5 research outputs found
Circadian profiles of plasma ACTH, cortisol, and leptin.
<p>Circadian profiles of plasma ACTH, cortisol, and leptin.</p
Metabolic, body composition, and bone mineral density measures.
<p>Values are reported as mean ± SD or percent.</p><p>Sample size in parenthesis, unless otherwise indicated.</p><p>Significant comparisons, assessed as p≤.05 nominal value.</p>a<p>Atypical differs from control.</p>b<p>Melancholic differs from control.</p>c<p>Undifferentiated differs from control.</p
Demographic characteristics of depressive subtypes of women with unipolar MDD.
<p>Values are reported as mean ± SD or percent.</p><p>Sample size in parenthesis, unless otherwise indicated.</p><p>Significant comparisons, assessed as p≤.05 nominal value.</p><p><b>Overall</b>: overall test.</p>a<p>Atypical differs from control.</p>b<p>Undifferentiated differs from control.</p
Synopsis of significant findings in the three subtypes of depression vs. healthy controls.
<p>Synopsis of significant findings in the three subtypes of depression vs. healthy controls.</p
Clinical characteristics of depressive subtypes of women with unipolar MDD.
<p>Values are reported as mean ± SD or percent.</p><p>Sample size in parenthesis, unless otherwise indicated.</p><p>Significant comparisons, assessed as p≤.05 nominal value.</p>b<p>Atypical differed from undifferentiated.</p