34 research outputs found

    Study of Sharing Patient Information by Nurses Between Inpatient and Outpatient Wards in Japan

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    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume 284Shortening hospital stays increases communication needs between nurses in inpatient and outpatient wards. Smooth information sharing is required to reduce the workload of nurses and improve the quality of patient care. However, electronic medical records (EMR) system does not have sufficient functions to support information sharing between wards, because EMR has been developed mainly for recording. This study led to three improvements; unified communication tool, common patient list linked to EMR, and outpatient nursing diagnosis

    DAT (deacylating autotransporter toxin) from Bordetella parapertussis demyristoylates Gαi GTPases and contributes to cough

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    The pathogenic bacteria Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis cause pertussis (whooping cough) and pertussis-like disease, respectively, both of which are characterized by paroxysmal coughing. We previously reported that pertussis toxin (PTx), which inactivates heterotrimeric GTPases of the Gi family through ADP-ribosylation of their α subunits, causes coughing in combination with Vag8 and lipid A in B. pertussis infection. In contrast, the mechanism of cough induced by B. parapertussis, which produces Vag8 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) containing lipid A, but not PTx, remained to be elucidated. Here, we show that a toxin we named deacylating autotransporter toxin (DAT) of B. parapertussis inactivates heterotrimeric Gi GTPases through demyristoylation of their α subunits and contributes to cough production along with Vag8 and LPS. These results indicate that DAT plays a role in B. parapertussis infection in place of PTx.Hiramatsu Y., Nishida T., Ota N., et al. DAT (deacylating autotransporter toxin) from Bordetella parapertussis demyristoylates Gαi GTPases and contributes to cough. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120, e2308260120 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2308260120

    女性ホルモンエストロゲンとアドレナリンの血管形成に与える影響 : 培養血管内皮細胞を用いた検討

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    During morphogenesis in human development, stem cells or precursor cells of vascular system actively divide, move and form vascular tree in embryo (vaculogenesis). However, vascular system retains plasticity even after adult stage of human. Endothelial cells of vasculature in ischemic tissue are activated by humoral factors and change their phenotype. They restart to build neo-vasculature in ischemic region as an adaptation phenomenon (angiogenesis). Female hormone and exercise are two of the important humoral factors that modulate angiogenesis. Therefore, exercise in women may cause different effects on vasculature compared with men. Eventually, the incidence and severity of ischemic diseases are different between male and female. In this study, we examined the effects of a typical female hormone, 17β-estradiol and a typical humoral factor of exercise, adrenaline on angiogenesis using cultured vascular endothelial cells. When bovine aovtic endothelial cells cultured on a plastic dish were partially scraped off, cells were activated and migrated toward free space from the edge. We quantitated the distance of cell migration under microscopy. 17β-estradiol (100pM) and adrenaline (10nM) increased migration of endothelial cells, which was inhibited by specific estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182, 780 and β-adrenergic receptor antagonist, propranolol. Co-administration of 17β-estradiol (100pM) and adrenaline (10nM) decreased cell motility compared to 17β-estradiol or adrenaline alone. Neither ICI 182, 780 nor propranolol abrogated the effect of co-administration. These results suggest that humoral milieus of sex difference and exercise exert their effects on angiogenesis in a cellular model via specific receptors, respectively. They also showed synergistic effect on cell migration. However, the mechanism of synergy was not receptor-mediated. Therefore, when applying exercise on women, it should be noted that the result may not be similar with that on men

    Effects of Tissue Pressure on Transgene Expression Characteristics via Renal Local Administration Routes from Ureter or Renal Artery in the Rat Kidney

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    We previously developed a renal pressure-mediated transfection method (renal pressure method) as a kidney-specific in vivo gene delivery system. However, additional information on selecting other injection routes and applicable animals remains unclear. In this study, we selected renal arterial and ureteral injections as local administration routes and evaluated the characteristics of gene delivery such as efficacy, safety, and distribution in pressured kidney of rat. Immediately after the naked pDNA injection, via renal artery or ureter, the left kidney of the rat was pressured using a pressure controlling device. Transfection efficiency of the pressured kidney was about 100-fold higher than that of the injection only group in both administration routes. The optimal pressure intensity in the rat kidney was 1.2 N/cm2 for renal arterial injection and 0.9 N/cm2 for ureteral injection. We found that transgene expression site differs according to administration route: cortical fibroblasts and renal tubule in renal arterial injection and cortical and medullary tubule and medullary collecting duct in ureteral injection. This is the first report to demonstrate that the renal pressure method can also be effective, after renal arterial and ureteral injections, in rat kidney


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    Monthly guides of the plants have been made in the Nagoya University Museum Botanical Garden. The records of the guides for April, 2008 – March, 2008 are presented here. The records include pictures of the flowers, fruits and/or the cuticles of the plant leaf surface, with reference to the distribution, characters, and/or utility of the 24 plants in the garden