2 research outputs found

    Role of Lashuna Rasayana in Margavaranaja Pakshagahta - A Case Study

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    The health of an individual is accessed by the optimum structural and functional wellbeing. The functional ability of the body may be physiological or physical is attributed to Vata. In morbidity, the same Vatadosha will affect the functionality, in terms of motor or sensory functions. The wide spectrum of disorders due to morbid Vatadosha is put under the heading of Vatavyadhi. Depending upon the affected part of the body further it is categorized as, Ekangavata, Sarvangavata and Pakshaghata. In Pakshaghata Chestanivrutti of one half of the body either left or right may be observed.[1] Pakshghata is one among 80 Nanatmaja Vyadhi.[2] There are three distinct Nidana for Pakshaghata. Dhatukshayaja, Margavarana and Swakopa.[3] Margavarana refers to the obstruction of the Raktamarga. Prime causative factors for Margavarana is Santarpanajanya Nidana leads to Dhamani Pratichyaya ends up in Pakshaghata. In modern science it is better understood as stroke syndrome. Lashunsa Rasayana4 is considered to be best in case of Vata Vyadhi. It is even indicated in Pakshaghata. In the present study role of Lashunsa Rasayana is done on the patients suffering from Margavaranaja Pakshaghata

    Ayurvedic management of Hypothyroidism - A Case Study

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    Background: Hypothyroidism can be difficult to diagnose, as its signs and symptoms are non-specific, and no global consensus exists on screening. It can be difficult to determine when to test for hypothyroidism, as patients may present with symptoms that are subtle or that overlap with other common conditions, and guidelines can be vague regarding who and when to test. However, identification of hypothyroidism is important in clinical practice. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include tiredness, weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, mood disturbances, indigestion, dry rough skin. Case report: In this present study a female patient aged 38 years known case of hypothyroidism since 10 years was treated with Rasayana, Shamanoushadhi and specific Pathya followed as per Sthoulya Chikitsa. Results: After 2 months of treatment there was a significant reduction in the signs and symptoms of the disease with a 60% improvement in the condition.&nbsp