11 research outputs found

    Second Language Writing Anxiety of Indonesian EFL Students

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    This research reported the types, as well as the causal factors of writing anxiety experienced by 44 volunteered Indonesian student writers from the first and second year of college. This research applied two questionnaires to get descriptions of types and causal factors of writing anxiety; Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) and Causes of Writing Anxiety Inventory (CWAI), and interview. The findings show that cognitive anxiety is found to be the most experienced type of writing anxiety among both students' levels. There is a slight difference in the result of CWAI questionnaire in that three major causal factors of freshmen writing anxiety are language difficulties, time pressure, and insufficient writing practice. Meanwhile, the causal factors of sophomores are insufficient writing practice, language difficulties, and insufficient writing technique. These suggest that classroom instructions need to gear on improving students' linguistic capabilities and writing techniques through modeling

    Interpreting the Absurd Theatre Through Existentialism Approach

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    Absurdity which is a form of human existence is the dominant theme to express human viewof life. Albert Camus, a French writer, was well known for his philosophycalled absurdism which has some similarities with existentialism. Introducing the concept of absurd theater in a foreign language to a group of literature students is not an easy task. Therefore, it is necessary to find an ideal approach to enhance students in this theater course and facilitate them for literature understanding through several literature theories. This study proposed sociological literature approach with two elements involved, the sociology of the author and the sociology of literature, in order to help students understand the absurdity of literary works. Existentialism approach was also used to solve the complexity of concepts in each drama scripts. Through the two elements of the sociology of literature, we acquired that the essence of existentialism is the term „exist‟, as Camus‟s work on rebellion theme, „I rebel; therefore I exist‟. The root of absurdity is absurdity itself. Therefore, talking about the absurdity of literary works is talking about the notion of absurdity itself and the notion of its feeling, and then about attitudes determine our actions. Absurdity also need to be explored through emotions and intertextuality

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Interaksi Sosial Siswa Kelas X Iis SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    The ability of social interaction is very important especially for a student, because the humans are basically created as social beings who are always wiil live in a relationship with other individuals. Therefore in humans should be able to cooperate with others. This study aims to determine The Effect Of Group Counseling Services To Students Learning Interaction Of Grade X IIS SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru Year Academic 2014/2015.In type of experience is used in this research is pre-experimental with one group pre-test post-test. The subjects in this experience is 30 students who have low social interaction skills in category medium. From the calculations of data analysis, it was obtained that the thitung is greater than ttabel with (-14.24 > 2,000). So it means that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted which means there is a very significant of social interaction skills difference between before and after the experiment by Group Counseling Services To Students Of Grade X IIS SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru

    The the Influence of Brain Gymnastic to Learning Achievement on Students in Mojokerto Regency

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    Memory is used for building self-reliance and self-confidence in children. Memory disorders will complicate learning process and cause health problems for children. Exercise activities will familiarize children to maintain the main cognitive function of the brain and can help them to achieve achievement. This study aims to determine the influence of brain gymnastic to learning achievement on Al-Akbar Islamic Elementary School students Mojokerto. This research was done with quasi-experiment method with "Pretest-Postest with Control Group Design" in Islamic Elementary School of Al-Akbar Mojokerto. The sample was determined purposively, with 50 students. Brain gymnastic was done 6 times a week for 4 weeks with 7-10 minutes in each exercise, while the child's learning achievement was measured by the test score. The instruments in the study used observational data on brain exercise and reports on children's learning achievement Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Mann Whitney test with SPSS for Windows. The results showed that learning achievement before brain gymnastics was mostly satisfying amounted to 32 respondents (97%) in treatment group and for control group were mostly very satisfying amounted to 9 respondents (28%) in. The learning achievement after brain exercises for 4 weeks was mostly very satisfying 29 respondents (88 %) in treatment group, while in control group, almost half respondents were rated satisfying amounted to 16  respondents (49%). Data result with Man Witney got p value 0,008, meant there was influence of brain gymnastics in improving learning achievement. By doing simple movement has already activate brain cells and increase blood flow to the brain so student can receive knowledge that provided by teachers and increase learning concentration

    The Involvement of Father in Order to Give Nutritious Food for Children

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    The under five children age is a nutritionally vulnerable group,therefore they require treatment including physical care with the provision of nutritious food especially from the father and mother. The purpose of this research is to know the involvement of father in giving nutritious food to under five children Mojokerto District. The research design is descriptive. The population is all fathers who have under five children as many as 38 people, taken entirely as a sample by using total sampling. The research variable is father\u27s involvement in giving nutritious food to children. Data analysis using percentage.The results showed that most of father\u27s involvement in nutritious food feeding on under-five children is not good as much as 23 people (60,5%). This is motivated by the status of the father who worked as an entrepreneur or not working, elementary education, 36-60 month old childrren and male sex, and working mothers.Time-consuming job as an entrepreneur plus a basic education leads children to may be financially fulfilled but less good in emotional and behaviour involvement. Moreover, the status of unemployment and basic education leads to poor financial and emotional support and behavior. 36-60 months of age and male sex is an active children and tend to be closer to the mother so the father is less involved. Similarly, the status of working mothers does not make the father more involved, because the father tends to require him to work that sacrifice togetherness with children

    The Analysis Predictor of Language Development Achievement in Under Five Year Old Children

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    The difficulty of working mothers in stimulating the development of children's language was the lack of quality time for stimulation, the child was given a "leftover" time by the mother after the mother worked and the condition was tired after work. The study aimed to look for the predictor of language development achievement in under five years old children. The study design was analytic correlation. The study population was under five years old children with their mother (employed and unemployed) in  Mojokerto District as many as 760 respondents. Sample of 102 respondents were taken using cluster random sampling. Sources of data used primary data, the instrument used a questionnaire and DDST, and collection of DDST data through observation. This research used logistic regression test. The Research result showed that mother's job influenced children language development with the analysis result p-value 0,000 < 0,05, while  the children's gender also influenced their language development with p-value 0,046 < 0,05. From this research, it could be known that the working mothers had less time to motivate their children to learn a good language. Female children had a better language development than the male ones because female children had less activitie

    Terapi Kombinasi Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) dengan Senam Kaki Diabetik terhadap Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) pada Penderita Diabetes Tipe II

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    Latar belakang: Diabetes melitus tipe II merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang dapat menyebabkan kematian dan memiliki risiko tinggi terjadi komplikasi. Penatalaksanaan empat pilar diabetes tipe II meliputi edukasi, terapi gizi medis, latihan jasmani dan intervensi non  farmakologi. Salah satu penanganan non-farmakologi yang sering dilakukan adalah   Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) dan senam kaki diabetik, tetapi kombinasi keduanya belum pernah di teliti. Gabungan beberapa terapi disebut terapi kombinasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kombinasi DSME dan senam kaki terhadap Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) pada penderita diabetes tipe II. Metode: Desain penelitian adalah penelitian Experimental dengan rancangan pretest-posttest control group design. Kelompok intervensi di beri terapi kombinasi DSME dengan senam kaki dan kelompok kontrol dengan pemberian Range of Motion (ROM). Teknik sampling non-probability dengan metode consecutive sampling dengan  48 responden yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok. Hasil Rerata ABI kelompok Intervensi dan Kontrol sebelum perlakuan adalah 0,84 mmHg dan 0,82 mmHg, sedangkan setelah perlakuan adalah 1,09 mmHg dan 0,89 mmHg. Uji independent t test menunjukkan nilai p value 0,000 berarti ada perbedaan rerata selisih ABI kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan kombinasi Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) dengan senam kaki efektif dalam peningkatan Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) pada penderita diabetes tipe II. Kata kunci : Diabetes Melitus, Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME), senam kaki diabetik, Ankle Brachial Index.   COMBINATION THERAPY OF DIABETIC SELF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION (DSME) WITH DIABETIC FOOT EXERCISE TOWARDS ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX (ABI) ON PATIENTS DIABETIC TYPE II Background: Type II diabetes mellitus is a non-infectious disease which cause death and have a high risk complications. Management of 4 pillars of type II diabetes includes education, medical nutrition therapy, physical exercise and non pharmacological interventions. One of the non-pharmacological treatments is the combination of Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) and diabetic foot exercises. Study aims is to determine  effect of a combination of Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME) with diabetic foot exercises on Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) in type II diabetics patients. Method: Research design  was Quasy Experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. Intervention group was 24 patients type II diabetic with therapy combination of DSME and foot exercises, the control group was given  Range of Motion (ROM) as therapy. Results: Mean of ABI intervention and control group before treatment are 0.84 mmHg and 0.82 mmHg, while after treatment are 1.09 mmHg and 0,89 mmHg  Independent t test shows p value 0.000, that there is a differences of mean of ABI both group. It can be concluded that combination of DSME with foot exercises is effective to increase  Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) at patients type II diabetics. Keywords: Diabetes Melitus, Diabetic Self Management Education (DSME), diabetic foot exercises, Ankle Brachial Index. &nbsp

    The Correlation Of The Role Of Society On Nutrition Care By Positive Deviance Mother

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    Society has important role in helping poor mother who has under five child to give proper diet. The purpose of the research was to analyze the correlation of society role on nutrition care pattern by positive deviance mother from poor families in Mojokerto Regency East Java. This research design was using case control with case population that were poor mothers with healthy under-five and control population were poor mothers with nutritious problem under-five child. Number of case group samples were 78 people and control group were 41 people. Sampling technique used multi stage sampling. Data collection using questionnaires that have been tested validity and reliability test to 30 people. Data analysis using chi square statistic test. The result of this research showed that the role of society in positive deviance mothers is sufficient as much as 37 people (46.84%). In non-positive deviance the role of society is deficient as many as 35 people (85.37%). = 0.000 and value α = 0,05, meant there was relation of society role with pattern of nutrition care of positive deviance mother. The role of society made the mothers motivated to provide good nutrition in their under five children


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    Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) merupakan sistem perencanaan bagian dari pengendalian internal suatu bisnis yang meliputi pemanfaatan manusia, dokumen, teknologi, dan prosedur oleh akuntansi manajemen untuk memecahkan masalah bisnis seperti biaya produk, layanan, atau suatu strategi bisnis, sebagai sistem informasi yang digunakan untuk mengambil keputusan, mengkoordinasi, mengontrol, menganalisis, serta memvisualisasi suatu informasi dalam organisasi. Sistem Informasi Manajemen ini terdiri dari hardware maupun software yang berfungsi sebagai dasar operasi suatu organisasi. SIM bekerja dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data dari beberapa sistem online untuk dianalisis, kemudian SIM akan melaporkan hasil analisis tersebut membantu manajemen mengambil keputusan, membuat perencanaan, atau memecahkan suatu masalah. Buku ini akan menbantu para pelaku usaha dalam memajukan dan mengembangkan bisnisnya, sehingga buku ini harus dimiliki oleh khalayak. Maka dari itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang teknologi informasi, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilingkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang teknologi informasi