58 research outputs found

    Validation of Molecular Markers of Barley Net Blotch Resistance Loci on Chromosome 3H for Marker-Assisted Selection

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    The most widespread and harmful disease of barley is net form of net blotch caused by the ascomycete Pyrenophora teres f. teres Drechsler (Ptt). A cost effective and environmentally sustainable strategy for barley protection against Ptt is to develop barley cultivars possessing genetic resistance. In previous GWA analysis, we identified SNP-markers associated with a resistance locus on chromosome 3H in the interval of 45.82-54.53 cM. These SNPs have been described previously in the literature to be located within the same region of chromosome 3H. The aim of the study was to validate QTL markers controlling resistance to Ptt on chromosome 3H in this region by KASP genotyping in four F-2 populations of crosses between the resistant cultivars, Morex, Fox, and Zolo, and the accession, Local k-21578, with the susceptible barley cv. Gesine and in a doubled haploid (DH) population of Canadian Lake Shore (CLS)/Harrington. Eleven of fifteen studied markers showed high efficacy (97.5-100%) for co-segregation with resistance to Ptt in the DH population, CLS/Harrington. Three of these markers located at 54.53 cM and one at 51.27 cM were effective in two F-2 populations of crosses of Morex and Fox with susceptible cv. Gesine. These markers are also located close to each other on the physical map (442,203,921-443,119,491 bp). Apparently, in cultivars, CLS, Morex, and Fox, resistance to Ptt is determined by the same locus. Markers JHI-Hv50k2016-166392 (47.1 cM, 112,536,071 bp), Clone ID 3255462_1 (51.63 cM, 363,531,898 bp), and Clone ID 3255462_2 (51.63 cM, 363,531,871 bp) showed high efficacy in the DH population and in the F-2 population, Local k-21578/Gesine. Apparently, at least two loci controlling Ptt resistance exist in the chromosome region of 47.0-54.3 cM: one at 46.0-48.44 cM and another at 51.27-54.8 cM. These regions were found to harbor several genes involved in important plant functions, including disease response and signaling pathways. Allele-specific PCR markers were developed based on the KASP assay data and tested on six resistant, two moderately resistant, and two susceptible barley genotypes. Four markers were found to be effective to differentiate susceptible and resistant barley genotypes. The KASP and allele-specific PCR markers associated with Ptt resistance on chromosome 3H will be useful for pyramiding resistance QTLs in barley marker-assisted selection

    Разработка и апробация цифровой модели принятия эффективных инвестиционных решений для формирования стратегий развития экономических субъектов

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    Subject. Sanction restrictions sharply decreased possibilities to attract external borrowings and substantiated the expediency of internal investments. This necessitated software tools enabling calculations and investment decisions. The developed a digital model of ISPI (Information System Portfolio Investor) will help make smart investment decisions, including at the government level. Objectives. The study aims to build a digital model to identify the most attractive investment areas at the regional, country, and cross-country level. Methods. The ISPI model is based on the Markowitz portfolio theory, the Profitability-Risk Model (PRM), and optimization methods. For our calculations, we used yields on Major and Sector Indices of the UK, India, China, USA, France, South Africa for 2014–2021, in one-month increments. Results. Using the developed ISPI model, we constructed scatter plots of leading stock market indices and identified the leading sectors of national economies of the studied countries and the most attractive investment areas. We solved the problem of finding a global optimum for the studied countries, differentiated the leading economic sectors by the level of investment risk, determined that an international portfolio is the most preferable for investment. Conclusions. Our ISPI model helps investors identify a region or country for smart investments. The model enables to determine industries in which investing is most justified within the nearest investment horizon. The model also helps identify the most appropriate financial instruments for investing in individual countries

    Modeling the innovative component of sustainable development of oil and gas enterprises. The case of PJSC ROSNEFT

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    PJSC ROSNEFT is a member of the UN Global Compact since 2010 and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the Strategies-2022 (2030), important directions are recorded in which PJSC ROSNEFT will develop. A significant place in them is given to innovative development as an important component of sustainable development. The corporation set a new record in Russia for oil production in 2019 thanks to these developments – 560.3 million tons – and did not go broke in 2020. In our work, we will conduct a study of the innovative component of the corporation's sustainable development in 2004-2020. To this end, the materials of annual and consolidated reports, programs of sustainable and innovative development for 2004-2020 were studied. The Eviews10 econometrics software was used to carry out econometric modeling. The work shows that the obtained linear model is adequate and can be used for predictive calculations for the short term. The exponential model turned out to be inadequate for calculations. The article notes that epidemics, oil and gas wars, geopolitical contradictions have significantly reduced the rate of economic growth of PJSC ROSNEFT. The corporation will have to adjust its sustainable and innovative development programs to reduce costs, stop falling income and return to the previous level of development

    Some estimates of human capital and its role in the economic development of Russia

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    Innovation is the main source of long-term economic growth, the basis of competitiveness in world markets and the source of solutions to social challenges, and human capital (HC) is the driver of economic efficiency and achievement of the country’s competitive advantages. Unfortunately, Russia is far behind the capacity not only of the developed world, but also to fast-growing economies, in most indicators that characterize the level of development of scientific and technical potential. This problem is further exacerbated by the negative dynamics of the HC. The technological inferiority can lead the country to dependence on highly developed countries, and, consequently, to worsening of its security situation and loss of sovereignty, to weakening and “diluting” the country’s HC. To address these problems, Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, signed the “May decree” defining the national development goals of the country until 2024. There was carried out data analysis of the reports of the UN, the World Bank, WEF in Davos, Russian Federal State Statistics Service and other sources to explore the level of the development of the Russian HC and its role in the national development. There were completed the calculations of the Human Development Index (HDI) according to the UN methodology for 2025 and 2030 on their basis. Econometric models for analyzing and forecasting the development of the Russian HC in the near future under different scenarios were constructed with the Eviews 9.5. The forecasting calculations of the HDI showed that if the “May Decree” is implemented at least to a greater extent, many of the Presidential instructions to the Federal Assembly will be fulfilled, and the digitalization of the Russian economy will contribute to “the country’s entry into the top 10 countries with economic growth rates higher than the world”

    Modeling the innovative component of sustainable development of oil and gas enterprises. The case of PJSC ROSNEFT

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    PJSC ROSNEFT is a member of the UN Global Compact since 2010 and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In the Strategies-2022 (2030), important directions are recorded in which PJSC ROSNEFT will develop. A significant place in them is given to innovative development as an important component of sustainable development. The corporation set a new record in Russia for oil production in 2019 thanks to these developments – 560.3 million tons – and did not go broke in 2020. In our work, we will conduct a study of the innovative component of the corporation's sustainable development in 2004-2020. To this end, the materials of annual and consolidated reports, programs of sustainable and innovative development for 2004-2020 were studied. The Eviews10 econometrics software was used to carry out econometric modeling. The work shows that the obtained linear model is adequate and can be used for predictive calculations for the short term. The exponential model turned out to be inadequate for calculations. The article notes that epidemics, oil and gas wars, geopolitical contradictions have significantly reduced the rate of economic growth of PJSC ROSNEFT. The corporation will have to adjust its sustainable and innovative development programs to reduce costs, stop falling income and return to the previous level of development

    Human Capital in the Strategic Development of the Transport System of Russia. The Case of JSC Russian Railways

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    The transport system plays a significant part in the modern life. Tasks that arise in various sectors of the national economy can be solved quickly and efficiently thanks to well-functioning logistics. One of the largest transport companies in the world is JSC Russian Railways (JSC RZD), Russia. According to the results of 2019, the company ranked first in the world in terms of freight turnover (2.6 trillion tonne-kilometres), third in terms of cargo carriage volume (1.3 billion tons) and the miles open (85.6 thousand km), fourth in terms of passenger turnover (134.5 billion passenger-kilometres). It is obvious that such high indicators of the company were achieved thanks to a modern scientific and technical base, design and construction capacities, international cooperation, and, most importantly, highly qualified specialists at all levels. Positive human capital (HC) significantly affects the efficient use of all types of resources of the company, determines the competitiveness and the company value, its leadership in sustainable development. Therefore, the study of the human factor in the development of the transport system in Russia is relevant. The study was carried out using the annual reports of JSC Russian Railways from 2002 to 2019. The econometric (linear and exponential) models were built on the basis of statistical data. The linear model has been proven to provide more accurate predictions

    Thermodynamic properties of the aurochloride solute complex AuCI2- at temperatures of 350-500 °C and pressures of 500-1500 bars. Propriétés thermodynamiques du complexe aqueux auro-chloré AuCl2-de 350 à 500°C et de 500 à 1500 bars

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    The state of gold in chloride solutions has been studied by the solubility method over a temperature range 350-500 °C and a pressure range 0.5-1.5 kbars as a function of acidity, ion CI' concentration and oxygen fugacity. The formation of the AuCl₂ complex have been calculated for the reaction : Au(s)+ HCl⁰ + Cl⁻ + 0.25 O₂(g)= AuCl₂₋+ 0.5 H₂O Our experimental data (lg K°) appear in agreement with a number of experimental data sets from literature using the model of S hock and Helgeson (1988). Using this approach we approximated the AuCl₂₋ thermodynamic properties over a wide range of temperatures (25-750 °C) and pressures (1-1500 bars).L'état de l'or dans les solutions chlorurées a été étudié par la méthode de solubilisation pour des températures allant de 350 à 500 °C et des pressions de 0,5 à 1,5 kb, en fonction de l'acidité des solutions, de la concentration en ion Cl- et de la fugacité de l'oxygène. La formation de l'ion AuCl₂₋ a été démontrée. Les valeurs de la constante d'équilibre ont été calculées pour la réaction : Au(s)+ HCl⁰ + Cl⁻ + 0.25 O₂(g)= AuCl₂₋+ 0.5 H₂O Nos données expérimentales (log K°) apparaissent en bon accord avec une série d'autres données expérimentales de la littérature si on utilise le modèle de S hock et Helgeson (1988). Avec cette approche, les propriétés thermodynamiques de AuCl₂₋ ont été étudiées dans une large gamme de températures (25-750 °C) et de pressions (1-1500 bars).Zotov Alexandr V., Baranova Nina N. Thermodynamic properties of the aurochloride solute complex AuCI2- at temperatures of 350-500 °C and pressures of 500-1500 bars. Propriétés thermodynamiques du complexe aqueux auro-chloré AuCl2-de 350 à 500°C et de 500 à 1500 bars. In: Sciences Géologiques. Bulletin, tome 42, n°4, 1989. Thermodynamique des processus naturels. Thermodynamics of natural processes pp. 335-342


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