2 research outputs found

    Examining of immigrant entrepreneurship studies in international literature by using social network analysis

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    Immigrant entrepreneurship is increasingly becoming part of the global economy which is garnering more attention from different academic disciplines. The increase in numbers of immigrants all over the world, especially in recent times, has also led to an increase in the immigrant entrepreneurship. Socio-cultural and economic impacts of this increase begin to draw attention of researchers studying the economy and business. However, analyzing the studies about immigrant entrepreneurship phenomenon systematically is quite limited. In this context, the aim of the study is to reveal knowledge network of immigrant entrepreneurship and show slightly-used paths of this field as suggestions for further studies. To achieve this aim, social network analysis (SNA) providing linkages and connections about immigrant entrepreneurship is used. Likewise SNA method is commonly used in scientific researches to provide a powerful set of tools for describing and linking information. Articles about immigrant entrepreneurship published in journals which are involved in SSCI are evaluated and UCINET software is used for visualizing our research through keywords. The study is expected to contribute to the business literature generally and entrepreneurship literature specifically and lead to researchers who aim to study the immigrant entrepreneurship by means of focusing on gaps and variables which are not discoursed adequately in the field

    Toplumsal Cinsiyet Dersinin Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Tutumları, Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimleri ve Medya Okuryazarlığı Becerileri Üzerine Etkisi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of a university elective course focusing on gender on students' gender attitudes, critical thinking dispositions, and media literacy skills. The research design was quasi-experimental, and the study was conducted with a pretest/posttest control group. The sample of the study consisted of 74 students who took a course on gender during the fall semester of the 2016-2017 academic year and 70 students who had similar characteristics but did not receive the course. In the pretest and posttest evaluation conducted in the first week and the last week of the semester, respectively, the Student Information Form, the Gender Roles Attitude Scale (GRAS), the Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale (CTDS), and the Media Literacy Scale (MLS) were administered to the students in both groups. The Course Satisfaction Assessment Form was administered at the end of the term to the students who enrolled for the gender course. The GRAS scores of the experimental group increased at the end of the course (p<0.05). The GRAS total mean scores of both the groups were similar in the pretest, but there was a statistically significant difference between their total mean scores in the posttest (p<0.05). This study recommends more comprehensive and long-term studies on integrating a gender course into the university curriculum, which will help develop students' critical thinking disposition and media literacy skills and raise awareness of gender equality among students.Araştırmada, üniversite öğrencilerine seçmeli olarak verilen Toplumsal Cinsiyet dersinin öğrencilerin toplumsal cinsiyet tutumuna, eleştirel düşünme eğilimine ve medya-okuryazarlığı becerisine etkisini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 2016-2017 öğretim yılı güz döneminde Toplumsal Cinsiyet dersini alan 74 ve dersi alanlarla benzer özellikte olan ve dersi almayan 70 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Sömesterin ilk haftasında yapılan ön test ve son haftasında yapılan son test değerlendirmelerinde, her iki grupta bulunan öğrencilere Öğrenci Bilgilendirme Formu, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Tutum Ölçeği (TCRTÖ), Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi Ölçeği (EDEÖ), Medya Okuryazarlığı Ölçeği (MOÖ) uygulanmıştır. Toplumsal Cinsiyet dersini alan öğrencilere dönem sonunda Ders Memnuniyeti Değerlendirme Formu uygulanmıştır. Toplumsal cinsiyet dersi alan öğrencilerin dersin sonunda TCRTÖ puanlarının arttığı (ön test: 98.90±12.18, son test: 104.42±11.28; p<0.05), her iki grubun TCRTÖ ön test toplam puan ortalamalarının benzer olmasına rağmen, son test toplam puan ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel açıdan önemli fark olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda; öğrencilerde toplumsal cinsiyet farkındalığı kazandırılmasında, müfredata Toplumsal Cinsiyet dersinin entegre edilmesi ve öğrencilerde eleştirel düşünme eğiliminin ve medya okuryazarlığı becerisinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla daha kapsamlı ve uzun süreli çalışmaların yapılması önerilebilir