31 research outputs found


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    In the paper the possibility to use mathematical models and statistical techniques in strategic planning and decision making about e-learning is presented. Strategic planning and decision making has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. Each of the phases will be described in this paper, but the accent will be put on the statistical evaluation of the results of the questionnaire which was based on the developed theoretical model for decision making about e-learning implementation in the higher education sector. In general, the main objectives of this paper are: (1) validation of the first theoretical model for decision making about e-learning implementation in the higher education sector, by means of factor analysis and (2) reduction of a large number of variables to a smaller number of factors, i.e. designing the improved theoretical model, for modelling purposes (developing AHP & ANP models)


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    Strategic planning of e-learning implementation includes decision making about the most suitable form of implementing e-learning on different levels. Decision making about e-learning implementation has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. During the Intelligence phase we have precisely identified our central decision problem and have conducted situation analysis. In the Design phase we have developed alternatives and established criteria and subcriteria. Then, we have created the questionnaire about the importance of the advantages and goals of e-learning implementation and about criteria and subcriteria essential for decision making. The survey has been conducted on the sample of 90 elearning experts in Croatia. Further, we connected these findings with the results of the factor analysis which was performed on the complete survey. The results of the factor analysis have served as input in the multicriteria decision model (AHP) that we have developed in the Choice phase. The AHP model will be presented in the article and qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the model will be indicated

    Multicriteria decision making models for stategic planning of e-learning implementation

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    Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji daje svoj doprinos u procesu strateškog planiranja uvođenja e-učenja na visokoškolske institucije u Hrvatskoj. U procesu strateškog planiranja i donošenja odluke o uvođenju e-učenja izdvojene su četiri osnovne faze: (1) faza istraživanja problema, (2) faza razvijanja i izgradnje modela, (3) faza donošenja odluka i (4) faza provođenja odluke. U fazi istraživanja problema precizno je definiran centralni problem te je provedena situacijska analiza koja uključuje pregled i prezentaciju ključnih faktora i trendova vezanih uz definirani problem. U fazi razvijanja i izgradnje modela, na temelju mnogih znanstvenih i stručnih izvora, te primjera strategija e-učenja vodećih europskih fakulteta, identificirani su ciljevi i prednosti e-učenja te kriteriji za odlučivanje na temelju kojih je kreirana anketa čiji cilj je bio prikupljanje podataka od ispitanika stručnjaka za e-učenje u visokom školstvu. Rezultati anketiranja obrađeni su faktorskom analizom koja je reducirala definirane kriterije odnosno reducirala veći broj varijabli na manji broj faktora. U fazi donošenja odluke, na temelju rezultata faktorske analize, razvijeni su modeli za višekriterijsko odlučivanje: Analitički hijerarhijski proces (AHP) i Analitički mrežni proces (ANP) koji služe kao potpora u donošenju odluke o uvođenju e-učenja u visoko školstvo na višim razinama (sveučilišta i fakulteta) te nižim razinama (katedre i kolegija). U disertaciji su opisani metodološki i matematički temelji AHP i ANP metode. Navedene su prednosti i nedostaci AHP i ANP metode te je dan uvid u najpoznatiju računalnu podršku AHP metodi programski alat Expert Choice i računalnu podršku ANP metodi programski alat Super Decisions. Prikazan je proces razvoja AHP modela za donošenje odluke o uvođenju e-učenja na razini određene katedre ili kolegija. Testiranje modela izvršeno je grupnim odlučivanjem o obliku uvođenja e-učenja na kolegij Matematika, na Katedri za kvantitativne metode, na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike. Razvijen je i ANP model za donošenje odluke o uvođenju e-učenja u visoko školstvo. ANP model je razvijen uz potporu alata Super Decisions, a testiranje modela je proveo ekspert domene na strateškom problemu odlučivanja o uvođenju e-učenja na visokoškolsku instituciju. U okviru disertacije su prikazani i rezultati kvalitativne analize Strategije e-učenja na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i Strategije za e-učenje Fakulteta organizacije i informatike. Provedenom analizom utvrđen je doprinos rezultata istraživanja kreiranju Strategije e-učenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Strategije za e-učenje Fakulteta organizacije i informatike.This doctoral dissertation investigates strategic planning of e-learning implementation at universities/faculties in Croatia. Strategic planning of e-learning implementation includes decision making about the most suitable form of implementing e-learning on different levels in HE (high education) institutions. Decision making about e-learning implementation has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. During the Intelligence phase we have precisely identified our central decision problem and have conducted situation analysis. In the Design phase we have developed alternatives and established criteria and subcriteria. The questionnaire about the importance of the advantages and goals of e-learning implementation and about criteria and subcriteria significant for decision making was created. Essential for the survey was use of Croatian e-learning experts that are familiar with higher education (HE) environment. Further, we connected these findings with the results of the factor analysis which was performed on the survey. The results of the factor analysis have served as input in the multicriteria decision models AHP and ANP that we have developed in the Choice phase. In the implementation phase we have solved the problem of prioritisation of e-learning options with the help of multi-criteria modelling in the process of group decision making based on the AHP model and individual (expert) decision making based on the ANP model. The specific objectives of this doctoral dissertation are: development of the theoretical model for strategic planning of e-learning implementation based on the results of the conducted survey, validation of the theoretical model for strategic planning of e-learning implementation by means of factor analysis, presentation of the structure of the AHP and ANP models for decision making about e-learning implementation, comparison between developed AHP and ANP models, analysis of the results of group decision making supported by sw TeamEC2000 based on the AHP model and the results of decision making supported by sw Super Decisions 1.6.0. based on the ANP model. The models can be applied at the course level, for the group of courses (department level) or at the study program (faculty level). At the same time the proposed models are useful for structuring discussion on strategic decisions on e-learning implementation and for creating strategies for e-learning implementation at the university and faculty level

    Multicriteria decision making models for stategic planning of e-learning implementation

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    Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji daje svoj doprinos u procesu strateškog planiranja uvođenja e-učenja na visokoškolske institucije u Hrvatskoj. U procesu strateškog planiranja i donošenja odluke o uvođenju e-učenja izdvojene su četiri osnovne faze: (1) faza istraživanja problema, (2) faza razvijanja i izgradnje modela, (3) faza donošenja odluka i (4) faza provođenja odluke. U fazi istraživanja problema precizno je definiran centralni problem te je provedena situacijska analiza koja uključuje pregled i prezentaciju ključnih faktora i trendova vezanih uz definirani problem. U fazi razvijanja i izgradnje modela, na temelju mnogih znanstvenih i stručnih izvora, te primjera strategija e-učenja vodećih europskih fakulteta, identificirani su ciljevi i prednosti e-učenja te kriteriji za odlučivanje na temelju kojih je kreirana anketa čiji cilj je bio prikupljanje podataka od ispitanika stručnjaka za e-učenje u visokom školstvu. Rezultati anketiranja obrađeni su faktorskom analizom koja je reducirala definirane kriterije odnosno reducirala veći broj varijabli na manji broj faktora. U fazi donošenja odluke, na temelju rezultata faktorske analize, razvijeni su modeli za višekriterijsko odlučivanje: Analitički hijerarhijski proces (AHP) i Analitički mrežni proces (ANP) koji služe kao potpora u donošenju odluke o uvođenju e-učenja u visoko školstvo na višim razinama (sveučilišta i fakulteta) te nižim razinama (katedre i kolegija). U disertaciji su opisani metodološki i matematički temelji AHP i ANP metode. Navedene su prednosti i nedostaci AHP i ANP metode te je dan uvid u najpoznatiju računalnu podršku AHP metodi programski alat Expert Choice i računalnu podršku ANP metodi programski alat Super Decisions. Prikazan je proces razvoja AHP modela za donošenje odluke o uvođenju e-učenja na razini određene katedre ili kolegija. Testiranje modela izvršeno je grupnim odlučivanjem o obliku uvođenja e-učenja na kolegij Matematika, na Katedri za kvantitativne metode, na Fakultetu organizacije i informatike. Razvijen je i ANP model za donošenje odluke o uvođenju e-učenja u visoko školstvo. ANP model je razvijen uz potporu alata Super Decisions, a testiranje modela je proveo ekspert domene na strateškom problemu odlučivanja o uvođenju e-učenja na visokoškolsku instituciju. U okviru disertacije su prikazani i rezultati kvalitativne analize Strategije e-učenja na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i Strategije za e-učenje Fakulteta organizacije i informatike. Provedenom analizom utvrđen je doprinos rezultata istraživanja kreiranju Strategije e-učenja Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Strategije za e-učenje Fakulteta organizacije i informatike.This doctoral dissertation investigates strategic planning of e-learning implementation at universities/faculties in Croatia. Strategic planning of e-learning implementation includes decision making about the most suitable form of implementing e-learning on different levels in HE (high education) institutions. Decision making about e-learning implementation has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. During the Intelligence phase we have precisely identified our central decision problem and have conducted situation analysis. In the Design phase we have developed alternatives and established criteria and subcriteria. The questionnaire about the importance of the advantages and goals of e-learning implementation and about criteria and subcriteria significant for decision making was created. Essential for the survey was use of Croatian e-learning experts that are familiar with higher education (HE) environment. Further, we connected these findings with the results of the factor analysis which was performed on the survey. The results of the factor analysis have served as input in the multicriteria decision models AHP and ANP that we have developed in the Choice phase. In the implementation phase we have solved the problem of prioritisation of e-learning options with the help of multi-criteria modelling in the process of group decision making based on the AHP model and individual (expert) decision making based on the ANP model. The specific objectives of this doctoral dissertation are: development of the theoretical model for strategic planning of e-learning implementation based on the results of the conducted survey, validation of the theoretical model for strategic planning of e-learning implementation by means of factor analysis, presentation of the structure of the AHP and ANP models for decision making about e-learning implementation, comparison between developed AHP and ANP models, analysis of the results of group decision making supported by sw TeamEC2000 based on the AHP model and the results of decision making supported by sw Super Decisions 1.6.0. based on the ANP model. The models can be applied at the course level, for the group of courses (department level) or at the study program (faculty level). At the same time the proposed models are useful for structuring discussion on strategic decisions on e-learning implementation and for creating strategies for e-learning implementation at the university and faculty level


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    There are different forms of teaching using ICT, and they differ according to the level of technological support, the role and tasks of the participants, the level of students’ participation, the physical location of the participants and their interaction. Distance learning is the common name for the process of obtaining knowledge and skills with the assistance of ICT and other forms of distance study. E-learning is a special form of such teaching. In terms of the teaching materials’ specific qualities, and the recommendation of teaching methods for successful teaching, there are different options for applying e-learning in teaching. E-learning can be used either as an independent form of teaching, or as a support to the already established systems of education, or even as their addition. The problem that is being solved in this paper is the prioritisation of e-learning forms for the specific teaching unit, subject, group of subjects, or the whole teaching programme. All this should be done regarding the context, which is characterised by the quality and innovative teaching, available professionals, equipment, possibility of students’ approach to technology, organization of teaching, and rules and regulations. This problem was solved with the assistance of AHP models developed in the process of group decision making supported by sw TeamEC2000

    Decision making with the analytic network process

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    One of the most advanced and complex multi- criteria decision-making methods is the analytic network process (ANP). This method supports modelling dependencies and feedback between elements in the network. For this reason, the ANP is one of the most appropriate methods for making decisions in fields that are characterised by existing dependencies of higher-level elements on lower level elements. In addition to reviewing the ANP, this paper also studies some possible method upgrades that might decrease the complexity of the original ANP. We explore this by structuring the problem as a weighted graph and using the concept of compatibility between interdependent matrices in the ANP

    Social network analysis of Eureka project partnership in Central and South-Eastern European regions

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    In this article we present research on the social network structure of project partnership in the Eureka network in order to understand country performance in the network. The main method used in our research is the Social Network Analysis (SNA). Research questions were set and examined on the set of the Central and South-Eastern European countries. We investigated regionally based partnerships, relation between central position in the network and country’s level of development and, finally, in order to analyze relation between number of project partners and project success, Eureka success stories were investigated as well