck ([EGA] III 7.7.8, 7.7.9) says that if FF is flat over SS then HomE,FHom_{E,F} is representable for all EE. We prove the converse of the above, in fact, we show that if LL is a relatively ample line bundle on XX over SS such that the functor HomLβˆ’n,FHom_{L^{-n},F} is representable for infinitely many positive integers nn, then FF is flat over SS. As a corollary, taking X=SX=S, it follows that if FF is a coherent sheaf on SS then the functor T↦H0(T,FT)T\mapsto H^0(T, F_T) on the category of SS-schemes is representable if and only if FF is locally free on SS. This answers a question posed by Angelo Vistoli. The techniques we use involve the proof of flattening stratification, together with the methods used in proving the author's earlier result (see arXiv.org/abs/math.AG/0204047) that the automorphism group functor of a coherent sheaf on SS is representable if and only if the sheaf is locally free.Comment: 9 pages, LaTe

    Matrix Representation of Iterative Approximate Byzantine Consensus in Directed Graphs

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    This paper presents a proof of correctness of an iterative approximate Byzantine consensus (IABC) algorithm for directed graphs. The iterative algorithm allows fault- free nodes to reach approximate conensus despite the presence of up to f Byzantine faults. Necessary conditions on the underlying network graph for the existence of a correct IABC algorithm were shown in our recent work [15, 16]. [15] also analyzed a specific IABC algorithm and showed that it performs correctly in any network graph that satisfies the necessary condition, proving that the necessary condition is also sufficient. In this paper, we present an alternate proof of correctness of the IABC algorithm, using a familiar technique based on transition matrices [9, 3, 17, 19]. The key contribution of this paper is to exploit the following observation: for a given evolution of the state vector corresponding to the state of the fault-free nodes, many alternate state transition matrices may be chosen to model that evolution cor- rectly. For a given state evolution, we identify one approach to suitably "design" the transition matrices so that the standard tools for proving convergence can be applied to the Byzantine fault-tolerant algorithm as well. In particular, the transition matrix for each iteration is designed such that each row of the matrix contains a large enough number of elements that are bounded away from 0

    Progress on Polynomial Identity Testing - II

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    We survey the area of algebraic complexity theory; with the focus being on the problem of polynomial identity testing (PIT). We discuss the key ideas that have gone into the results of the last few years.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, surve
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