114 research outputs found

    A review on scope of immuno-modulatory drugs in Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of Covid-19

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    The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2) infection attacking mainly on the immune system of a body. It is a potentially fatal disease that is of public health and economy concern globally. In December 2019, COVID-19 outbreak occurred in Wuhan city, Hubei Province, China furthermore spread worldwide. Research is underway in many countries to develop effective vaccines and drugs for the COVID-19. In Ayurveda, Acharya Charaka explained the concept of an epidemic condition in Janapadodhwans Adhayay and combating of these diseases is to be done by Panchakarma (five procedures of purification), Rasayana Chikitsa (immune-modulators therapy) and Sadvritta (good conduct). Rasayan dravyas (immuno modulators drugs) of Ayurveda can be used for health promotion, immune-modulation, prevention and reduce disease burden from COVID-19. Drugs such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifoloia (Willd.) Miers), Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica L.), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd), Chireta (Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.) Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa L.) and Pippali ((Piper longum L.) For symptom management of COVID-19 like illness Agastya Haritaki, Anutaila, AYUSH–64 can be used. Scientific research on these drugs may reveal the new approach for the prevention and management of COVID-19. The main aim of this article is to review research which has already conducted and currently being carried out on the herbal plant for their immunomodulation property which have a possible application in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

    Quantum Invariants: Topographical Map of Quantized Actions

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    For Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom, quantum invariants as constructed via time averages of dynamical variables in energy eigenstates provide a convenient representation of quantum nonintegrability effects in the form of a topographical map of quantized actions

    Hamiltonian Chaos III

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    Hamiltonian Chaos II

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    Periodic and Aperiodic Orbits in the Hamiltonian Formulation of a Model Magnetic System

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    Classical dynamics and quantum dynamics have influenced each other since the idea of a quantum mechanics originated. Classical dynamics came first, so its influence on quantum theory almost goes without saying. Quantum mechanics grew out of classical mechanics. The converse influence is often referred to in the abstract, but rarely in detail. One finds statements [1] roughly to the effect that the classical theory was developed more fully in order to use it to further elucidate the corresponding quantum dynamics. But specific examples of classical calculations, which were suggested by quantum results or ideas, are not common. One of these rare examples [2] is ‘rotators’ or ‘classical spins,’ and that is the subject considered here. This study makes contact with optimization theory at two places. First, the spin problem is initially expressed as an application of Hamiltonian dynamics; that is, it is simply an explicit particular example of the principle of least action. In the course of solution, we uncover two qualitatively different types of behavior, viz ‘regular’ and ‘chaotic,’ whose occurrence depends on the value of a (control) parameter. The chaotic solutions, moreover, are not equally chaotic; there is a more-or-less smooth progression into and back out of chaos as the parameter changes. The second contact with control theory then is a question; can the ‘intensity’ of the chaos be quantified, and if so, is there a value of the parameter for which the system is maximally chaotic? The paper has four sections. Section 2 is a review of classical dynamics, including a description of numerical techniques for distinguishing regular from chaotic motion. Section 3 describes how the quantum mechanical form of a classical dynamics problem is produced. Section 4 discusses the exchange-type interactions relevant to classical spins and presents results of numerical integration for one specific such model

    Hamiltonian Chaos

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    Credit Risk Modelling for Assessing Creditworthiness for Homeowners Who Can Avail Solar on Finance at Peacock Solar, Gurugram

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    Peacock Solar is a household solar installation company based in Gurugram, Haryana. It provides hassle free installation of solar power. In an era of rising demand for renewable energy, solar power is seen as a future of energy. The markets are becoming more competitive as better technologies increase the efficiency and lower the cost of solar power. In India, solar power is in its nascent stage of development and being price sensitive markets, cost remains the bottom line of competition. The present study is an attempt to showcase the strategy adopted by Peacock solar to enhance its sales by making solar available on finance.” The objective of this research paper is come up with a model that anticipates the probability associated with default for homeowner who avails solar on finance. The next objective is to develop a scorecard that represents this probability of default in form of credit score for enhanced understanding and decision making. By making solar available on finance, the company aims to overcome its price related hindrances. The methodology used for development of credit risk model is Logistic Regression as it is one of the best techniques for predicting a binary outcome (will default or will not default). This is followed by a technique for scorecard development. It can then be concluded that credit risk can be reduced to a considerable extent if correct analytical methodologies are put in place which will bring down the default rates on credit

    Regular and Chaotic Time Evolution in Spin Clusters

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    We calculate spin-autocorrelation functions (as time averages over chaotic trajectories) and their intensity spectra for clusters of two classical spins, interacting via a nonintegrable Hamiltonian. The long-time behaviour observed includes both power-law decay and persistent oscillatory components, resulting in an intensity spectrum with power-law singularities and discrete lines

    Chaos in Spin Clusters: Quantum Invariants and Level Statistics

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    The energy‐level sequence, whose spacings distribution is the most frequently invoked indicator of quantum chaos, can be derived (for systems with two degrees of freedom) from a two‐dimensional representation of quantum invariants by projection. In this representation, such properties of level sequences as effective randomness in integrable models and level repulsion in nonintegrable models can be more directly interpreted in terms of physical properties. In integrable models, anharmonicities convert quasiperiodic level sequences into effectively random sequences

    Isolated Ruptured Tuberculous Splenic Abscess in a Diabetic Patient

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    Tuberculosis should be considered as a diagnostic possibility in patients presenting with pyrexia of unknown origin and splenomegaly; especially, in areas where the disease is prevalent. Splenic involvement is usually seen as a part of milliary form of tuberculosis. Isolated splenic abscess is an extremely rare form of solid organ tuberculosis and is mostly limited to immune compromised patients. This report describes the occurrence of isolated ruptured tuberculous splenic abscess in a man with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus who was successfully managed by splenectomy along with the anti tuberculous treatment