2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Pengalaman Kerja Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil (Pns) Pada Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Daerah Kabupaten Morowali

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    The objectives of this study are: 1) to determine and analyze the influence of compensation, work experience, and organizational commitment on civil servants performance in the Department of Public Works Morowali Regency; 2) to determine and analyze the influence of compensation on civil servants performance; 3) to determine and analyze the influence of work experience on civil servants performance; 4) to determine and analyze the influence of organizational commitment on civil servants performance. The type of this research is descriptive causal and it involves 56 respondents who are selected by census method. Based on the tests result, it is found that: 1) compensation, work experience, and organizational commitment simultaneously influence the performance of civil servants in The Department of Public Works positively and significantly; 2) compensation positively and significantly influence civil servants performance; 3) work experience positively and significantly influence civil servants performance; 4) organizational commitment positively and significantly influence civil servants performance

    Reka Ulang Waktu Tiba Dan Tinggi Gelombang Tsunami : Studi Kasus Pusat Gempa Di Pantai Utara Bolaang Mongondow

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    Telah dilakukan prakiraan waktu tiba dan tinggi gelombang tsunami guna dalam rangka memperoleh informasi tentang potensi bahaya tsunami di daerah pantai utara Bolaang Mongondow. Data yang digunakan adalah data dari katalog gempabumi USGS periode 1890-2016. Data diolah untuk mendapatkan informasi karakteristik patahan dan dilakukan simulasi gempabumi menggunakan Software WinITDB. Dari hasil simulasi gempabumi, diketahui bahwa daerah pesisir pantai utara Bolaang Mongondow termasuk dalam klasifikasi tsunami yang cukup berbahaya karena tinggi gelombang tsunami yang menerjang adalah H > 0,5 m serta energi yang terbangkitkan adalah 2,98 1013 joulePrediction of arrival time and wave height of tsunami in northern coast of Bolaang Mongondow has been conducted in order to obtain information about potential tsunami hazards in the area. The data used are obtained from the USGS earthquake catalog in the period 1890-2016. The data is then processed using WinITDB Software to obtain information on fault characteristics and tsunami simulation. The results show that tsunami wave heights that can occur was H> 0.5 m and the generated energy was 2.98 1013 joules. It was mean that the northern coast area of Bolaang Mongondow was classified as a fairly dangerous tsunam