63 research outputs found

    Local Regeneration of Dentin-Pulp Complex Using Controlled Release of FGF-2 and Naturally Derived Sponge-Like Scaffolds

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    Restorative and endodontic procedures have been recently developed in an attempt to preserve the vitality of dental pulp after exposure to external stimuli, such as caries infection or traumatic injury. When damage to dental pulp is reversible, pulp wound healing can proceed, whereas irreversible damage induces pathological changes in dental pulp, eventually requiring its removal. Nonvital teeth lose their defensive abilities and become severely damaged, resulting in extraction. Development of regeneration therapy for the dentin-pulp complex is important to overcome limitations with presently available therapies. Three strategies to regenerate the dentin-pulp complex have been proposed; regeneration of the entire tooth, local regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex from amputated dental pulp, and regeneration of dental pulp from apical dental pulp or periapical tissues. In this paper, we focus on the local regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex by application of exogenous growth factors and scaffolds to amputated dental pulp

    Odontoblast differentiation is regulated by an interplay between primary cilia and the canonical Wnt pathway

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    Primary cilium is a protruding cellular organelle that has various physiological functions, especially in sensory reception. While an avalanche of reports on primary cilia have been published, the function of primary cilia in dental cells remains to be investigated. In this study, we focused on the function of primary cilia in dentin-producing odontoblasts. Odontoblasts, like most other cell types, possess primary cilia, which disappear upon the knockdown of intraflagellar transport-88. In cilia-depleted cells, the expression of dentin sialoprotein, an odontoblastic marker, was elevated, while the deposition of minerals was slowed. This was recapitulated by the activation of canonical Wnt pathway, also decreased the ratio of ciliated cells. In dental pulp cells, as they differentiated into odontoblasts, the ratio of ciliated cells was increased, whereas the canonical Wnt signaling activity was repressed. Our results collectively underscore the roles of primary cilia in regulating odontoblastic differentiation through canonical Wnt signaling. This study implies the existence of a feedback loop between primary cilia and the canonical Wnt pathway

    Bactericidal Effects of Diode Laser Irradiation on Enterococcus faecalis Using Periapical Lesion Defect Model

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    Objective. Photodynamic therapy has been expanded for use in endodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial effects of diode laser irradiation on endodontic pathogens in periapical lesions using an in vitro apical lesion model. Study Design. Enterococcus faecalis in 0.5% semisolid agar with a photosensitizer was injected into apical lesion area of in vitro apical lesion model. The direct effects of irradiation with a diode laser as well as heat produced by irradiation on the viability of microorganisms in the lesions were analyzed. Results. The viability of E. faecalis was significantly reduced by the combination of a photosensitizer and laser irradiation. The temperature caused by irradiation rose, however, there were no cytotoxic effects of heat on the viability of E. faecalis. Conclusion. Our results suggest that utilization of a diode laser in combination with a photosensitizer may be useful for clinical treatment of periapical lesions

    Ferrocenylnaphthalene Diimide-Based Electrochemical Detection of Aberrant Methylation in hTERT Gene

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    Since aberrant methylation at CpG sites is linked to the silencing of tumor suppressor genes, DNA methylation analysis is important for cancer diagnosis. We developed ferrocenylnaphthalene diimide (FND), which has two ferrocenyl moieties at the substituent termini, as an electrochemical indicator for hybridized DNA duplexes. In this study, we attempted to detect aberrant methylation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase gene (hTERT), an efficient cancer marker, using FND-based hybridization coupled with electrochemical detection via a multi-electrode chip

    Possible Involvement of Smad Signaling Pathways in Induction of Odontoblastic Properties in KN-3 Cells by Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2: A Growth Factor to Induce Dentin Regeneration

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    We examined the effects of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) on growth, differentiation, and intracellular signaling pathways of odontoblast-like cells, KN-3 cells, to clarify molecular mechanisms of odontoblast differentiation during pulp regeneration process. After treatment with BMP-2, the cell morphology, growth, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and the activation and expression of BMP-induced intracellular signaling molecules, such as Smad1/5/8 and Smad6/7, as well as activities of dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), were examined. BMP-2 had no effects on the morphology, growth, or ALP activity of KN-3 cells, whereas it induced the phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and expression of Smad6/7. BMP-2 also induced the expressions of DSP and DMP-1. Our results suggest that KN-3 cells may express an odontoblastic phenotype with the addition of BMP-2 through the activation of Smad signaling pathways