37 research outputs found

    Strain sensor using stress-magnetoresistance effect of Ni–Fe/Mn–Ir exchange-coupled magnetic film

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 107(9):09E718 (2010) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3362902 .A strain sensor using a stress-magnetoresistance effect of a Ni-Fe/Mn-Ir exchange-coupled magnetic film was fabricated and evaluated. The stress magnetoresistance is used in the inverse magnetostrictive effect and the magnetoresistance effect in the magnetic film since an external stress is changed into an electric resistance in it. A compressive stress was measured by the strain sensor with a Mn-Ir (10 nm)/Ni-Fe (50 nm)/Ru (1 nm) exchange-coupled film. The change in resistivity Delta rho/rho is proportional to the applied compressive stress sigma for sigma <= 50 MPa in the strain sensor. When increasing Ni-Fe layer thickness in the strain sensor, a gauge factor increased.ArticleJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 107(9):09E718 (2010)journal articl

    A Pilot Study of the Association of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Polymorphisms with Psoriatic Arthritis in the Romanian Population

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    Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is an important pro-inflammatory cytokine implicated in the pathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis. We have performed a case-control association study of three TNF-alpha gene polymorphisms in a group of Romanian psoriatic arthritis patients versus ethnically matched controls. A second group of patients with undifferentiated spondyloarthritis was used in order to look for similarities in the genetic background of the two rheumatic disorders. The −857C/T polymorphism was associated with susceptibility to psoriatic arthritis in our population at the individual level (p = 0.03, OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.05–2.57) and in combined haplotypes with the −238G/A and −308G/A SNPs. Regarding the investigated polymorphisms and derived haplotypes, no potential association was found with the susceptibility to undifferentiated spondyloarthritis in Romanian patients

    A Novel Laser Vaccine Adjuvant Increases the Motility of Antigen Presenting Cells

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    Background Development of a potent vaccine adjuvant without introduction of any side effects remains an unmet challenge in the field of the vaccine research. Methodology/Principal Findings We found that laser at a specific setting increased the motility of antigen presenting cells (APCs) and immune responses, with few local or systemic side effects. This laser vaccine adjuvant (LVA) effect was induced by brief illumination of a small area of the skin or muscle with a nondestructive, 532 nm green laser prior to intradermal (i.d.) or intramuscular (i.m.) administration of vaccines at the site of laser illumination. The pre-illumination accelerated the motility of APCs as shown by intravital confocal microscopy, leading to sufficient antigen (Ag)-uptake at the site of vaccine injection and transportation of the Ag-captured APCs to the draining lymph nodes. As a result, the number of Ag+ dendritic cells (DCs) in draining lymph nodes was significantly higher in both the 1° and 2° draining lymph nodes in the presence than in the absence of LVA. Laser-mediated increases in the motility and lymphatic transportation of APCs augmented significantly humoral immune responses directed against a model vaccine ovalbumin (OVA) or influenza vaccine i.d. injected in both primary and booster vaccinations as compared to the vaccine itself. Strikingly, when the laser was delivered by a hair-like diffusing optical fiber into muscle, laser illumination greatly boosted not only humoral but also cell-mediated immune responses provoked by i.m. immunization with OVA relative to OVA alone. Conclusion/Significance The results demonstrate the ability of this safe LVA to augment both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. In comparison with all current vaccine adjuvants that are either chemical compounds or biological agents, LVA is novel in both its form and mechanism; it is risk-free and has distinct advantages over traditional vaccine adjuvants.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant AI070785)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant RC1 DA028378)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Grand Challenges Explorations grant # 53273)Boston BioCom (Firm) (Sponsored Research agreement grant #2008A25652

    Migratory Dermal Dendritic Cells Act as Rapid Sensors of Protozoan Parasites

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    Dendritic cells (DC), including those of the skin, act as sentinels for intruding microorganisms. In the epidermis, DC (termed Langerhans cells, LC) are sessile and screen their microenvironment through occasional movements of their dendrites. The spatio-temporal orchestration of antigen encounter by dermal DC (DDC) is not known. Since these cells are thought to be instrumental in the initiation of immune responses during infection, we investigated their behavior directly within their natural microenvironment using intravital two-photon microscopy. Surprisingly, we found that, under homeostatic conditions, DDC were highly motile, continuously crawling through the interstitial space in a Gαi protein-coupled receptor–dependent manner. However, within minutes after intradermal delivery of the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, DDC became immobile and incorporated multiple parasites into cytosolic vacuoles. Parasite uptake occurred through the extension of long, highly dynamic pseudopods capable of tracking and engulfing parasites. This was then followed by rapid dendrite retraction towards the cell body. DDC were proficient at discriminating between parasites and inert particles, and parasite uptake was independent of the presence of neutrophils. Together, our study has visualized the dynamics and microenvironmental context of parasite encounter by an innate immune cell subset during the initiation of the immune response. Our results uncover a unique migratory tissue surveillance program of DDC that ensures the rapid detection of pathogens

    Setting the stage: host invasion by HIV.

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    For more than two decades, HIV has infected millions of people worldwide each year through mucosal transmission. Our knowledge of how HIV secures a foothold at both the molecular and cellular levels has been expanded by recent investigations that have applied new technologies and used improved techniques to isolate ex vivo human tissue and generate in vitro cellular models, as well as more relevant in vivo animal challenge systems. Here, we review the current concepts of the immediate events that follow viral exposure at genital mucosal sites where most documented transmissions occur. Furthermore, we discuss the gaps in our knowledge that are relevant to future studies, which will shape strategies for effective HIV prevention

    Imunopatologia da dermatite de contato alérgica

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    Local thermal injury elicits immediate dynamic behavioural responses by corneal Langerhans cells

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    Langerhans cells (LCs) represent a special subset of immature dendritic cells (DCs) that reside in epithelial tissues at the environmental interfaces. Although dynamic interactions of mature DCs with T cells have been visualized in lymph nodes, the cellular behaviours linked with the surveillance of tissues for pathogenic signals, an important function of immature DCs, remain unknown. To visualize LCs in situ, bone marrow cells from C57BL/6 mice expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgene were transplanted into syngeneic wild-type recipients. Motile activities of EGFP+ corneal LCs in intact organ cultures were then recorded by time lapse two-photon microscopy. At baseline, corneal LCs exhibited a unique motion, termed dendrite surveillance extension and retraction cycling habitude (dSEARCH), characterized by rhythmic extension and retraction of their dendritic processes through intercellular spaces between epithelial cells. Upon pinpoint injury produced by infrared laser, LCs showed augmented dSEARCH and amoeba-like lateral movement. Interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist completely abrogated both injury-associated changes, suggesting roles for IL-1. In the absence of injury, exogenous IL-1 caused a transient increase in dSEARCH without provoking lateral migration, whereas tumour necrosis factor-α induced both changes. Our results demonstrate rapid cytokine-mediated behavioural responses by LCs to local tissue injury, providing new insights into the biology of LCs