6 research outputs found

    Congenital sixth nerve palsy with associated anomalies

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    Congenital abduction deficit is most likely due to Duane's retraction syndrome as congenital abducens nerve palsy is very rare. We report two cases of infantile abduction deficit due to sixth nerve palsy associated with other anomalies to highlight the importance of including neuroimaging in the evaluation of an infant presenting with a limitation of abduction

    Preparation and uses of amniotic membrane for ocular surface reconstruction

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    Background: The use of human amniotic membrane transplantation is rapidly increasing for the management of various ocular surface disorders. Despite its numerous advantages, amniotic membrane is not widely available due to the lack of awareness among ophthalmologists regarding its preparation and preservation techniques. Purpose: To provide an instructional video demonstrating the technique of harvesting, preparation, preservation of human amniotic membrane, and its uses in the management of ocular surface diseases. Synopsis: The amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the human placenta. Properties of the amniotic membrane, like the presence of various growth factors, anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic factors, and its low immunogenicity, contribute to its ability to promote epithelial growth and differentiation with the reduction in fibrosis during healing. To harvest amniotic membrane, informed consent is obtained from a patient undergoing an elective caesarian section, and the donor is screened to exclude the risk of infections. Under sterile precautions, the amniotic membrane is separated from the chorion and washed free of blood clots. With the epithelial surface up, the amniotic membrane is spread uniformly without folds or tears on individually sterilized 0.22 μm nitrocellulose filter papers of the required sizes. The prepared filter paper with the adherent amniotic membrane is placed in freshly prepared Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium and stored at −80°C. The amniotic membrane can be used for surgical procedures like symblepharon release, pterygium or dermoid excision, perforated ulcers, nonhealing epithelial defects, etc. Highlights: Instructional videos demonstrating the preparation and preservation of amniotic membrane are very sparse. This video clearly explains how any ophthalmologist can learn to prepare and preserve the human amniotic membrane and gives a glimpse of its properties, advantages, and scope of use. Video Link: https://youtu.be/8HfSjXUKoi

    Congenital rubella syndrome surveillance in India, 2016–21: Analysis of five years surveillance data

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    Background: In India, facility-based surveillance for congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) was initiated in 2016 to estimate the burden and monitor the progress made in rubella control. We analyzed the surveillance data for 2016–2021 from 14 sentinel sites to describe the epidemiology of CRS. Method: We analyzed the surveillance data to describe the distribution of suspected and laboratory confirmed CRS patients by time, place and person characteristics. We compared clinical signs of laboratory confirmed CRS and discarded case-patients to find independent predictors of CRS using logistic regression analysis and developed a risk prediction model. Results: During 2016–21, surveillance sites enrolled 3940 suspected CRS case-patients (Age 3.5 months, SD: 3.5). About one-fifth (n = 813, 20.6%) were enrolled during newborn examination. Of the suspected CRS patients, 493 (12.5%) had laboratory evidence of rubella infection. The proportion of laboratory confirmed CRS cases declined from 26% in 2017 to 8.7% in 2021. Laboratory confirmed patients had higher odds of having hearing impairment (Odds ratio [OR] = 9.5, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.6–16.2), cataract (OR = 7.8, 95% CI: 5.4–11.2), pigmentary retinopathy (OR = 6.7, 95 CI: 3.3–13.6), structural heart defect with hearing impairment (OR = 3.8, 95% CI: 1.2–12.2) and glaucoma (OR = 3.1, 95% CI: 1.2–8.1). Nomogram, along with a web version, was developed. Conclusions: Rubella continues to be a significant public health issue in India. The declining trend of test positivity among suspected CRS case-patients needs to be monitored through continued surveillance in these sentinel sites