3 research outputs found

    Model Regulasi Diri dalam Pengembangan Sikap Spiritual MIN 1 Jombang

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    Spiritual attitude development as a conscious effort designed to assist individuals in developing knowledge, skills, and personality in spiritual attitudes. Four values ​​in the implementation are applied in primary schools that must be developed, namely, observance of worship, gratitude behavior, praying before and after doing activities, tolerance in worship. Based on this value there is a human relationship with God, humans with humans, and humans with the universe. In a relationship with God, human beings are obliged to perform compulsory worship, even though maintaining their terminology, everyone is not necessarily capable. Good self-regulation by regulating itself affects the process of spiritual attitude done in life. This study aims to describe the development of spiritual attitudes in MIN 1 Jombang. As well as describing the regulation model of MIN 1 Jombang students in carrying out compulsory worship. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which intends to understand the main phenomena in developing spiritual attitudes in MIN 1 Jombang and describing the regulatory models of MIN 1 Jombang students. The findings that can be explained are, the self-regulation model of students in MIN 1 Jombang in maintaining the term of worship to perform compulsory worship tends to be from the external regulation model, the model that is influenced by others to run it, and the existence of these influences which then encourages students to carry out each when and continuously and become a habit, so that without being instructed by others students will do it themselves, the model of self-regulation changes into an intrinsically motivated behavior model in which he feels that worship is a very valuable activity that needs to be done.Pengembangan sikap spiritual sebagai upaya sadar yang dirancang untuk membantu individu dalam mengembangan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kepribadian dalam sikap spiritual. Ada empat nilai dalam pelaksanaan yang diterapkan di sekolah dasar yang wajib dikembangkan yaitu, ketaatan beribadah, perilaku syukur, berdoa sebelum dan sesudah melakukan kegiatan, toleransi dalam beribadah. Berdasarkan niali tersebut terdapat hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan manusia, dan manusia dengan alam semesta. Dalam hubungan dengan Tuhan manusia wajib melakukan ibadah wajib walaupun menjaga keistiqomahannya semua orang belum tentu mampu. Regulasi diri yang baik dengan mengatur dirinya sendiri berpengeruh terhadap proses sikap spiritual yang di lakukan dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan sikap spiritual di MIN 1 Jombang. Serta mendeskripsikan model regulasi siswa MIN 1 Jombang dalam mejalankan ibadah wajib. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena utama dalam pengembangan sikap spiritual di MIN 1 Jombang serta mendeskripsiskan model regulasi para siswa MIN 1 Jombang. Hasil temuan yang dapat dipaparkan yakni, model regulasi diri para siswa di MIN 1 Jombang dalam menjaga keistiqomahan untuk melakukan ibadah wajib cenderung dari model external regulation, yaitu model yang dipengaruhi oleh orang lain untuk menjalankannya, dan adanya pengaruh tersebut yang kemudian mendorong siswa untuk menjalankan setiap saat dan terus menerus dan menjadi kebiasaan, sehingga tanpa di perintah orang lain siswa akan mengerjakannya sendiri, model regulasi diri berubah menjadi model intrinsically motivated behavior yang dimana ia merasa bahwa ibadah merupakan aktivitas yang sangat berharga yang perlu dikerjakan.   Kata kunci :Regulasi diri, Model Regulasi diri, Sikap spiritua

    High-Throughput Microfiltration Membranes with Natural Biofouling Reducer Agent for Food Processing

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    The effect of natural antibiotics Moringa oleifera seeds powder in cellulose acetate membranes as biofouling reducer agent was investigated. Mixed matrix membranes (MMM) were synthesized by adding 100 mesh M. oleifera seeds powder with variation of three concentrations (1 wt%, 2 wt%, and 3 wt%), into a mix polymer solution of CA (cellulose acetate) and two different solvents, i.e., DMF (dimethylformamide) and DMAc (dimethylacetamide). The synthesized membranes morphology was observed under scanning electron microscopy and from the images can be seen that the membranes made of DMAc formed rather large macrovoid as compared to DMF-based membranes. The microstructure affected the water flux through the membranes, in which the DMAc membranes provided a higher flux value and served as high-throughput microfiltration membranes. Antibacterial properties of MMM were tested using Escherichia coli adhesion onto membrane surfaces. The results showed that M. oleifera has been proven to eradicate E. coli activity on the membrane surfaces due to interaction between bacterial cells and phenolic compounds from M. oleifera, through absorption processes involving hydrogen bonds