201 research outputs found

    引越しが子どもに与える影響 -ソーシャル・サポートと適応の関連-

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    This article examined the status of the current children and adults that requires educational dialogue by means of the concept of \u27safe space,\u27 and furthermore the process that educational dialogue functions as useful support. What must be considered in the educational and/or clinical situation is not the problem of children\u27s being brutal, but the situation of their losing their safe space and the strategy to repair it, because the loss of mutually emotional understanding tends to bring them into destructive acting out. Safe space for expressing ourselves is needed so that we verbalize or actualize what we cannot grasp within ourselves. Among the functions of safe space is providing with an opportunity to utilize our unknown ability such as to speak frankly or to face others by conversation. For us to create safe space, we need the process of echoing, through which we experience outer environment as a part of our self; not only the object itself but the field as a whole. Genuineness of the person relating to others is crucial for him/her to grasp his/herself. Moreover, it involves the basis for understanding others and for helping them verbalize themselves. These processes develop mutually between them, and begin those steps to make larger fields safe

    児童・思春期に対するグループ介入の基本問題と展開可能性 : 学校でうまくいかない子どもを中心に

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    本論文では児童・思春期の子どもに対するグループ介入に関するいくつかの問題を取り上げ,効果的なものにしていくよう基本問題を検討した.そのひとつとして,グループが置かれている文脈に留意することがしばしば欠けてしまっていることを指摘した,状況においてどのようなグループが求められているのかは文脈によるため,目標は全体の状況の理解を踏まえて明確にするべきである.グループ目標を達成するために,グループ介入のいくつかの分類を提示し検討した.もうひとつの問題は,心理社会的発達の問題を実践家が特に軽視しているということである.グループは,子ども達が表面上見せている行動上,および心理学的な問題の背後にある発達的苦闘を克服するのを援助するためにデザインされるべきである.これを踏まえて,グループの意味と児童・思春期の発達課題を簡潔に概観し,発達位相に適した活動内容を提示した,さらに,実践技術の問題,すなわちグループ規範,グループリーダーの役割,グループダイナミクスの重要性を,グループの実践的有効性を検証するために考察した.グループでの抵抗の効果的な取り扱い,精神分析的理解に基づく対話的手法,問題解決と目標達成のためにプログラムをデザインすることに関して,例を示した.最後に,将来の実践に向けて,グループデザインのアイデアを提示し,心理療法訓練生による心理教育的な活動グループの実践例を紹介した.This article pointed out several problems on group interventions to children and adolescents, and discussed some basic issues so that they might be effective. Among those problems, the lack of focusing on the context of the group was pointed out. Because the kind of group required depends on its context, the goal should be clarified on the basis of understanding the whole situation. For group goal to be accomplished, several classifications of group interventions were presented and discussed. Another problem pointed out here was that the practitioners sometimes make little of psycho-social developmental issues; group should be designed to help those children and adolescents overcome their developmental struggles behind apparent behavioral and psychological problems. On its basis, the meaning of group and developmental tasks in childhood and adolescence were briefly reviewed, and the contents of activity appropriate to developmental phases were presented. Furthermore, issues of practical techniques, i.e., the importance of group norm, role of group leader, and the significance of group dynamics, were considered to validate practical usefulness of groups. Some examples were presented with regard to effective management of resistances in groups, dialogic approach on the basis of psychoanalytic understanding, and designing programs to solve the problems and achieve the goals. In the end, ideas on group design were reviewed toward prospective practice, and an example of psychoeducational activity group run by psychotherapy trainees was introduced


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    This article discussed problems and clues in the practice of \u27educational dialogue\u27 which teachers have in school education and school counseling. Although educational dialogue between teachers and children is essential for children\u27s growth in education, the philosophy of M. Buber about dialogue is not utilized fully, and there are a lot of difficulties left in this area. Besides the current characteristic problems that children cannot have satisfactory communication, it was shown that one of the most important issues is the rigidity of teacher role and the loss of teacher\u27s I-ness. Moreover, the idea emphasizing the significance of acceptance is willing to look over the significance of negative aspects for human growth and the concepts of \u27fight.\u27 Based on these discussions, several clues to evolving dialogues with children were presented. Among them, rather \u27strategic\u27 elements were included, because the author believes they are the products of the struggles seeking for the safe space for both teachers and children to have appropriate \u27fight\u27 for children\u27s personal growth


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    本稿では心理療法で起こる相互作用に包含されたさまざまなフィードバックの働きを検討した.反射技法が果たす機能の中には,背景としての安全感を保証すること,自己の延長物となること,そしてそのプロセスが個人の情動としての身体的反応を活性ィヒすることがある.また,安全感の保証という潜在的過程は自己状態の基盤的層となっている.相互作用の領域あるいはシステムには言語,象徴,身体という3種類があり,多元コード理論を用いてその働きを明確化した.情動の情報処理に関わる階層的なシステムにおけるフィードバックの内的過程は,治療場面での相互作用におけるさまざまなコードによる外的フィードバックと対応して展開する.その安全感の展開を作り出す基盤として個人の自己空間イメージが,流動的に変化しつつ作用しているよ事例を通して,治療場面で生じるそのイメージのさまざまな言葉が情動の活性ィヒと変化のための大きな力を持っていることを示した.最後に,自己空間イメージの視点から治療への示唆を行った.This article discussed about functions of feedback involved in interactions arising in psychotherapy. Among the functions performed through the reflection technique, involved are assurance of the sense of safety as a background, working as an extension of the patient\u27s self, and activating his bodily responses as emotions. Moreover, the implicit process in assuring the sense of safety works as fundamental layer for the self state. Linguistic, symbolic, and bodily functions were identified as three types of the domains or the systems that operate in interaction, and clarified by use of Multiple Code Theory. The internal process of feedbacks in the hierarchical system relevant to emotional information-processing operate corresponding with the external feedbacks in various codes going on in therapy situation. The images of self space that an individual has can work, with their fluid changes, as a base for developing the sense of safety. It was shown with case materials that those words of the images arising in therapeutic situation had a great impact on emotional activation and therapeutic change. Some implications for therapeutic activities were remarked from the viewpoint of images of self space.Christians and non-Christians in educational settings as well as academic connections between theology and pedagogy. When one looks at the state of contemporary Christian schools, as persons responsible for Christian education, it is clear that the time has come to think about modes of Christian education that include non-Christian educators. New arguments are needed concerning persons who show "understanding" with regard to Christianity


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    本稿では,現代の児童に関する心理社会的発達の問題分析を通して,心理教育的グループの基本的な狙いを明確化し,実践手法の構築とその効果例を示した.現代児童の発達課題として,文明化された快適な生活が引き起こす生活機能・養育機能の低下に伴う感性の衰弱化を指摘し,児童期における心理教育的目標を,「からだ」,「ことば」,「関わり」の基本的はたらきの習得と同定した.それを基に,生活,学び,仲間関係における問題の諸側面を論じ,プログラム化のポイントとして,声を出すこと,対象と話すこと,力を出すこと,ルールを用いるここと,グル-プでの達成などを挙げた.さらに,デザイン例としてプログラム実践の具体像を描き,上記ポイントに関する効果の具体的な現れを紹介したそこでは,上記ポイントが適切に扱われる土台として,カウンセリング訓練生達の子ども一人一人に対する丁寧な関わりやつながり感覚が,グルー・プ全体を安全空間にする重要な役割を果たしていたことが示唆された.This article aimed to clarify, through analyzing problems with regard to psycho-social development of children in our times, fundamental objectives of psycho-educational group for children and to construct practical methods, and demonstrated examples of the effects. The author pointed out debility of the sensibility according to the decrease in living function and upbringing function that the civilized comfortable life causes as the developmental problems of the children in our times, and identified, as the fundamental objectives, acquisition of the basic functions of "Body", "Language", and "Relations". On its basis, various aspects of living, learning, and peer-relations were discussed, and \u27speaking loudly\u27, \u27talking to a real object\u27, \u27putting forth a maximum physical strength\u27, \u27use of rules\u27, and \u27achievement in the group\u27 were enumerated as key points for constructing a program. Furthermore, some sets of realizable programs were described as examples of program designing, and outcomes and effects as to the points described above were illustrated. It was suggested that, as a basis for treating those points appropriately, a sense of delicate relation and connection that counseling trainees had to each child, had an important role so as to make the whole group a safe space

    Cilostazol minimizes venous ischemic injury in diabetic and normal rats

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    We evaluated the effects of cilostazol on venous infarction produced by a photothrombotic two-vein occlusion (2VO) model in diabetic and control rats. The cerebral blood flow (CBF) between the occluded veins was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry for 4 hours after 2VO. Infarct size and immunohistochemistry were evaluated 24, 48, 96, and 168 hours after 2VO. Cilostazol was administered 1 hour after 2VO, and thereafter at a continuous oral dose of 60 mg/kg per day. Cilostazol reduced the infarct size, and the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling (TUNEL)-positive apoptotic and B-cell lymphoma 2-associated X protein (Bax)-positive cells, and improved the CBF in control rats. In diabetic rats, cilostazol reduced the infarct size, and the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic and Bax-positive cells, 96 and 168 hours after 2VO, but did not improve the CBF 4 hours after 2VO. Cilostazol increased the number of B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2)-positive cells in both strains 48, 96, and 168 hours after 2VO, but did not improve vessel wall thickness or collagen deposits. Cilostazol appeared to limit venous infarcts by improving the penumbral CBF in nondiabetic rats, and inhibited pro-apoptotic changes through Bcl-2 overexpression, without improving the CBF in diabetic rats

    Current status and future plan of the Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS radar (PANSY)

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [S] Future plan of Antarctic research: Towards phase X of the Japanese Antarctic Research Project (2022-2028) and beyond, Tue. 3 Dec. / 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Researc