12 research outputs found

    SNP marker information for KIF1B gene for all subjects studied (patients and healthy controls).

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    <p>Chr. No.: Chromosome Number; SNPs: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms; Position: Chromosomal Position; ObsHET: Observed Heterozygosity; PredHET: Predicted Heterozygosity; HWpval: Hardy-Weinberg P-value; MAF: Minor Allele Frequency.</p

    Baseline characteristics of all subjects included in this study.

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    <p>NA, Not available; BMI, body-mass index; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.</p>*<p>Values are expressed as median (interquartile ranges),</p>§<p>Mean ± SD.</p